Natural Disaster Feedback

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Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by RaveRadbury » #494861

Put feedback here guys. Thanks!!
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Nabski » #494867

Some kind of 1 minute warning or something would be nice. I thought I had more time before I needed to get off the station and got caught too far away and the acid storm got me.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Naloac » #494900

While the mode seems like it be fun Ive a few problems with it.

Its pretty simple to say that once this round picks up and people get used to it, its just going to be a mega fauna rush to end the round. You might see this as fine but In my opinion it seems like it will eventually end up with extremely fast rounds where a single robust miner (or ash lizard) instantly kills all the fauna. The game mode seems like it wants to be an objective based extended PVE mode but That wont really happen if a single person kills all the fauna in 20 minutes. ( or a robust ash lizard kills the crew fast). Already after it being played on terry for two rounds we had a single miner killing the majority of the fauna. Or an ash lizard cheesing the round by protecting the fauna and killing people who came to fight it.

The lava around the base to the west and south make it so its harder to expand into an area without instantly running into bubbles (or another mega fauna) and killing half the crew in seconds. Although the flip side is also a problem, if a majority of the more robust people die trying to kill the mega fauna. The round might just become a never ending, slowly build up the mining base with no one going to actually find the corpses of the people who died. With people having no way of ending the round properly without voting to restart, which might not happen as people might just end up leaving.

The AI also seems like it has next too nothing to do when the crew actually gets to lavaland and ends up becoming a useless role until someone makes it a shell. As the crew die the majority will start playing ash walkers which so far from what Ive seen just cheese the fauna to get more eggs without actually being any sort of benefit to the round. The ashies see the mode as a team death match. While a small portion of the crew will be hunting fauna, another small portion will just make their jobs but on lavaland and act like nothing happened. While another set will just go AFK because they cant do anything.

Also the first round I played of this mode had me suddenly being stuck in one spot unable to move until I died in an ash storm. I doubled check and I wasn't typing in chat or doing anything like that so Im abit confused on how I died.

Ill probably end up seeing more problems with it as it continues but in its current state I dont feel like this mode really meshes well with the actual game.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Tegun » #494906

Like the idea, and the chaos of logistics and evacuation seems like something that would become very manageable once people have experience with the game mode. Peak hour population seems like too much though.

Biggest issue I see from design point of view is the goal of killing megafauna. I am by no means experienced in fighting them, but they seem like challenges for an individual player rather than the crew as a whole. In the worst case the weakest and least experienced players are just going to sabotage any attempts at killing them, completely by accident. I think an opposition that works in quantity rather than quality would make for a more interesting situation to most of the crew. Speaking of quantity and quality, ash lizards seem a bit too dangerous since they can reach both with looted equipment and new eggs - assuming the first few are the kind of players who curbstomp everyone with their bare hands.

So to combine my concerns of high population, involving the whole crew and making the opposition manageable, how about assigning a certain amount of players to be the manageable opposition? The way I imagine it is a nest of some sort of spawners that is hard to assault with starting equipment and technology, and the players making up the opposition are some sort of simple mobs who just keep coming back if the crew manages to kill them off. For the antagonists it'd be a war of attrition trying to whittle down the crew, and for the crew it'd be a race to become powerful enough to stomp the harrassing creatures. In the best case this would lead to a situation where the crew is encouraged to improve themselves in every field while maintaining the base on lavaland, but the hardest part would probably be making it fun and fair for the antagonists if they're player controlled.

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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Shadowflame909 » #494924

In the simplest terms, to flesh it out as a mode. It needs more conflict and more reason to engage.

The reason could be as good as any, like "if you don't the megafauna will slowly but surely get closer to your base" or "If you don't defeat them by this point and time, lava will slowly spill out until the station is completely flooded."

The mode is lacking tension is what I'm saying. With modes like Traitor, Ling, Cult. There's always that paranoia of "what if this guy is not who he says he is. Or is out to kill me" The majority of our side antags can be seen based around that concept as well. Morph, Abductor.

