I decided to do something that I was warned would net regrettable results. Irregardless, I chose to do it anyways to see where you all ranked our maps. From April 20th, 2022 to April 27th, 2022: I asked the question "How are you feeling about each station map we currently have in rotation?" The player would then vote on all five maps we have in rotation (DeltaStation, IceBoxStation, KiloStation, MetaStation, and TramStation) on a scale of 1-10. 1 should have been "Hate it" while 10 should have been "Love it!". I wrote a nice poll description that should have came up, but it cropped me off early (sad!). 450 /tg/ players responded (yes, those who actually play the game), and I have collated the results below. The internal /tg/ Poll ID was 252, as proven by https://sb.atlantaned.space/polls/252.
Irregardless, here are the results. You may access the raw CSV here if you so desire: https://file.house/a5oU.csv The images were larger than I expected, so I put in a courtesy spoiler. The results may be surprising.
Remember, if you want to see changes in the maps you play: it's up to you to make those changes. No one will do the changes for you the way you want them down-to-the-atom, it's up to you to put the work in. Did any of you vote? Were the results shocking to any of you? Put your replies below.