I have no mouth but I must put money where it should be.

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I have no mouth but I must put money where it should be.

Post by Cobby » #612396

I really like this question last election because it acts as a good litmus test for ideal headmins. If you cant fill it out, consider your decisions.

Posts should be fairly simple

For each promise/claim/ideal you have in your headmin campaign, describe a post/thread/etc. where you made an attempt to push it through before elections began. If you did a similar activity on your main thread then just say so and save us the scroll bar.

Things such as links and screenshots to provide validity to your statements will be greatly appreciated.

Ex-headmins can also post how they worked towards their previous promises.

If it cant be screenshotted or otherwise validated because its admin or headmin "confidential", then dont post it as you pushing it. All responses should be player-verifiable so they can come to their own decision that you put your money where your mouth is.

Code: Select all

Promise 1

How I tried to push promise 1

Promise 2

How I tried to push promise 2

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Re: I have no mouth but I must put money where it should be.

Post by Timberpoes » #612399

1. Continue to support MRPmin discretion when handling policy/rules to benefit of server.
Admin training & development. Express views along platform suggested. Teach admins & trainers approaches to MRP rule enforcement. Spread knowledge.

Below is evidence of my viewpoint. Approach I expect MRPmins to take. Absolutely overflowing with discretion & admin decision-making.

Forgive rule breaks for good reason. Understand discretion. Also different me. Say many words. Communicate so little. Sad to see. Glad got cured.

Gave self permission to leak admin channels to post screenshot. Thank self for permission.

2. Re: Looking at MRP policy with regards to Campbell
3. Continue public policy discussions alongside including players who want to contribute.
Have participated in almost every single MRP policy discussion this term:
4. Be more active in ban appeals, admin complaints & policy threads to confirm headmins are reading/discussing.

Ask to accept evidence from activity in ban appeals. Have so much proof, required reformatting entire post to include spoilers else post too beeg.
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/search.ph ... mit=Search

All my posts in the ban appeals subforums in the past 6 months. Pretty much all of my posts are in appeals unrelated to me.

Swiftly replying to, resolving and guiding a player through my own ban appeal:
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 69#p593269

Posts include instances of grabing ban reasons for players:
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 81#p610881
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 89#p597689
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 39#p596339

Grabbing extended ban histories and timeline for players and admins:
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 13#p602513
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 92#p601192

Promptly handing ban appeals related to the maintainer team's use of discretion within coding channels:
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 08#p601608

Taking over ban appeals for inactive/former admins:
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 85#p594485
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 74#p608674

Keeping players informed where there are likely delays to their appeal:
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 78#p605678

Investigating technical issues. Actioning to resolve issues promptly. Includes proactively talking to people and getting permission to act when urgency feels requires.
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 88#p610488

Seeking out MSO. Asked permission to handle the issue in the above stickyban incident. Got permission and guidelines. Actioned. Unbanned.

Log diving to investigate player claim:
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 47#p608847

Could go on. Not going to. Believe point clearly made.
Cannot evidence claims from admin-focused part of platform without excessive leakies. Admins able to see me & my mesage history. Can make informed judgment for self.
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Re: I have no mouth but I must put money where it should be.

Post by Timberpoes » #612400

BONUS DOUBLE POST FEATURE! Rare! Collectible item! Get yours today!

With Coco permission, have ability to leak DM history from start of current term!

1. Continue to support MRPmin discretion when handling policy/rules to benefit of server. (REDUX)
5. Coco implemented my idea (after asking me) for more MRPmin input into MRP policy debates. Election promise achieved!
/tg/station Codebase Maintainer
/tg/station Game Master/Discord Jannie: Feed me back in my thread.
/tg/station Admin Trainer: Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
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Re: I have no mouth but I must put money where it should be.

Post by Mothblocks » #612414

1. I'd like to continue working on Dynamic. Server specific dynamic values are tweaked through configuration, and so I need head admin approval in order to mess with them.
I've been the de facto Dynamic leader ever since Dynamic 2021, which was workshopped alongside head admin support. For the past 2 terms I have been given reign over Dynamic, as well as successfully olive-branching head admins to prefer code updates to rulesets for LRP rather than editing config directly, such as when heretics were made to not show up on lowpop.
2. I'm going to put a lot of work into looking at the policy of post-revolution feedback, after seeing confusion from players and admins alike. I recently put up the poll for this a bit ago after talking to the current term about it.
I've constantly inquired about this in adminbus, participated in the main policybus discussion on it, and have already had a poll setup with queries ready to analyze the data.
3. Any talk about splitting MRP and LRP is silly and would do measurable harm to everyone who has put work into it. The community seem happy, and current admins seem to be comfortable with the current rules and precedent.
I have pushed off talk about MRP and LRP specific changes in coding general for a while now. I merged cryo pods, which work much better on MRP than LRP, and I focused Dynamic on LRP gameplay while also working directly with Manuel players to make necessary adjustments for them.
4. I will be reliable with regards to updating the server and applying test merges, which I've effectively done in the past.
I was a key holder for a long time and diligently restarted servers when they crashed, as well as constantly updating test merges.
5. I'd like to increase the IC filter to support a lot of stuff it doesn't right now, such as "antag" etc.
As an admin, I have regularly given people light notes for OOC-IC.
6. I'm interested in enabling the gateway for Sybil and Terry, and working with the mapping team to create new exciting missions.
Before opening my head admin thread, I talked directly with Inept (the lead maptainer) about his interest in replacing the gateway missions, and he was! I haven't worked with the mapping team as much as I'd like, but I'm excited to get to work with them.
7. I want to lower the volume on all the jukebox stuff, and compress it if it isn't already, since I suspect that's why it freezes the first time people use it.
Best I can say here is, I merged the removal of the Disco Inferno :D
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

