Spacer's Pro-tip: Get a fucking ECM. Get one right now. Drop whatever it is you are doing and buy one. They are cheap enough, and use little power. If you got the power to spare, get a PD (point defense) turret (kinda like a phalanx on modern warships).
I died for the first time yesterday. Got jumped by a faggot in his go-fast viper. Before I could react he wiped my shields at close range and killed my hull (we ain't talking light alloy either, I got the second best plating) before I could turn on him and grab him by the tail. He used only missiles. Couldn't escape his interdictor either. Missiles are gonna be used by flashy faggots with lots of cash to grief newer players or those flying fighters like myself. ECM will cost around 13k give or take (last known price in Aulin). I'd fit a PD myself but I lack the power in my eagle to fit one.
Whats the build quality of the x52-Pro like compared to the normal x52?
My aging x52 is well past time for a replacement but theres no way in hell I'm paying the asking prices of the Rhino or Warthog, but I have seen an x52 pro in fairly new condition going for fairly cheap on ebay.
My biggest gripes with the gen 1 x52 were:
-The rotors and sliders were always spikey, to the point they were practically unusable after a couple of years. Now they tendency to drift even when resting at neutral or either end of the band
-The connection from the throttle block to the stick block is incredibly shitty. Instead of being hardwired together they're connected via an S-Video patch lead, the connection was always a bit loose. Its worsened over the years, and now my rudder spikes and drifts if the cable's not in the correct angle.
-One problem I noticed as soon as I got the stick was it had a complete deadzone on the x/y axis of about -/+5 degrees before it even picked up input.
So do any of you own an x52 Pro and does it suffer from any of the above issues? Or any other issues for that matter?
Or should I just dig my old MS SW FF2 out the closet? Only has a worn out up switch on the hat and a bent spring on the rudder...
Bid ends Sunday, currently at £35 - probably will end up being a lot more by bid end
I pay in £££, ironically the Warthog ends up being the cheaper option compared to the X55 - atleast on
Looking at £282 ($426) for the Warthog or £330 ($499) for the x55.
Currently is $1.5 dollars to the £sterling, so fuck knows how retailers have managed to pull those prices out their arse - must have reversed the fields, its the only logical explanation!
I think its third party retailers jewing it up through amazon.
Saitek's own UK webstore is selling for a much saner £170... but out of stock, and really its still a bit more than I'm really wanting to pay for a stick at the minute - fecking lack of disposal income.
Purchased. Time to start figuring out how to play this shit. Honestly it looks A LOT like Frontier so I should be fine. It'll be nice to have a new game that uses all my shit.
An0n3 wrote:Couldn't fucking contain it any longer.
Purchased. Time to start figuring out how to play this shit. Honestly it looks A LOT like Frontier so I should be fine. It'll be nice to have a new game that uses all my shit.
Space Truck Simulator 4 isn't hard to understand. The hard part is figuring out what songs to play as I go from point A to point B.
Holy fuckin' shit the controls in this game with a HOTAS are so fucking satisfying.
These guys know their shit.
I hate full range throttle but that they give you the option to disable it is great. When the fuck do you ever need to full throttle reverse anyway?
I set the toe-brakes of my pedals up so the left brake does foward thrust and the right brake does reverse. When it comes time to jockey for a landing I can just work the feets instead of fucking with the throttle.
The age old conundrum of yaw vs. roll for stick X axis is back. It looks like they've modeled things so that you pitch much faster than you yaw, so it'll be more advantageous to have roll and pitch on stick with yaw on pedals. Like how a normal aircraft has it, which I appreciate.
But fuuuuuuck is flying around satisfying. Comfy as fuck. Smiled like an idiot the first time I hit supercruise.
My CMDR name is An0n3. Need to add folks to friends and figure out where to go from here with my shitty sidewinder and 1000 credits.
I found a place to dump off all this booze. I made a really scant profit off of it. Fuck this.
