Admin Complaint about kubissoplay

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Admin Complaint about kubissoplay

Post by mazur907 » #661768

Post Content:
When and where this incident occured (Game Server, forums, Discord):Terry
Byond account and character name OR Discord name:Mazur907
Detailed summary:
I was traitor,I had my own communications console and was recalling emerency shuttle because i wanted try new traitor final objectives (1400 rep),around 40-50 minutes admin kubisopplay spawned himself next to me and blew up my console,then sended ert to kill me and telld them what i am wearing,when i asked for antag token rejected and told me he can only help my future antag trades,rule 4 saying solo antags can do whatever they want but kubisopplay just ignored this rule, i am okay with sending ert but he told them exactly what i am wearing (id and modsuit),also standart round time is 90 minutes i personally dont think i deserved this,he said if i want the final objective i had to ahelp and ask admins for objective but its stupid every traitors have to beg admins for final objective? ... ZhvpP/view
also he didnt even keep his word and rejected my trade
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Re: Admin Complaint about kubissoplay

Post by Timberpoes » #661774

Regarding whether admins can intervene when antags recall the shuttle, I point your attention towards our rules page. Under Rule 0 Precedents:
Rule 0 Precedents
2. Admins have intervened before and will do so again in situations where a player regardless of antag status has repeatedly delayed round-end by recalling the shuttle when most other players are dead or want to leave.
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Re: Admin Complaint about kubissoplay

Post by Timberpoes » #661776

With regards to antag tokens, this is part of our current internal guidelines and explains what antag tokens are and when we expect them to be given out:
Antagonist tokens are simply a note an admin gives a player which allows them to trade in for antagonist. These are given in cases where an admin may ruin an round beyond the point of any redemption. In some cases these are given as rewards for specific events like the wiki drive or feature freeze with approval from headmins for them to be given.

These tokens may be given away by admins should they mess up a standard round; as in a round that didn't have any specific admin event running and was going on its natural course before a mistake was committed. What do I mean by messing up? Well, things like crashing the server or spawning things in that ended up making the round unplayable from lag.
Admins are highly discouraged from handing out antag tokens for anything short of them crashing the server or them making a round unplayable for everyone. They're not tools used to barter or bargain with players, nor are they tools players can use against admins under threat of complaint if they're not given out.
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Re: Admin Complaint about kubissoplay

Post by Vekter » #661801

It's also worth noting that the following has been in the server MOTD for the last few weeks, if not over a month:
Lots of us like a good traitor round, but remember to avoid recalling shuttles as an antagonist if the station is in clear disrepair, most players want to leave, etc. The rounds of other players are just as important as yours. Be a good sport!
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: Admin Complaint about kubissoplay

Post by Kubisopplay » #661861

Alright, I believe that the most important points were already raised by Vekter and Timber. As a short recap of what happened: The station was in typical later revolution Terry state, that means general disrepair, significant chunk of the crew is round removed. In middle of this the shuttle was recalled, by someone that I didn't notice before. I can't recall how many times it was recalled, it was enough that I and Striders who were adminning at that time got a bit annoyed. The next time we have seen you make a comms console and prepare to recall one of us Osayed it with a warning. The warning got ignored, the shuttle got recalled. Then, I spawned myself in with the intention of telling you that you made a mistake, and at the same time Striders exploded the console with small force. After that, you said "I AM TOT" "I CAN DO WHATEVER IW ANT". After that I sent an ERT with the orders to eliminate someone wearing sec modsuit and with the ID you used, which I announced with a global CC report. After they killed you I refused your demand for an antag token, pointing you to what you were doing, to rule 0, and informing you that if you want to get a final obj on terry on shorter round I'd rather have you ask that in ahelp, than recall the shuttle few times.
All in all, I don't believe I broke admin conduct, nor acted against the spirit of the rules. Rule 4 is ultimately subject to enforcement of the admins, and as the admin at that spot, I tried acting in the best interest of the server.
Silicon main, enough said
Tell me how badly I fucked up here: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=32575
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Re: Admin Complaint about kubissoplay

Post by RaveRadbury » #661882

We will not be upholding this complaint. The admins involved made a decision for the health of the round. The MOTD currently has a warning for antags who keep recalling the shuttle.

Rave: Do not uphold
San: Do not uphold
Spook: Do not uphold

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