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AnywayTimbrewolf wrote: Tanks:
You'll only get to choose between WAR and PLD. Both are very good so you can't go wrong. You might have more fun with WAR though, PLD doesn't start getting its FUN stuff until like 60+
Pretty much true, all 4 tanks preform very similarly. Main difference is in their invulns (pld has the best and drk had the worst) but they're all good overall.
WHM is the best solo healer and good for prog. SCH is arguably better for speedruns. I prefer WHM because I fucking hate pet classes. Can't really go wrong here.
Depends what you mean by solo heal, best one for savage stuff is astro atm. But yes out of sch or whm, whm has the easier time at low levels
The main difference in the healers is their complexity and how much stuff you have to juggle and decisions you have to make. Whm is reactionary mostly. So you see someone get hit and heal them up. Sch you need to prep a bit or make decisions ahead of time as all your good heals require resources you could also use for mana/dps. So there a lot more "should I hold onto this stack to move with energy drain or does the tank need the heal to stay alive?" Ast is in between the two but with the card minigame added on.
Also Sch isnt much of a pet class anymore. You can largely park it in the middle of the fight and ignore its existance. It does have some annoying quirks stemming from the fact it's a pet though, like using skills at the wrong time cause them to go on cd with no effect. It's avoidable though. Currently in speedrun stuffs the meta is astro/whm or astro/sch. Although in non-speedrun stuff nobody cares (they often want a whm with drk though because their invuln is stupid)
Melee DPS:
MNK job satisfaction got polled as the lowest in the game across all players. So yeah avoid that? DRG is still really sought-after in end-game raiding groups because of its party-wide crit boosting ability. Prepare to die and be laughed at a lot though. FLOOR TANK. NIN makes you Naruto run and every NIN player begs for an option to turn that off while every non-NIN player laughs at you and hopes they never change a fuckin' thing.
Monk is still fine, don't be too scared off by that poll if you like the punchy monk theme. Monk basically has a bunch of positionals (has to flank the boss to the sides or back while executing certain attacks to do the most damage) so theres a lot of movement throughout the fight to optimize damage. Basically you need to put in more work for the same damage, but its worth trying out, you never know if youll really like it!
Drg is good for raid groups, as is nin (all are fine though really). Drg mostly has that reputation as a meme these dsys. They used to die to raid wides easier than everyone else (iirc) until stats were changed. That plus the animation lock on the jumps often get them killed
Non-Melee DPS:
BLM is one of the only jobs that has a lot of fun mechanics pre-50. The rotation is very simple but it SLAPS. SMN is very good too. BRD gets a spot in a lot of end-game static parties and you can toot starting at level 30. Its actual DPS output needs a buff tho.
Blm is neat, and changes a fair bit as you level. Its definitely one of the classes that gets the most love from the devs. Summoner is similar to sch in that its only kinda a pet class by the end. As you level you get stances that replace or delete the pet for a bit, so you don't have to manage it much. Although it has similar skill eating issues to sch. It's also the top dps in the current raid tier if that matters to you
Brd is actually rather unpopular these days for end game groups (you could still easily find one, i just mean bards aren't common) mostly because they got their support-y ranged dps niche stolen in 5.0 by dancer. Brd is still fine, although it has a lot of button mashing so be prepared for hurt fingers
Some random tips to help you out:
Dont keep old gear, you can turn in dungeon gear to your gc if you really want but your inventory fills up quick if you horde things. You can put things you visually like into the glamour dresser in an inn room to use in outfits later
The npcs with blue quest markers unlock something, yellow ones are mostly just for flavour and dont really give much exp
Try legacy controls in the settings, it makes movement character based rather than camera based and lets you run backwards/turn around if you press s instead of slowly shuffling back while facing forward
If you have a fast computer getting to the Waking Sands is quicker via limsa ->arcanists guild->boat to vesper bay rather than through horizon
Crafting is fairly interesting and worth checking out
Doing the hall of the novice tutorial things gives a decent set of lvl 15 gear (that looks nice) and a ring that boosts exp gain
If you ever want to do trials/raids labeled "minstrels ballad" "Savage", "extreme" or "binding coil..." don't use the duty finder or youll wait like 36 hours to fill. People use the party finder (pf) for those sorta things as they require more coordination than randoms tend to be able to handle
If your queue times are too long as a dps try to get a healer friend or tank friend to join you, makes the queue instant usually
Don't forget to do your job quests, as there are a bunch of skills locked behind the lower level ones