Minor Suggestions

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by sentientcloud » #54847

Bottom post of the previous page:

People should be able to request books at the public library computer, and the librarian can choose whether or not to print those books out. Kind of like what we have for Cargo requests.

Since the chef can put food in vending machines now, they need a vendor right outside their kitchen specifically made for their food. Also, chef should probably have botany access in case the hippies don't grow anything other than weed and 100 potency bananas.

Hacking the Booze-O-Mat should allow you to get a Bottle of Nothing.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by ExplosiveCrate » #54933

Let's not give mimes any more advantages, there's already enough shitlords playing vigilante mimes.
i dont even know what the context for my signature was
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by fleure » #54935

sentientcloud wrote:Also, chef should probably have botany access in case the hippies don't grow anything other than weed and 100 potency bananas.
This is already a thing on Meta and Asteroid so I don't really see why Box couldn't have this, as well.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Balut » #54941

He totally has access. It's called smashing the window and climbing over the table.
"Yeah, they're kick-ass robot pilots!" "But they sing and dance!" "They launch from a secret base..." "...that's right under the opera house!"
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Earthykiller127 » #54969

Eye augmentations that allows you to select medical/security module with the added benefits of a togglable build in night vision and optical meson scanner. Flashes have reduced effects, but if you get EMP'd or get your eyes stabbed out by George Melons shit will happen.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by MedicInDisquise » #55035

Earthykiller127 wrote:Eye augmentations that allows you to select medical/security module with the added benefits of a togglable build in night vision and optical meson scanner. Flashes have reduced effects, but if you get EMP'd or get your eyes stabbed out by George Melons shit will happen.
Have it work like Borg's getting headset implants, except you get the HuD implanted.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Vigilare » #55061

Earthykiller127 wrote:Flashes have reduced effects
Wouldn't flashes be more dangerous?
> flash
> Hedov Ze Curitie's optical sensors were overloaded by the flash!
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #55103

Yeah, but his vision is augmented.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Riley » #55143

Please give the AI access to the pretty Crew Manifest that you can view from the lobby. It's so nice and organized compared to the plaintext one they have to work with.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by fleure » #55321

fleure wrote:
soulgamer wrote:
fleure wrote:
Phalanx300 wrote: Personally I see no problem with this. Traitor items aren't supposed to stand out. I'd make it so a E-Mag looks like a ID card.
Yeah but it's pointless badassery like the balloon, I figured the idea behind Malk's suggestion was you could walk around like a boss with it.

If it isn't, yeah, I could code that tonight with an object sprite.
Actually it was my suggestion. I was wanting a briefcase full off cash to RP buying the item I out to steal.
Ah my bad, didn't read the previous page. Well I'll put it on my todo list, with a standard briefcase sprite for now. Probably won't get done until January, I'm disappearing over the holidays.
I ended up doing this but due to the subsystem freeze I can't open a PR until carn's work has been merged. For now it's a secure briefcase with 5000 credits and 15 force, for 2 TC, in my personal fork.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by WeeYakk » #55325

Make the detective's armor look more like security's new armor sprites.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Steelpoint » #55327

WeeYakk wrote:Make the detective's armor look more like security's new armor sprites.
Which one? Ausops or Paprika's.

Either way, I kinda like his current armour sprites personally.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #55396

Emagging a sec hailer (gas mask) should make it spit out the Beepsky Rant on activation.
In the appropriate voice, of course.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by WeeYakk » #55406

Steelpoint wrote:
WeeYakk wrote:Make the detective's armor look more like security's new armor sprites.
Which one? Ausops or Paprika's.

Either way, I kinda like his current armour sprites personally.
Why not both? The current one is big and dorky and hard to play dressup with.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Balut » #55453

I dig the current Detective's armor, personally.

