This rule has been the dawn of an ancient era.
It's said good riddance to the Cuban Pete era.
George Melons has been knocked off the map.
Now I think, it must be enforced even more and onto a much more prime and hotly debated player-meta.
That meta being...
SS13 is a game about the crew finding themselves on a sabotaged space shuttle. With a dark demented cult, a shapeshifting creature, a crewmember employed by the dark side of the force, or just wizards fucking around and using it as training grounds.
The main goal of this station is for players to do their jobs and tell Nanotransen about the benefits of space plasma so they can get rich.
While doing their boring jobs, they dodge black holes, killer mobs, anime and movie references, meteors, and the malicious entities toying with there station who's targetting them!
They either live to tell the tale of the station gone wrong, with the glorious first text they see being "You survived the events of the station." Or "You did not survive the events of the station" if they failed to do so.
Now to me, this is the plot of the game. This is where the game-breaker comes in.
They get a task. Die a great death that'll wow the station, kill a certain player and make there round a nightmare, steal a highly coveted item that is being guarded by the important crew and make there round a nightmare! Hijack the shuttle, and make your round and everyone else a nightmare.
The game-breaker sees this task. They go, "I know the best possible way to get this done...and get this. WITHOUT ANY OPPOSITION!"
Oh, this guy. They're your wildly hated and salted against murderboner.
E-sword + E-bow. Killed and cremated without even having a fighting chance.
You just got a virus and died in 5 seconds before you could even react to it.
How the hell did they figure out how to kill all of the crew so efficiently without any resistance? It doesn't matter. But this has a negative effect on what is and should be the core aspect of this game. This multiplayer game.
We generally have multiple antags because one person isn't supposed to blitz through and obliterate all of the station's inhabitants with no trouble. Also so multiple players get a swing at being the trouble maker of the shift. (Even though some do that anyway when it's not there turn.)
But the point is they figured out a way to make destroying everyone's round a cake-walk...and they do it all the time.
They're hated for it, berated and practically made infamous.
Any sign of this person having action causes people to scream "THEY'RE MOVING" or "BLANK IS ANTAG" to notify everyone to stop what they're doing. Because they're not going to be able to have much fun this round.
Admins intervene to bring the round back on course, sending ERTs or force summoning the shuttle. (If it doesn't summon itself thanks to the game realizing that somethings has gone terribly wrong when the majority of the playerbase who spawned in, is now dead.)
Balance changes get made around this person breaking features once used in moderation.
Yet they always find a new feature to break, to send the game off course once more and make it all about them. From multiplayer to singleplayer.
So if you're still here after reading/skimming all of that. My main question is, why do we go to this point and not draw the line sooner?
Admins constantly have to draw and mend the round because one person made it about them.
Going back to the Cuban Pete reference. They're pure history for constantly breaking the game and bringing all attention to them.
One of the most classic methods of game-breaking was the e-sword e-bow murderbone and it was for a long time. Constantly having admins sending ERTs and teams to keep the game moving forward. So said players didn't just camp arrivals and scope any potential players off.
Basically. A very small amount and very recognizable amount of players will constantly push the limits of what the game is and how it's supposed to be played by combining features and using them in ways none of the coders or admin team expected.
Why do we constantly in this day and age, allow people to make it all about them. Instead of simply telling them off/banning them for driving ss13 away from what it's supposed to be.
I think this issue has spiraled into the hands of the players. Shaming said infamous attention-grabbers and creating "meta-jokes" But honestly, and very recently. This has been made no longer viable.
So with this discussion, I hope to push the fold onto the Ckey viewers that are the admins and the rules.
Should we ultimately quit allowing players to turn /tg/ into a single-player game when they storm onto the scene? Drawing the ire and attention of every single player once they drop into a round.
It's nothing new, but I'm seeing a whole bunch of more recent examples.
What are your thoughts on this? Maybe I'm just making a mountain out of a mole-hill.
I honestly think we already have the rules in place to deal with what I dub "Game-Breaking".
Because once the game stops being about the crew trying to survive the events of an antagonist and instead turns into how long does it take for an admin-spawned event to stop the kill-streak of Toolboxes-The-Deathsquad with there newly found game-breaking gimmick. That's on the level of an admin basically handing them an instant kill rifle or a super-matter sword.
It stops being space station thirteen.