The others fall more into jumpscares and *teleports behind u* like Ninja/Slaughter-Demon/Laughter-Demon/Xeno/Chrono/Revenant/Nightmare.

So all in all, the big bad being a couple of NPCS just isn't offering enough tension past the first dangerous 10 minutes.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by rrgarfield » #494935

acid rain does way too much damage imo, it'll kill pretty much anything in under 10 seconds
i get that you're supposed to prepare for the weather but anyone'll have a hard time even reacting before they're dead
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by 4dplanner » #494936

Needs to be way easier for it to end when the station aren't winning, admin had to forceend the round
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by terranaut » #495017

I don't think a PvE focused gamemode is a good idea for a game like SS13 built on paranoia with the threat of hostile player interaction behind every corner. Pitting all players undeniably into one team with no room for debate removes this aspect and a core principle of the game completely.
>b-but ashlizards
knowing "shoot that ligger dualwielding spears" isn't paranoia
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Cornarias » #495035

Signed up to give feedback since I think the mode has potential but lots of issues.

Fun core, needs a lot of work and proper fleshing out.

Gonna copy paste what I sent Naloac before I'd even read their post (there's a lot of crossover). Current issues:

1: ashies. Ashies are a problem. The only reason I didn't kill them sooner is I wanted people who had died to have a chance. After being assaulted mid-heiro for the third time I got fed up and went to kill them. I didn't have anything extra that made me prepared. I was actually injured, so it was worse. I was just done with their shit. But had I not, they almost certainly would've killed the crew.

2: Death on lavaland is death. You don't come back from that shit. Megafauna especially, you're gone. If you don't have cloning set and ready, you're donezo. So even if someone goes a-huntin', there may be nothing left to bring back.

3. One idiot can ruin the round. Point in case: Bubblegum round.

4. There's no end. Now, I like longer rounds and autism projects, so part of me likes this. But... well, megafauna is a hell of an objective since 99% of people have no idea what they're doing. Which leads me to my next point-

5. 1 miner is a make and break. Since most miners. let alone players, don't even know where to begin. Those 3 shifts made it SUPER apparent. another miner, a borg, some dude, and the HoS came to 'help' me fight the drake. This was a bit after i'd started it. 2 died, the borg almost died, and the borg had to drag the crit HoS away. ... That was all within 30 seconds. And i realised right then and there... If they can't fight the drake with 5 people... how in hell are they gonna fight colossus or bubblegum?

Since the above I've had a few other thoughts. I think that the on-station hazards are actually *too* extreme. That is to say, this gamemode opens up a whole new role: Scavengers. People who return to the station to grab what's left, what wasn't taken in the panic rush down, and other useful items. It's a bit like inverse mining, and it seems like a lot of fun. Those doing the scavenging report to have actually enjoyed it... except sometimes they just... died. Acid rain pretty much wiped anyone doing that job.

~ Also, mind-round antags make it for a hell of a clusterfuck if they can get to lavaland, but it's painfully boring if they can't. I read on the github that you've disabled it, so that's good.

~ AI seem to have very, very little to actually do until they get a shell.

~ The actual base is extremely cramped with little room to grow except towards dangerous megafauna.

~ atmospherics is a significant concern as it's limited, and many scavengers who can get more air will suddenly die to weather.

~ Once people start dying, the fun of the round drops drastically, and it becomes a slog and a grind.

~ Ashies camp megafauna. It's annoying. I mentioned this earlier, but this deserves a point of its own. Having to kill the entire ashie camp just to be able to do megafauna defeats the purpose of them existing. The entire ghost role needs to be shut down just for the crew to complete the megafauna objective. So the ideal strat is literally just... rush the tendril.

~ New people joining mid-round are fucked.


Stuff I like:

1. The cooperation is nice. Honestly seeing people like... get into roles and such, taking orders and giving them. It's a kind of organised chaos, and it's great to watch and be a part of.