Though, >not wearing your coat as detective.
"Yeah, they're kick-ass robot pilots!" "But they sing and dance!" "They launch from a secret base..." "...that's right under the opera house!"
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Phalanx300 » #55677

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #55688

Spawn a gavel in the courtroom. One that makes an obnoxiously loud knock-knock noise when used on a table.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by MisterPerson » #55800

I don't think you understand the definition of the word "minor"
I code for the code project and moderate the code sections of the forums.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Steelpoint » #55875

A unique sprite showing when a Cyborg is locked down, such as its arms lowered or something.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by fleure » #56525

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #56598

Port over Warlock's Velvet from Bay.
Found in contraband crates and made from mixing poisonberry (not deathberry, mind you) juice with enzyme.
Highness is somewhere between spessdrugs and mindbreaker. Glass sprite is fakken evil. Not sure if it does poison, though.

Also make portable chem dispensers actually portable, by applying screwdriver and wrench like with vending machines.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by WeeYakk » #56873

Make it so juicing watermelons makes watermelon juice and not just sliced watermelons making watermelon juice.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #56917

Bookcases should be rig-able to work as secret doors, not unlike falsewalls.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Wyzack » #56921

Warlocks velvet seems cool, it is like spess absinthe. +1
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #57184

Also, give clown PDAs the ability to play the "sad trombone" sound the HONK has. Because it's relatively apropos most of the time.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by ThanatosRa » #57303

All player controlled mobs and animals should be able to understand the first(And only) Human or Lizard that states the word "Ungawa" and their name. They are compelled to follow that person's commands.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #57319

Wrong thread.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by ThanatosRa » #57354

DemonFiren wrote:Wrong thread.
C'mon man. Tarzan.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Snakebutt » #57366

Gloves of Pickpocketing/Thief's Gloves:
Item that appears to be bog standard black/yellow gloves on inspection. They leave no fingerprint or threads, so it's harder to get tracked down by the detective. I imagine it would be hard to code, but making it remove the pickpocketing blurb in chat would be awsome, as well as reducing the time it takes to remove the item and possibly placing it in your hand, rather than the floor. Available in potato market, 2-4 telecrystals.

Idea being something you can use to quickly and stealthily steal items off people. You still have to get close and stay still, but the ability to say slip off the captain's headset before robusting him, or stealing the CE's magboots right off of him would be immensely useful and fun. Not to mention reverse pickpocketing live grenades, or planting evidence on people.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by MMMiracles » #57481

Give the PA an ID lock so releasing the singularity without an active AI requires more effort then setting it to two and fucking off for 5 minutes.
Submitted by: sandstorm

The best way to get a girl/boy friend is to click on them say "hi" then push enter
then say "your cute" then push enter,wait until they say somthing back if they
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Balut » #57497

Do you REALLY want to make it impossible for unlucky low-pop or incompetent-engineering rounds to get Singulo going?
"Yeah, they're kick-ass robot pilots!" "But they sing and dance!" "They launch from a secret base..." "...that's right under the opera house!"
Sakura Wars
Malkevin wrote:
No no, I don't want to be surrounded by spergs
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Why are you here then?

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Malkevin » #57503

The shutters are ID locked so technically the PA already is already id restricted
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by AnonymousNow » #57539

Droneborgs. Let MMIs be put onto droneshells, for speaking drones with cyborg laws.

Also make droneshells preconfigurable for name and lawset-type (drone, Asimov or MMI).
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Wyzack » #57555

As it stands, drones with asimov laws or anything besides drone laws would be OP as hell. They move fast, are hard to hit, have all access, can ventcrawl, and can survive in space easily. A handful of paladin'd drones with tasers and batons could probably dunk a nuke op team with no trouble
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Scones » #57556

HONK/Clown PDA need more sounds to play
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #57573

Aren't drones easy as hell to robust, though? One hit and they go down?

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Wyzack » #57576

That is assuming you can hit them. Pretty sure projectiles pass over them so you need a direct click ala beepsky, and if they have a gun they will have no reason to get close.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Phalanx300 » #57577

Return the old prisoner transfer area, not even sure why it was removed:

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Cipher3 » #57600

That should go on the Boxstation thread.
Nathanael Greene has made a woman of Bryce Pax!

