Bottom post of the previous page:
What is gun cargo?Gun cargo is when a non antag player mass purchases guns from cargo without any real reason. Sometimes it can include declaring independence or shooting antags or people they generally dislike, but it doesn't have to.
What is wrong with gun cargo?
Cargo mass ordering guns and distributing them throughout the department, or even just one person, makes it a lot harder to do things to cargo as an antag. It also leads to validhunting or cargo personnel "accidentally" coming upon an antag and blasting them. It's also arguably powergaming, as they are prepping for a hypothetical threat they do not know exists yet.
How can these issues be solved?
There are two main ways to solve gun cargo, you can either flat out ban non-antags from mass ordering guns without any real reason or you can force or rely on security in game to solve these issues by arresting cargo who order guns in unwarranted situations. Option 1 may seem like a boring and restrictive solution, but I believe it is a necessary solution, because option two has not worked much of the time to this point. I see plenty of rounds where security does try to arrest cargo for ordering guns, which normally results in a raid and people in cargo self antagging. However, I also see many rounds where security does nothing and cargo runs rampant with guns, sometimes even distributing them to the crew.
What I want from this thread.
Personally, I want to see gun cargo defined as powergaming in the rules. Some admins enforce it under powergaming rules, some don't. I've had admins tell me both that it isn't powergaming until cargo uses the guns and that cargo shouldn't order guns at all. I personally don't agree with having to use security to deal with these issues. About 50% of the time, security won't do anything about it, or they will get shot at and have a whole situation with gun cargo. While conflict does breed RP, I think gun cargo is ultimately harmful to the RP and environment of the round. Antags should drive conflict, not non-antags. I also don't think we should FORCE security to deal with this type of situation. Let me know what you think or if you have any better solutions.