[Nervere] Vexylius - second appeal of my permaban

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Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2019 6:14 am
Byond Username: Vexylius

[Nervere] Vexylius - second appeal of my permaban

Post by Vexylius » #570935

BYOND account: Vexylius
Character name: Jeffrey Fox
Ban type: Permaban
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: "Griefed lowpop Terry on round 111948. Killed clown for all access. Then, hit the all access, killed self, and respawned as a golem, coming back to retrieve the access. Spent the rest of the round chain-recalling the shuttle, stealing from the station, and griefing the server."
Time ban was placed: 2019-06-30 17:03:11
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 111948
Your side of the story: I did some things that shouldn't be done (better described in this topic https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 34&t=23129). I can't really remember all the details because it was over a year ago.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I have learned from my mistakes and I won't repeat them. Also, I have waited 12 months to make this ban appeal.
References of good conduct: While banned here, I've been playing on Beestation and I've even became an admin there. I have also played on some other servers including some HRP ones, but I haven't been playing there as much as I've been on Bee. There were only one other server that I was permabanned from, and that was some HRP server where I got stuck in some room so I've disposaled myself, but didn't know that it'll crush all my bones, and I've left before admin bwoinked me for that, and next time I've joined I found out I was banned, but I didn't bother to appeal (I think it was before I've started playing here though)... Also I don't think that this server exists anymore.
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Byond Username: Domitius
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Re: [Nervere] Vexylius - second appeal of my permaban

Post by Domitius » #570940

As Nervere has retired I'll take over the appeal.

You've seen to have grown quite a lot in the past year, I'll go ahead and lift the ban.

Welcome back and keep your nose clean!
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2019 6:14 am
Byond Username: Vexylius

Re: [Nervere] Vexylius - second appeal of my permaban

Post by Vexylius » #571020

Thanks chief, will do!

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