Valerie Sinnet says, "Nathaniel Greene charged the brig with a fucking HONK."

[Common] Assists-the-Crew hisses, "Walker Quinn s-s-s-ss-stole the HoP's-s-s-ss-s door"

OOC: HotelBravoLima: I literally can't be removed from power.

I demand this ban be lifted right now. ~Bibliodewangus

Erin Wake whispers, "You should ready up on Badger and boink with me..."

"I think you guys are just tired of drinking hitler and now you want diet hitler.
I've got all that great hitler flavor but only half the hitler calories." - Anon3

You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that PR matters. ~MisterPerson

DEAD: Ichigo Momomiya says, "Coravin's just an ass."

Linus Johnson says, "Hey you know I got this game Skyrim last week"
Linus Johnson says, "I have a level 19 ranger and its so fun"
Weston Zadovsky says, "did he just"
Weston Zadovsky says, "fucking hell"

The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Nature of emergency:
Coravin, just Coravin.

Beryl Nyuphoran says, "Fucking get out."
Coravin Vattes asks, "Please?"
Beryl Nyuphoran says, "Please get the fuck outta my lab."
Coravin Vattes exclaims, "Okay!"
[Common] Beryl Nyuphoran {RD} asks, "WHO GAVE CORAVIN ALL ACCESS?"

Lindsay Donk stammers, "L-Luc-ck w-was-s-s s-s-such-h a beaut-tifu p-p-p-pr-r-rom-m q-q-q-queen"

Ty Andrews curls up in a ball on the floor and purrs.

by oranges » Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:15 pm
Get out bluespace, you've not been relevant since you lost the elections

That said, I think there are a shitton of degenerates here and I'd probably gas the lot of you if I had the chance. ~Loonikus

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by AnonymousNow » #57765

So I was scraping through the archives when I came across some old ideas of mine and confirmed what I'd always believed - I used to be a genius. Many of these make more sense now that features are around to support them better.

- A Raise Dead spell, which can be used on any remains. If the original player that those remains belonged to is free-floating in the void, then they'll be zapped back into the remains and turned into a loyal skeleton servant for whoever cast the spell. Unassociated remains draw in a random ghost instead.
This was created around the time that Disintegrate was a major problem for putting people out of a round forever, and I suggested Flay to leave behind remains instead.

- Medical HUDshades. Blue sunglasses with an inbult medical HUD. A grand total of two pairs on station - one on the CMO's desk, the other in their locker. Formerly, the only real complaint anyone ever made was that it would make CMOs "overpowered in revolutions" - when I believe that it would just have made them slightly more likely to survive. Now it's barely even a factor anymore, since flashes have changed.
Image includes alternate blue glove sprites, meant to replace the bizarre tone of crayon-dyed gloves.


- Telekinetic brains should be able to float and move around on their own, for reasons of hilarity.

- More of a big idea, but what about androids? When cyborgs were humanoid, it was suggested that we could cover them with synthmeat and make human-like cyborgs, driven by laws and with a few different advantages & disadvantages over humans.

- Company-bound Syndicate operatives, with different intents. The Syndicate is made up of a bunch of different companies and organisations - having an operative be told which company sent them, and then having that company dictate the nature of their objectives, would be an interesting feature.

For example, one company embraces violence, whilst another shuns it - so an operative of the former would have objectives randomly drawn from a pool which includes assassination and murder, and the other wouldn't (and would probably be more theft-based, or even protection-based). Animal rights operatives are never told to get corgi meat, but often told to assassinate people who keep the station's pets because they are seen to be mistreating the animals; Sonnet Company wants medical items for its research and various types of clothing for its theatrical costume box. And so on, and so forth. There would also be moderate companies who do everything, or a bit of everything.
This works for fluff, but with an extra feature can let a player personalise their traitor style - adjusting company weighing (like job roles) for when they're selected for traitor, so they're more/less/not likely to get certain companies, and thus certain types of objective.

- On that note, more traitor objectives.