My superior control interfaces allowed me to shrek the living shit out of some people who had bounties on them with my shitty sidewinder. I'm sitting on 20,000 creds now. Huzzah!
It's fun watching people try to turn fight you, and then you use the lateral thrusters to change your arc and totally shit all over them.
Should I be bothering to upgrade my sidewinder or should I just be hording money for the chassis of my dreams?
When I move up, how much of my investment gets rolled over into the new ship?
PROTIP: Aim for their drives. You can put more and more damage on them as their ability to maneuver gets worse and worse.
LunchboxKilla wrote:Drives and shields. Drives so no escape, Shields for GG no RE faggot
You want something dead you go power plant.(Power plants explode!)
You want something crippled you go drives. (Can't throttle up for FSD if you got no drives)
You want something trolled you go sensors. (Players can't dock without sensors, haaaaaa)
Shoot the cargo hatch if you want loot and don't have one of those limpet hatch hacker thing-a-ma-jigs. (Yeeearrrgh!)
The game just said NOPE and kicked me out even though I managed to somehow succeed in knocking it out of warp. I had another player try to interdict me earlier but I just dodged his scrub ass. This fucking HOTAS mang goddamn.
I've managed to kill some Vipers and two Cobra MK III's with just my piece of shit Sidewinder.
Dem bounties good god praise be to dosh.
LunchboxKilla wrote:Drives and shields. Drives so no escape, Shields for GG no RE faggot
You want something dead you go power plant.(Power plants explode!)
You want something crippled you go drives. (Can't throttle up for FSD if you got no drives)
You want something trolled you go sensors. (Players can't dock without sensors, haaaaaa)
Shoot the cargo hatch if you want loot and don't have one of those limpet hatch hacker thing-a-ma-jigs. (Yeeearrrgh!)
Apparently the quickest way to down a 'conda is to blow its power plant.
If you cant dock when your sensors are damaged how do you repair your ship?
I've seen people smuggle in can dock with out sensors.....It depends how gud you are with your ship. I don't own it yet and I plan on owning it when I get a CPU upgrade... I'm just a dual core peasant..
An0n3 wrote:
Should I be bothering to upgrade my sidewinder or should I just be hording money for the chassis of my dreams?
When I move up, how much of my investment gets rolled over into the new ship?
Not a fan of the sidewinder, upgrading it just seems like a waste. Only advantage I can see to upgrading it would be to give a shock so some interdicting pirate pleb when he thinks you're easy meat.
I recommend the eagle. But that's because I'm a eagle fanboy.
If you don't hit the mail slot at full throttle each time you're a space peasant.
I had an eagle for a bit, upgraded it a bit, but then quickly turned around and sold it for a hauler.
It can fly circles around a lot of stuff, but it's still underpowered when it comes to weapon systems. Three small hardpoints and a single utility slot isn't intimidating enough in a battle between combat ships.
Reading forum consensus and comparing stats, it seems like the Viper may be the best fighter in the game and only slightly more expensive than the eagle. Much better weapons loadout, with the best speed/manueverability in the game.
We should pick a system to blob up in and commence the wholesale slaughter of other players. The go to setup for group piracy at the moment seems to be just hanging out near a space station and slapping the shit out of people as they come or go. It's like I'm really in Jita 4-4 again.
Also daily reminder only unrobust scrubs use gimbal'ed weapons. If you're the kind of guy who pisses all over the toilet seat then gimbal mounts are for you.
Fast ships are great in games where you got sniper ships or otherwise can very effectively prey on heavier ships when you flank. I tend to fly interceptor style ships like that in most games, but shield mechanics can rapidly screw those sorts of mechanics.
Have you tried any group fights yet? Are they blobbish like EVE or do things rapidly break apart with lots of dogfightign and flanking and such?
LunchboxKilla wrote:I've seen people smuggle in can dock with out sensors.....It depends how gud you are with your ship.
