The concept behind this forum (and discord channel) is to bring together mappers, admins and players with great ideas or RP to create bigger production-value events. Admins in real-time can do quite a lot in the middle of a round, even more with some pre-round build mode prep, but there are limits, and we can push those limits with some help from the community.
Essentially, these are living breathing away missions admins can run with real NPCs played by real players. When I was a player I dreamed of being able to run events and I'm glad I get to do that now, but more players deserve a hand in that fun. I like to think of it as something of a D&D Campaign. Players don't like being railroaded, but they love new playgrounds and with missions actually populated by people, and brought to life by admins, we could really make some incredible experiences.
So here's what we need:
- Mappers: Of course the key part of this is people willing to salvage away missions or make them from scratch for events like this. Luckily since they'll be run by admins, there are a lot of corners that can be cut.
- Players who enjoy storytelling and SS13 lore, who want to inject some simple storylines (Think D&D module, not epic novel. We want to avoid railroading)
- Players who want to play RP as key NPCs. A common issue in events is that an admin can only be in one place at a time. Multiple players in multiple real roles following the same guidelines can be a real immersive experience.
- Interested Coders: This is less necessary, but a certain McGuffin might need to be a specialist item, or things like shuttles might need tweaking to be more event friendly. Not a massive priority but would be great if it happened.
- Ideas: This is one place where Ideamen do help. Post a thread in this sub-forum with your basic idea for an event, see if it inspires anyone, and organize in the events-workshop
If you're interested, post in this thread with whatever you'd like to contribute, and join the #events-workshop channel on discord to poke your head in and bounce some ideas off each-other.