- Kill all (job title) on the station.
- Kill all (department) workers on the station.
- Kill all heads of staff on the station.
- Kill all other antagonists on the station (make it rare).
- Kill all non-humans on station. (A little gimmicky, since this includes monkeys and pets.) - 11/01/2015 And now lizardmen, too.

- Steal a Metroid Core. - 11/01/2015 A slime core.
- Steal a pair of Insulated Gloves.
- Steal a utility belt. - 11/01/2015 Also include other departments' belts.
- Steal a (Head of Staff)'s headset.
- Steal an Extended Capacity Emergency Oxygen Tank (not so much a free win).
- Steal another traitor's uplink.
- Steal 30 units of (chemical).
- Steal a blood sample from (person).
- Steal a blood sample from a changeling (traitorchan only, gives the roundtype away, but if you're already a traitor, does it matter?).

- Release the Singularity.
- Be the only escaping traitor/changeling. (For the love of god, if you add it, make it rare - nice to have, just not often.)
- Hack, using an electromagnetic card, every active cyborg at once. (This can literally be done at the start of a round with the one active cyborg, and you'll succeed even if more cyborgs are made.)
- Space the station's nuclear device.
- Ensure the survival of (person/department/job title).
- Create a (mech), and pilot it onto the escape shuttle.

- Kill Ian.
- Kill Runtime (if he's ever added back). - 11/01/2015 Damn, it's been a while.
- Kill Pun-Pun.
- Kill Lamarr.
- Kill Coffee (if he's ever added).
- Kill Lemon (if he's ever added). - 11/01/2015 Lemon was a proposed pet for the CE, a shark-coloured spacecarp. Our equivalent is Poly.
- 11/01/2015 Kill Pete.

- Steal the Captain's Hat.
- 11/01/2015 Steal the captain's medals.
- Steal the Head of Security's Hat. - 11/01/2015 Also includes beret.
- Steal the Warden's Hat.
- Steal a Beret.
- Steal a Clown Mask & Wig. - 11/01/2015 Also the mime mask.
- Steal the Chef's Hat.
- Steal a Botanist's Bandana.
- 11/01/2015 Steal a nurse's hat.
- 11/01/2015 Steal an EMT's cap. Also other varieties of cap.
- 11/01/2015 Steal the Red Leopard. The Red Leopard is a proposed unique (and useless, but pretty) gemstone kept in the vault.
- Steal a pair of purple goggles.
- Steal an Emergency Oxygen Tank (yes, a free win objective).
- Steal a Rainbow Jumpsuit and Shoes (yes, there's one in the station).

- Destroy Larry, Curly & Moe. - 11/01/2015 RIP
- Be a model Nanotrasen employee.
- Send a radio broadcast from the Russian DJ Station.
- Grow (plant).
- Grow a plant in the Abandoned Hippy Commune. (It's just my name for the place to the NorthWest of the mining asteroid perimeter.)
- Ensure the survival of (pet/monkey).
- Hard-Light Projection Units. With enough research, a small module can be made which allows an AI holopad to have a toggle - when off, it's used as normal, but when on, the AI can interact with anything within range as if they were a human.

- The option to start nearsighted, with a pair of glasses. No particular reason, but some people seemed fond of the idea before.

- Extended Secret. Like secret, except the antagonists only find out that they're antagonists at a random point 10-40 minutes into the round. Also, a Cascade gamemode, where another gamemode jumps in every fifteen minutes (eg. start with wizard, wizard is still dicking around when nuke ops spawn, nuke ops arrive just in time to squabble with the wizard enough not to notice the alium eggs on the solars, aliens are battling the operatives whilst a fledgling cult is stealing bodies for constructs etc.).

- Standing Assemblies. Modular constructions which use existing pieces in a logical way - things like laser wires, proximity sensors, signallers etc. for triggers, and simple tools, or more, in output. They'd be directional, and would be used on the object that they can reach in that direction. For example, you can set up an assembly using a proximity sensor and wirecutter, to automatically cut a wire/grille to its left when triggered. Sounds pointless, but think of the possibilities for engiebros. Rube-Goldberg machine traps!

