How do you feel about rule 11?

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Re: How do you feel about rule 11?

Post by Armhulen » #612022

roll it into "don't be a dick", watch all of our drama shrink into a tiny, owned cob of corn

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Re: How do you feel about rule 11?

Post by dragomagol » #612028

The no bigotry rule has definitely been a net positive. There's really no need to bring real-life unpleasantness into an online space game. Despite some initial confusion about how strict we should be, we're slowly figuring it out and making precedents, and I'm happy to see the direction it's been going in.

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Re: How do you feel about rule 11?

Post by Cimika » #612196

Rule 11 is a rule that needs a broad wording to give it leeway but this also causes it to have an overall very limited impact. Rule 11 is the rule against bigotry, not the rule against slurs.

It works fine for this purpose, but I feel like the overuse of slurs in some part of our community is a net detriment to the server.
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Re: How do you feel about rule 11?

Post by Mailbox » #612483

I think rule 11 has generally been a good thing for our server and I intend to take it further with banning the n-word and maybe the T-word as I find these to be the typical braindead nazis go to word when trying to insult someone. homophobia, transphobia or racism has no place in a wacky 2d spaceman game.
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Re: How do you feel about rule 11?

Post by Timberpoes » #612508

Rule 11 positive influence on servers. Give admin power to crack down on NRP shittery. Over time, come to appreciate more. Scathing review last headmin elections.

Admin enforcement inconsistent. Conjecture as to reason why: Headmins invisible.

When potential Rule 11 arise, admins debate, disagree, consensus difficult to reach. Dislike appeals. Forum backlash offputting. Fear lack of headmin support.

Headmin response usually just ignore discussion, hope it goes away. Ostrich leadership. Head in sand. Terrible approach when limited precedent.

Propose to put forward views and thoughts. Provide preliminary opinions. Engage in discussions. Where precedent lacking, headmin give thoughts and views.

Support admin efforts to enforce. Empower admins with info to make correct choices.

Not be invisible headmin.

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Re: How do you feel about rule 11?

Post by Stickymayhem » #612560

I think it's great. Having just seen a server collapse due to rampant bigotry leading to a discord purge (a server who's leadership and active players consisted almost entirely of people who we rule 11 banned and were finally able to live in a mask off nazi paradise) I think this solved a genuine existential threat to our community.

I just had a conversation that I feel encapsulates the real problem with enforcement other than the obvious one (that there are some admins who don't really care for rule 11 and would rather not have to enforce it).

[spoiler]Stickymayhem: it's so much effort
Stickymayhem: to bwoink over using the n word like that
Stickymayhem: and every time you do it
Stickymayhem: you feel like an overbearing idiot
Stickymayhem: because they've very effectively propagandized the image of manuelmins ruining their server and fun
Stickymayhem: like I'm the guy who whines about it all the time and even when I bwoink for it I'm just like
Stickymayhem: instantly exhausted
Stickymayhem: "Like come on man really do you have to do this"
Stickymayhem: It's like if every day five people came and pissed on your front door
Stickymayhem: and like every time you have to open the door
Stickymayhem: get pissed on
Stickymayhem: and say "come on dude really can you please just not"
Stickymayhem: and they go "oh ok I thought this was fine"
Stickymayhem: and then you close the door
Stickymayhem: and an hour later
Stickymayhem: a different guy is pissing on your front door
Carl Jowers | Phuzzylodgik: but each time you ask the guy to stop, he becomes really indignant and pulls the same 25-point pamphlet out of his pocket and AND GODDAMNIT YOU'RE GONNA LISTEN, IN ORDER, TO THE SAME 25 DUMB FUCKING REASONS WHY I CAN PISS ON YOUR DOOR[/spoiler]

Frankly I think if we just set the precedent that it's not a point to argue every time it would improve matters. I am someone who literally by choice spends all day debating in the politics channels of my own free will and I still can't be assed to have the same debate on whether calling that guy a fucking n-word was racist or not. It's just tiring.

This is all I would change really. Give admins a copy paste response they can use that just prevents pushback. If the player refuses to change their behaviour, treat it like any other belligerent defiance of the rules.

I would personally find a word filter would just save us all a lot of time but I'm aware that MSO is ideologically opposed to the infringement on freedom of speech this would cause. We disagree on this, I'd probably support the measure if there was any chance it would go through, but I'd consider it more of a time saver for admins than a necessity.

mod edit: Sure fruit bats seem nice, but this isn't the forum for posting about it
My favorite animal is the fruit bat it's very cool and it has a pokemon super power called echolocation which is sick and I love how they fly in circles outside my garden and they have adorable big brown eyes and cute tongues and also they all hang around together and share food with each other if one bat couldn't catch a meal other bats will puke into their mouth to share how sweet is that they care about each other and there are studies where they find that there are some bats who just become friends by puking food at each other more often and they build up altruistic trust and also my girlfriend looks like a fruit bat and also they're fucking MAMMALS THAT FLY they have cooler wings than birds they look like monster wings i will fight anyone on any of these talking points fruit bats are the best animal

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