Bottom post of the previous page:
Hey do you guys remember all of the bitching that was done when rule 1 was too vague? I do.If your argument boils down to "but I don't trust the admins judgement" then congratu-fucking-lations you have made a case for things to be even less vague, not more. People already abuse the vagueness of rules to their advantage, and thats not something you can fix by complaining about each and every change. This one in particular is supposed to be a clarification and not even a new precedent which makes the complaints even more flippant. The fundamental enforcement of the rules shouldn't even change. I cannot see how leaving new players more informed and admin appeals easier to process is not worth pursuing. Actually even if a headmin or admin went and abused their powers following this clarification that should not reflect poorly on the new wording, it should reflect on the shitter who abused their power. Even in the case of a corrupt admin I still fail to see how the wording is to blame.
You want to see what a lack of rule enforcement in dchat causes? go observe in CM midway through a round and tell me thats the kind of bullshit you want to allow to fester. It does happen on TG but the general playerbase assumption has been that it is not actionable if its dchat salt, hence the lack of widespread complaints.