- Clown Magic - things which should not work, but kinda do, in some almost vaguely sensible way. "If the clown attaches his mask, his shoes, a pair of white gloves and a horn to a standard clown suit and finishes off with a banana, it should make a Decoy Clown (NPC)." - we actually have clown NPCs now, too.

- Bow Wow, a drug synthesised from grinding LSD, ambrosia vulgaris and ambrosia deus (probably with something else, as this recipe was suggested before potency mattered and it'd be too easy to make now). Makes you act drunk, including stumbling in random directions, but you are also invincible during this time ("I AM WILD AND BULLETPROOF!"). Silly, and pretty useless, but fun.
- Chemical Honk. Powdered bananium & hydrogen & sulphur produces a HONKER BLASTER 5000 effect. Essentially a HONK grenade.

- Scissors. I made this sprite for the proposed barber job, but if one or two pairs were to appear on-station, and serve the function of being able to change your hairstyle near-anywhere, it could be an interesting gambit for hiding.

- A very small chance of becoming a different kind of ghost.
Normal type of ghost - 99% chance. No change.
Shade - 0.33% chance. Fairly obvious, means seeing a shade isn't an instant cult tell.
Spirit - 0.33% chance. An ethereal version of the person, they essentially become like an AI hologram and can be banished with the Null Rod or an Energy Sword, turning it into a regular ghost.
Spectre - 0.33% chance. The unidentified ghost sprite from Pokemon (or something like it...feckin' metroid changes...), it can't speak but has the power to manipulate the living world far more than the others (pulling, lifting and throwing objects, stunning people for a few seconds with a cooldown as a Boo!, activating machines and consoles etc.) as well as some other abilities, like becoming invisible (alien style, so still SLIGHTLY visible) at will. Can only be permanently banished with the Null Rod, at which point they become a regular ghost.
- Cobalt, a blue metal which can be used for walls, floors, doors etc. I originally had a list of possible new stuff to use this for, but for now it's a nice starting point just to have it. It's got potential as the new material primarily used for bluespace items.

- Dyes. Crayons run out quickly, and we don't have a way to mix up paint anymore (I think) - by grinding up certain ingredients, we could make pigment for dyes and paints. You can even make rave dye, by irradiating rainbow dye.

Long list, I know, but I'm just saving what I think's worth it.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Snakebutt » #57831

AnonymousNow wrote:
So I was scraping through the archives when I came across some old ideas of mine and confirmed what I'd always believed - I used to be a genius. Many of these make more sense now that features are around to support them better.

- A Raise Dead spell, which can be used on any remains. If the original player that those remains belonged to is free-floating in the void, then they'll be zapped back into the remains and turned into a loyal skeleton servant for whoever cast the spell. Unassociated remains draw in a random ghost instead.
This was created around the time that Disintegrate was a major problem for putting people out of a round forever, and I suggested Flay to leave behind remains instead.

- Medical HUDshades. Blue sunglasses with an inbult medical HUD. A grand total of two pairs on station - one on the CMO's desk, the other in their locker. Formerly, the only real complaint anyone ever made was that it would make CMOs "overpowered in revolutions" - when I believe that it would just have made them slightly more likely to survive. Now it's barely even a factor anymore, since flashes have changed.
Image includes alternate blue glove sprites, meant to replace the bizarre tone of crayon-dyed gloves.


- Telekinetic brains should be able to float and move around on their own, for reasons of hilarity.

- More of a big idea, but what about androids? When cyborgs were humanoid, it was suggested that we could cover them with synthmeat and make human-like cyborgs, driven by laws and with a few different advantages & disadvantages over humans.

- Company-bound Syndicate operatives, with different intents. The Syndicate is made up of a bunch of different companies and organisations - having an operative be told which company sent them, and then having that company dictate the nature of their objectives, would be an interesting feature.