Mothblocks everywhere, >>> Say nice things about me <<<
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Re: I have no mouth but I must put money where it should be.

Post by dragomagol » #612416

What I want to do is improve on what we already have
Our logging system is awesome, but it has shortcomings. Up until last October, AI vox announcements were only under game.txt. I found this to be unintuitive, since we have a system for player-specific logs but this was missing from it. So I added vox logs to player logs.

For something from this year in logs, I was working with another admin to piece together a series of events, but because of the way we log html and tgui users by mob number and not by ckey, we had to make educated guesses to fill in the gaps. Now with the addition of logging mob numbers, we don't have to.
and do all of the boring work that headmins have to do, like handling ban appeals, complaints,
I haven't involved myself much with ban appeals and complaints up to this point, besides handling my own and providing more information on a couple of complaints and appeals.

As an uninvolved admin as opposed to a headmin, I feel that more often than not I don't need to comment on FNR posts.
and onboarding new admins.
I love helping out new admins. If I have the time and energy, I'll hop on when a candidate needs supervision and help them finish their training. Off the top of my head I know I've done tickets with 3 candidates from Terry, 1 candidate from Manuel, and 3 candidates from Bagil/Sybil.
I'd like to to keep the headmin rulings page up to date
It's been on my mind for a while, but I admittedly haven't made much progress on this and what it could look like until the election started. I talked about what it could look like on my campaign thread here. Even if I don't get elected I want to try to make this happen.
and use discord threads to our advantage in policybus.
Threads are a very new tool, popping up at the end of July/beginning of August. As far as I can see, there hasn't been much discussion in policybus since then. I haven't done much on this front (yet).
AKA tattle

Sometimes also called Dragaomol, Dragomel, Dragamol, Dragomal, Dragol

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Re: I have no mouth but I must put money where it should be.

Post by Stickymayhem » #612563

The Anarchy Server

I pushed for it last year, but this is very much something that only a headmin could really push for unfortunately. I have run years of low rules rounds as experiments to test out various configurations of a low rule ruleset and have very much had the groundwork for this kind of thing ready for a long long time.

The Marathon Server

Similarly, I am the guy who does the marathons. This has been my pet event for literally 6 years since I did the very first one, and no one else really tries to compete. When Campbell launched, I ran a marathon on it to try to bring players there and get people involved with the idea of treating Campbell as a different kind of server. When it crashed, I brought 50 players over to Bagil to run the promised marathon there instead, where we broke the 8 hour mark. I ran the whole thing with MSO providing much needed assistance when it came to prepping the server for stability and helping with some bugs that cropped up on the lengthier round.

The Admin Team

In policy discussions I've advocated for the use of expired notes, and have been firmly in the "Notes shouldn't be punishments" camp for years. It's unfortunate that they often act as if they are, but I think by formalizing this in policy we can get there.

The Community

I can comfortably take credit for bringing the Rule 11 issue to the table a year ago, championing it in my campaign, pushing it onto other headmin's platforms during that election, and directly petitioning MSO to take action. I logdived nearly a hundred rounds to bring together a real data analysis of the frequency of bigotry on the servers, provided it as a report in the debates, and even created the screenshot that MSO posted as evidence of this bigotry in the initial announcement thread.

I think I can reasonably claim this rule would not have happened, or would have taken far longer to happen, without my advocacy for it. I torched my own campaign with a large, politically relevant proportion of the playerbase to successfully push a policy I believe was critical to the health of the server. A year later I believe that I have been validated in those claims, both with the improved state of our community, and the deterioration of other communities that have not taken similar measures.

This is probably the most controversial part of my candidacy, yet I've never backed down from it despite it making me objectively less popular to many players. I take a lot of pride in it.


I've actually just finished the first video in my event series for trialmins, and disseminated it amongst existing trialmins to gather feedback for the next few episodes! It's very rough at the moment, but I will be posting it publicly soon once I get feedback from everyone I've sent it out to. So far the reception has been pretty positive!
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman

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