Reyn wrote:So, seeing as I was told to move this here, It's REPOSTING TIME
Whooooo boy.
>Round starts, I roll sec, department is set to engineering
>IMMEDIATELY get warned of unidentified lifeforms, people start yelling for armoury opening. Nah. doesn't happen.
>Alright, Shift proceeds as norma-
>HOP looses their shit
>Ends up crushing someone with the shutters/blast doors for the hopline
>Greytide goes fucking balistic
>Sec gears up with riot gear
>Everyone's grabbing all access as the rest of sec tries to handle it
>Key word tries. The tide is too dense, We retreat to brig
>Attempts are made to deal with the tide, they fail, the tide becomes more violent, And starts to actively attack sec. the tide's forces are being encouraged by the chief enginer, among others.
>Random twat with illegal captain ID, During this clusterfuck, comes in the brig, Illegally.
>I shoot them with a buckshot
>They start yelling shitcurity and break into armoury
>Firefight continues
>Situation calms down, they're still yelling. Warden releases them, which they never told, so i shot again thinking they escaped.
>Alright lets let them go
>That fuck starts yelling "KILL SHITCURITY" soon after they get out
>Greytide has fucking anihilated brig
>ERT squads sent in
>I head back to engineering, fight some tiders, Die to tiders because of forgetting a certain door was shocked, and the cunt stealing my shotgun.
>Go in deadchat
>"Wait, Is this even fucking revs? What the fuck is going on"
>Admin spills the beans to deadchat. It's not revs and they have no clue what the fuck is happening
>Security and the rest of the crew resume open fucking warfare, while I try to understand how the fuck this happened.
>More ERT sent in, they fail
>shuttle is called, people are now just killing eachother in a clusterfuck of blood and gore.
> [youtube]
>Fuckers leave on shuttle after chaos continues
>Shuttle is a bloodbath from what I remember
>Shuttle arrives at centcom
>Round ends... It was just traitor or blood brother. NOT REVS AT ALL
>Admins had no clue what the fuck to do about that mess, and Honestly, I dont blame them
It was a bit of a rush, so I don't remember it perfectly... But HOOOLY SHIT everyone, including the person who was bitching about being shot for breaking into sec (Who bitched about it in deadchat too) Agreed that this was an absolute clusterfuck. Just... What the fuck was that round. It was yesterday, so... yeah. If anyone else wants to talk about it, Yeh. I'd like to hear your stories