For example, one company embraces violence, whilst another shuns it - so an operative of the former would have objectives randomly drawn from a pool which includes assassination and murder, and the other wouldn't (and would probably be more theft-based, or even protection-based). Animal rights operatives are never told to get corgi meat, but often told to assassinate people who keep the station's pets because they are seen to be mistreating the animals; Sonnet Company wants medical items for its research and various types of clothing for its theatrical costume box. And so on, and so forth. There would also be moderate companies who do everything, or a bit of everything.
This works for fluff, but with an extra feature can let a player personalise their traitor style - adjusting company weighing (like job roles) for when they're selected for traitor, so they're more/less/not likely to get certain companies, and thus certain types of objective.

- On that note, more traitor objectives.

- Kill all (job title) on the station.
- Kill all (department) workers on the station.
- Kill all heads of staff on the station.
- Kill all other antagonists on the station (make it rare).
- Kill all non-humans on station. (A little gimmicky, since this includes monkeys and pets.) - 11/01/2015 And now lizardmen, too.

- Steal a Metroid Core. - 11/01/2015 A slime core.
- Steal a pair of Insulated Gloves.
- Steal a utility belt. - 11/01/2015 Also include other departments' belts.
- Steal a (Head of Staff)'s headset.
- Steal an Extended Capacity Emergency Oxygen Tank (not so much a free win).
- Steal another traitor's uplink.
- Steal 30 units of (chemical).
- Steal a blood sample from (person).
- Steal a blood sample from a changeling (traitorchan only, gives the roundtype away, but if you're already a traitor, does it matter?).

- Release the Singularity.
- Be the only escaping traitor/changeling. (For the love of god, if you add it, make it rare - nice to have, just not often.)
- Hack, using an electromagnetic card, every active cyborg at once. (This can literally be done at the start of a round with the one active cyborg, and you'll succeed even if more cyborgs are made.)
- Space the station's nuclear device.
- Ensure the survival of (person/department/job title).
- Create a (mech), and pilot it onto the escape shuttle.

- Kill Ian.
- Kill Runtime (if he's ever added back). - 11/01/2015 Damn, it's been a while.
- Kill Pun-Pun.
- Kill Lamarr.
- Kill Coffee (if he's ever added).
- Kill Lemon (if he's ever added). - 11/01/2015 Lemon was a proposed pet for the CE, a shark-coloured spacecarp. Our equivalent is Poly.
- 11/01/2015 Kill Pete.

- Steal the Captain's Hat.
- 11/01/2015 Steal the captain's medals.
- Steal the Head of Security's Hat. - 11/01/2015 Also includes beret.
- Steal the Warden's Hat.
- Steal a Beret.
- Steal a Clown Mask & Wig. - 11/01/2015 Also the mime mask.
- Steal the Chef's Hat.
- Steal a Botanist's Bandana.
- 11/01/2015 Steal a nurse's hat.
- 11/01/2015 Steal an EMT's cap. Also other varieties of cap.
- 11/01/2015 Steal the Red Leopard. The Red Leopard is a proposed unique (and useless, but pretty) gemstone kept in the vault.
- Steal a pair of purple goggles.
- Steal an Emergency Oxygen Tank (yes, a free win objective).
- Steal a Rainbow Jumpsuit and Shoes (yes, there's one in the station).

- Destroy Larry, Curly & Moe. - 11/01/2015 RIP
- Be a model Nanotrasen employee.
- Send a radio broadcast from the Russian DJ Station.
- Grow (plant).
- Grow a plant in the Abandoned Hippy Commune. (It's just my name for the place to the NorthWest of the mining asteroid perimeter.)
- Ensure the survival of (pet/monkey).
- Hard-Light Projection Units. With enough research, a small module can be made which allows an AI holopad to have a toggle - when off, it's used as normal, but when on, the AI can interact with anything within range as if they were a human.

- The option to start nearsighted, with a pair of glasses. No particular reason, but some people seemed fond of the idea before.

- Extended Secret. Like secret, except the antagonists only find out that they're antagonists at a random point 10-40 minutes into the round. Also, a Cascade gamemode, where another gamemode jumps in every fifteen minutes (eg. start with wizard, wizard is still dicking around when nuke ops spawn, nuke ops arrive just in time to squabble with the wizard enough not to notice the alium eggs on the solars, aliens are battling the operatives whilst a fledgling cult is stealing bodies for constructs etc.).

