This is Max Fattkins!
He is wearing a head of personnel's jumpsuit.
He is wearing a head of personnel's cap on his head.
He is wearing an armor.
He is carrying an energy gun on his armor.
He has a satchel on his back.
He is holding a folder in his left hand.
He has PDA-Max Fattkins (Head of Personnel) about his waist.
He is wearing some brown shoes on his feet.
He has a sunglasses covering his eyes.
He has the head of personnel's headset on his ears.
He is wearing Max Fattkins's ID Card (Head of Personnel).
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Say Max, I need access"
You remove the ID from the PDA-Ziggy Two-Shoes (Assistant).
Max Fattkins says, "Here's the form, start beggin heads"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Got a cyborg upload, I need access to blow them"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Dude, Ai is nuts"
Ziggy Two-Shoes asks, "Are you fucking kidding?"
Max Fattkins says, "Hm"
Max Fattkins says, "I wasn't infromed"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "I just fought my way clear of a sec borg, you JUST watched a janiborg fuck the hallways"
Ziggy Two-Shoes asks, "Are you blind, or intentionally being fucking stupid?"
Max Fattkins says, "Yeah, these cries seems to be true"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Give me my access"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "The radio is also dead"
Ziggy Two-Shoes has thrown the paper- 'Additional Access '.
Max Fattkins says, "I'd say security can manage"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Make it happen"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Dude, I have the board right here"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "My god, you are dense."
Max Fattkins asks, "Well, why the hell did you steal it instead of letting security do their job?"
Ziggy Two-Shoes exclaims, "Are you shitting me? they are DEAD!"
Max Fattkins exclaims, "Go give it to nearest officer!"
Ziggy Two-Shoes exclaims, "Go look at the brig!"
Harry Dresden stammers, "F-Fuc-c-ck-k-k-k"
Ziggy Two-Shoes exclaims, "GO LOOK AT THE BRIG!!!"
Harry Dresden stammers, "H-Hey-y H-HOP-P! F-F-F-Fuc-c y-y-y-you."
Max Fattkins says, "Nah, I don't want to leave my post"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "You got ONE warden left last I checked, do your fucking job"
Max Fattkins says, "I'm doing it all right"
Ziggy Two-Shoes exclaims, "This station is dying, Now let me fix this!"
Greenesmells presses a button on the Nuclear Fission Explosive toy
Max Fattkins asks, "Just some assitant?"
Max Fattkins says, "I don't think so"
Max Fattkins says, "I didn't get any orders from captain to give everybody who asks access for no reason"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "Just RD access, just that, enough to stop the borgs"
Max Fattkins says, "Just give the board to scientists, I wouldn't want to you to raid RD's office"
Max Fattkins says, "See"
Max Fattkins says, "Sec officer"
Max Fattkins says, "Let me through"
Ziggy Two-Shoes says, "You are handing this fucking station to the AI"