Basic details: (for people who know how to use OAuth apis)
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Auth endpoint:
Token endpoint:
User endpoint:
- Token format: bearer (length between 40 and 50 characters currently, never more than 255 in the future, but even 128 would be stretching it)
- Token TTL: app defined.
- Token endpoint supports url-form-encoded and json encoded POST bodies.
- Token endpoint does NOT support authorization header client authentication (pass it in as client_id and client_secret via the post body or json body)
- Refresh tokens: Supported, Single use rotating refresh tokens.
- Redirect_uris must be pre-registered and must exactly match. if provided to any of the oauth endpoints, it will be validated against the registered redirect uri, but is optional.
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User endpoint:
Only bearer token authorization is supported. (see here for more details)
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