2. Watching people build up lavaland is equally as fun. seeing rooms being repurposed, engies scrambling around to sort out power and the likes, etc.

3. The first 20-30 minutes are by far the highlight of this mode.

4. People seem to love scavenger. Until they die.


So some suggested improvements:

1. Give a unique objective. the megafauna is too volatile. If no robust miners are on: Crew loses. If robust miner is on: Crew wins fast.
1.a. There doesn't even need to be a win condition, similar to extended. But if that's the case, then the loss condition must be far more significant, realistic, and engaging.

2. Remove bubblegum and Legion. Bubble gum chases hard and will single-handedly wipe the crew, Ashies or idiots will released legion and cause havoc. Also: drake and colossus are harder to kite to the base, and there are many more miners capable of doing them. That's not saying much, mind you, and having them as an objective is still too volatile.

3. more space around mining base to expand. Gulag is well and good, but expanding their takes far more time and effort.

4. centcomm care package to cargo. Give them something to do in the early rounds. It should include some gear to help cargo and assistants do their job as station scavengers, have a shell for the AI prebuilt, and fair amount of cargo points for anything extra cargo needs to order.

5. All the airlocks but the exit 2 on the mining station should be immediately set to emergency access. It's a clusterfuck until engies change the permission of every door.

6. 25% of the crew left alive is what causes the slog. The loss condition needs to change. I won't give suggestions since there's a lot of ways to change it that'd affect how the gamemode actually plays out, so that's on you. It could be a total overhaul or just an increase of the number. I will say that the current method is anticlimactic, though.

7. Lavaland itself needs changes. This ties in with 1 and 3. As it stands, there needs to be less onus on the miners and more on the crew's actions as a whole.

8. Consider making the weather more tolerable and with far more warning, but also blowing up areas of the station. Nowhere critical, but enough to make the atmosphere somewhere that's passively harder to survive in, while making the active affects have more counterplay and interaction. This means preparation plays a larger role.

9. Consider making the first weather affect fairly trivial, but still making it clear to the crew that "Shit's goin' down", so that people who are unsure as to how dire the situation will be are made more immediately aware.

terranaut wrote:I don't think a PvE focused gamemode is a good idea for a game like SS13 built on paranoia with the threat of hostile player interaction behind every corner. Pitting all players undeniably into one team with no room for debate removes this aspect and a core principle of the game completely.
>b-but ashlizards
knowing "shoot that ligger dualwielding spears" isn't paranoia
Wizard and nuke ops.

Also, sometimes it's nice to work together.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by terranaut » #495038

Cornarias wrote:
terranaut wrote:I don't think a PvE focused gamemode is a good idea for a game like SS13 built on paranoia with the threat of hostile player interaction behind every corner. Pitting all players undeniably into one team with no room for debate removes this aspect and a core principle of the game completely.
>b-but ashlizards
knowing "shoot that ligger dualwielding spears" isn't paranoia
Wizard and nuke ops.
Wizard ends when the wizard dies unless he summoned guns or magic (which I fucking hate for this precise reason, despite generally being a fan of wizard).
Same for nuke.
Both are 30-45 minutes of action and then the round ends and are very inherently PvP modes. You don't have a passive slog PvE building.

With the ashligger problem and your comment about Megafauna being a bad win-condition (which I fully agree with), I got another idea though.
RaveRadbury could turn the ashliggers into the primary antag for this mode. Accustomed to the harsh conditions on Lavaland and eager and willing to strike back against the space station orbiting their planet and exploiting it for ressources, they could use this moment of weakenss to attempt to wipe out the crew (which would make it a PvP gamemode again, which I would welcome a lot). The loss condition could stay at 25% crew with this, or alternatively the ashliggers could set off the station self destruct (I can't think of a good reason for the self-destruct code to be anywhere on the station, so there'd need to be some way to get the code. Can't think of a good way for that either). The crews win condition would be kill all the ashliggers and their tendril, with the shuttle simply being called as soon as the gamemode is officially revealed on a very long timer (it takes longer because the traffic is pretty bad due to the shitty weather all over space), ending in a draw for the crew should that time be reached to avoid both a boring basically-extended slogfest and give the players a sense of urgency in what the're doing.
Cornarias wrote: Also, sometimes it's nice to work together.
I agree. Try it out sometime, it's fun. Don't know why you need a gamemode to force you into it.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Daxxed » #495045