- Standing Assemblies. Modular constructions which use existing pieces in a logical way - things like laser wires, proximity sensors, signallers etc. for triggers, and simple tools, or more, in output. They'd be directional, and would be used on the object that they can reach in that direction. For example, you can set up an assembly using a proximity sensor and wirecutter, to automatically cut a wire/grille to its left when triggered. Sounds pointless, but think of the possibilities for engiebros. Rube-Goldberg machine traps!

- Clown Magic - things which should not work, but kinda do, in some almost vaguely sensible way. "If the clown attaches his mask, his shoes, a pair of white gloves and a horn to a standard clown suit and finishes off with a banana, it should make a Decoy Clown (NPC)." - we actually have clown NPCs now, too.

- Bow Wow, a drug synthesised from grinding LSD, ambrosia vulgaris and ambrosia deus (probably with something else, as this recipe was suggested before potency mattered and it'd be too easy to make now). Makes you act drunk, including stumbling in random directions, but you are also invincible during this time ("I AM WILD AND BULLETPROOF!"). Silly, and pretty useless, but fun.
- Chemical Honk. Powdered bananium & hydrogen & sulphur produces a HONKER BLASTER 5000 effect. Essentially a HONK grenade.

- Scissors. I made this sprite for the proposed barber job, but if one or two pairs were to appear on-station, and serve the function of being able to change your hairstyle near-anywhere, it could be an interesting gambit for hiding.

- A very small chance of becoming a different kind of ghost.
Normal type of ghost - 99% chance. No change.
Shade - 0.33% chance. Fairly obvious, means seeing a shade isn't an instant cult tell.
Spirit - 0.33% chance. An ethereal version of the person, they essentially become like an AI hologram and can be banished with the Null Rod or an Energy Sword, turning it into a regular ghost.
Spectre - 0.33% chance. The unidentified ghost sprite from Pokemon (or something like it...feckin' metroid changes...), it can't speak but has the power to manipulate the living world far more than the others (pulling, lifting and throwing objects, stunning people for a few seconds with a cooldown as a Boo!, activating machines and consoles etc.) as well as some other abilities, like becoming invisible (alien style, so still SLIGHTLY visible) at will. Can only be permanently banished with the Null Rod, at which point they become a regular ghost.
- Cobalt, a blue metal which can be used for walls, floors, doors etc. I originally had a list of possible new stuff to use this for, but for now it's a nice starting point just to have it. It's got potential as the new material primarily used for bluespace items.

- Dyes. Crayons run out quickly, and we don't have a way to mix up paint anymore (I think) - by grinding up certain ingredients, we could make pigment for dyes and paints. You can even make rave dye, by irradiating rainbow dye.

Long list, I know, but I'm just saving what I think's worth it.
We have blue nitrile gloves already, and they look a sight better than blue crayon gloves. A number of your proposed objectives are already in:
>Kill antagonists (Roughly 1/3 of the time traitor obj is to kill another traitor)
>Escape alone obj (How long has it been since you played?)
>Kill Ian (There is an Ianmeat objective)
>Steal the captain's medals (Rare, but it happens)

Others are just free wins, posing little challenge in what is already a pretty easy mode most of the time.
>Yellow gloves (butter up engineering/cargo/robust an assistant)
>Belt (Tons in maint and each department)
>Air tanks (are you high?)
>science goggles (All over the place, utterly useless. Just ask if you want them, literally no one will give two shits)

A few are pretty good ideas, others are just pants on head retarded. FORCE them to release Lord Singuloth? As if it isn't griff bait already, reward them for it. The round will literally take 15 mins for it to get set up and hacked.