You can't dock because you can't request landing because the station won't show up in your contacts because the sensors are offline. And stations tend to get mad at those who loiter on their landing pads.
If you have clearance you can land blind though. I've had to do it a few times when things have bugged out. It's kind of satisfying.
I fucked up when I first got my Eagle and upgraded some stuff on it without increasing it's power production and regulation systems. It was pretty funny, I got all nice and positioned to shit on someone, hit my master mode button to pop open the gunhatches and suddenly everything shorted the fuck out because of the power draw. Now I'm fucking tumbling through space and my computer is telling me I'm going to suffocate in 5 minutes. Shit.
An0n3 wrote:
It can fly circles around a lot of stuff, but it's still underpowered when it comes to weapon systems. Three small hardpoints and a single utility slot isn't intimidating enough in a battle between combat ships.
Reading forum consensus and comparing stats, it seems like the Viper may be the best fighter in the game and only slightly more expensive than the eagle. Much better weapons loadout, with the best speed/manueverability in the game.
Also daily reminder only unrobust scrubs use gimbal'ed weapons. If you're the kind of guy who pisses all over the toilet seat then gimbal mounts are for you.
I fly a eagle upgraded to high heaven. Must have spent at least 1/2 mil creds on it so far. 3x pulse is more than enough to pish all over something, drop a pulse for a missile and be ultra pleb but rack up dem kills.
As for gimbal weapons, they have worse damage then straight fire, and tracking on them isn't as good as they make out. Also sometimes high tech systems will only sell gimbal variants of weapons which pisses me off.
Viper has best speed, better loadout maybe but manuverability it's certainly not the best. It's got a decent enough alpha strike I'll give it that.
I had triple burst lasers on mine. While they tore through anything small it took a lot of sustained fire to make a dent on anything medium-ish or bigger.
Thankfully the craft was so nimble that I could set the pace of any engagement, and so you can keep yourself in a position of relatively safety to keep dispensing those barrages. Still I can't help but think that against anyone who was paying attention they would just jump out well before I finished needling them to death with it.
Gimbled multicannons will tear up subsystems and lightly armored ships with ease when your close enough.
Then I have two fixed beam lasers for taking down shields, but the problem with those is that they are mounted so far apart from each other on my Cobra that I can only hit small ships with only one of the beams.
Two pulse lasers for shield shreking, two cannons for cleanup.
I got slaughtered by an Anaconda shortly after upgrading though, and now I need to pay off this debt. I have the money for it but I can't find a shipyard to cash in. For fuck's sake...
Anyway fuckers he's what we need to do:
1) Decide on a faction. Empire or Federation. Sounds like people have already gone with Empire though...?
2) Decide on a home system. Should be someplace with some money making opportunities. Having an anarchy system next door with some nav points in it would be great for example...
3) Following on that idea, if we blob up in combat ships we can go dominate a nav point's bounties and cash in bigtime. Those annoying fucks who always warp away before anyone can finish them off could be dogpiled by the group. We can trade-off on killing blows to keep the rewards flowing evenly throughout the group.
4) Hoist the black flag. Take advantage of an anarchy system and shit all over everyone. Alternatively give zero fucks on bounty and shit on people in normal systems anyway.
I'd like to think/hope Alliance would get something eventually, they were/are the third major power. Just because they have nothing now doesn't mean they don't have something planned. If the fabled Fer de Lance is going to be added, it was originally invented by Rosyth shipyards which was an Alliance holding if I remember right - then that's probably what AIS player would get.
An0n3 wrote:How do you even join a faction or efficiently earn faction standing?
You do some missions for a station controlled by whatever faction you want to join. After doing some missions you'll see on the bulletin board mission with 'advancement opportunities' or something similar to that. Complete that mission and you rank up with that faction.
Normally I think stuff like this is kinda gay, vanity paint should be earned based on in-game accomplishments so when you see someone with a sick icon/paintjob/whatever you know that's a badass. But this?