As MRP becomes a more considerable portion of the community, especially with the opening of a european MRP server, im believing less and less in the idea that individuals are just going to pick a MRP-headmin lite to run that area when someone who does involve themselves with both servers (or heck even the person you assigned) could have taken the position. What I do believe is that people who want to be headmin should start seriously involving themselves on both fronts, at least to the point where they can feel comfortable going on and enforcing the rules of that server.
The questions are:
If you only have knowledge of XRP and not YRP, to which I mean you would not feel comfortable taking ahelps that would require familiarity with MRP/LRP:
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1a. Why do you not play the other RP server? What is holding you back?
1b. Why do you not stay informed about the other RP server? What is holding you back and how are you working to improve that?
1c. If you're answered "ping" for 1a, have you taken any measure to encourage people try out campbell including yourself?
2a. As someone running for headmin, how are you reconciling the fact that you simply do not have sufficient knowledge to answer a growing portion of the policy questions potentially to the point where you require someone to answer on your behalf? What would be your approach to make sure these questions get answered appropriately?
2b. What would you be bringing to the table that a headmin who would be comfortable in both areas would not?
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1. What are highlights about both the LRP/MRP servers you think the other could learn from? This can be from a player-approach standpoint or an administrative-approach one. Ideally looking for at least 1 of each RP level.
2. Are you content with the current level of admin oversight (or the "RP level") for both LRP and MRP servers? If not, is there something you think you could implement as a headmin that would put them into your ideal state?