Bow Wow: blah blah combination of items that use the same chemical blah blah INVINCIBILITY blah useless

Assemblies, delayed secret and cascade all sound pretty good though. Delayed would be better for low pop, while cascade for high.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by AnonymousNow » #57847

Snakebutt wrote:-
You seem to have misread those first four objectives. Kill another traitor =/= Kill all other traitors/changelings/whatever; Be the only escaping traitor/changeling =/= escape on the shuttle alone; Kill Ian is part of usually part of getting corgimeat, but different; Stealing the captain's medals, plural, is not just stealing the medal of captaincy.

A lot of the stranger objectives were intended to be auxillary to more important ones, hence their erratic nature and relative simplicity.

Bow-Wow was something suggested by... I forget who, but we chatted a little bit. I figured that if all the ingredients for all those things were mixed together, it could form the drug. And the invincibility would be too short a burst to actually be able to do anything with, especially if you can't reliably move with it.

In this day and age, where Singulon is released all too often, I'll concede on that point. But I stand by the rest.

I've wanted Extended Secret for some time, as I feel it would encourage longer, but nonetheless eventful rounds, with a different flavour (because the crew actually has a chance to get its shit sorted a little before hell starts breaking loose).
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Malkevin » #57849

Funfact: I did code MedHud sunglasses years ago but they were rejected - granted the code for them wasn't very good.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Wyzack » #57905

Cascade actually sounds fun as a gimmick, but seems like it would be a bit much as a fulltime game mode. Also as far as i know the flu cops base has no power when the gamemode is not nuke ops, based on the two times sticky tried to spawn no-kill ops in extended/Dave rounds. Not sure if that has been fixed since though.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
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Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by AnonymousNow » #57953

Malkevin wrote:Funfact: I did code MedHud sunglasses years ago but they were rejected - granted the code for them wasn't very good.
Dayum. Maybe it's just a case of reverse-engineering the secHUD glasses code?

I'm not going to say "I could do that", because for all my luck I'll look at the code and my brain will liquefy. Good to know that great minds etc.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Snakebutt » #57971

AnonymousNow wrote:
Malkevin wrote:Funfact: I did code MedHud sunglasses years ago but they were rejected - granted the code for them wasn't very good.
Dayum. Maybe it's just a case of reverse-engineering the secHUD glasses code?

I'm not going to say "I could do that", because for all my luck I'll look at the code and my brain will liquefy. Good to know that great minds etc.
Imo, I'd rather give CMO something unique with a bit of flavor that functions as medglasses, kinda like HoS's eyepatch. Perhaps a pair of cybernetic eyes?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #58120

Told the other thread was the wrong one for this.

Thrown batons should stun. When on, of course.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by MMMiracles » #58276

I don't understand why this code branch doesn't have things like LOOC or mentorhelp considering other branches have it and it works wonders. Is this community really so shitty when it comes to handling meta info that we have to flat out deny this kind of stuff?
Submitted by: sandstorm

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by MedicInDisquise » #58294

Does the clown have a gorilla suit? If not, we should add it. I mean, the clown already has the love for bananas, the mental state of a gorilla, and the body of one. Why doesn't he have one?

MMMiracles wrote:I don't understand why this code branch doesn't have things like LOOC or mentorhelp considering other branches have it and it works wonders. Is this community really so shitty when it comes to handling meta info that we have to flat out deny this kind of stuff?
I've seen a /tg/ style community with LOOC enabled. Quite a few people were using LOOC, for example, telling people how to revive them, whining, meta, etc. So, yes. I don't understand mentorhelp though. If mentors abuse information, then punish them like you punish admins for this behavior.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Saegrimr » #58423

MMMiracles wrote:Is this community really so shitty when it comes to handling meta info that we have to flat out deny this kind of stuff?
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by AnonymousNow » #58438

Saegrimr wrote:
MMMiracles wrote:Is this community really so shitty when it comes to handling meta info that we have to flat out deny this kind of stuff?
We could offer a new position - Training Players. People can put themselves forward as a go-to person for helping a new player in general, or with specific departments (which'd be noted down as part of the position). Then a private message system would be set up between trainer and trainee for the duration of the round, by an admin.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

Xenomorphs a shit.
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