The objective/antags :
Terranaut is not wrong
Megafauna objective sounds stupid ( may be biased with the few 100 hours I have played shaft miner )
Even if the ashliggers are lucky with their surroundings and can get a decent sized crew, they are just a hassle.
Though they could just easily bring a megafauna to the base and not even have to harm any humans.

I think having ashliggers guaranteed, but in turn giving them some more love would make for an interesting gamemode.
Miners can easily gear the crew up with PKAs and those are king on lavaland, it should be an interesting fight as long as both sides have some competent players.

Gamemode/strategy issues:
The mining shuttle is way too small for the insane amount of traffic it has to endure in the early stage of the round.
Multiple people end up getting spaced and tons of time is lost by people pushing solid objects into eachother.
If RnD and or cargo equipment gets lost in the chaos, the round will progress very slowly as miners are near useless without any upgrades ( assuming they don't afk or ghost out of frustration )

We need a proper strategy for this to not be so chaotic every shift.
For example first 10 mins miners move the cargonia machines to lavaland and rebuild the mining shuttle so it has two paths, one for traffic in and one for traffic going out.
Then RnD machines are moved in, when those are SET UP, the rest of the crew can join with all their useless crap.
Maybe gulag could be the cargo shuttle, for freight. A limited amount of people moves these objects and crates, sorts them in the gulag and delivers them where needed on the mining base.
Whiteship rushing could also be a viable strategy, or maybe even a code solution that modifies the mining shuttle.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Shadowflame909 » #495047

1000 people are not supposed to go on the mining shuttle.

That's what the aux base is for
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Cornarias » #495056

Daxxed wrote:If RnD and or cargo equipment gets lost in the chaos, the round will progress very slowly as miners are near useless without any upgrades ( assuming they don't afk or ghost out of frustration )
As a note, if no miner is capable of doing Heiro without upgrades, you are kinda shafted anyway.

Your first goals as miner in this mode are kill ashies / get heiro staff. If you cannot, there is little hope for all megafauna getting killed.

This is in its current state ofcourse.

And Shadowflame909 is right, the aux base is useful. Miners should be grabbing coordinate markers for it.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by terranaut » #495062

Daxxed wrote: We need a proper strategy for this to not be so chaotic every shift.
Set the teleporter to mining base and push a crate full of crap in the teleporter.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Daxxed » #495070

terranaut wrote:
Daxxed wrote: We need a proper strategy for this to not be so chaotic every shift.
Set the teleporter to mining base and push a crate full of crap in the teleporter.
t. Only person with a hand teleporter who did not witness the mess that was on the mining shuttle the first 20 mins of the round.
Jokes aside, brilliant idea if people learn to use it.

We were shafted that round because mining was researched but someone got spaced with the cargolathe, I am not gonna mine across the map with a basic PKA so I ghosted and joined the lizards which turned out to be way more fun

The gamemode has lots of potential if people know what to do, especially if theres ashliggers.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by RaveRadbury » #495076

I'm glad you guys are engaging this mode and thinking about where it could go and what it could be. I really appreciate it.

I've got a few thoughts

Round Length
I would like to create as much room as possible for this mode to be played, therefore I would prefer the distance between the minimum and maximum round times to be as large as possible. Because of this I'd prefer to have as few hard time gates as possible; if I could make the evac time more reactive to how the round is going I would (feel free to give suggestions as to what I could use for that)

In regards to round ending and time we have 4 possible round outcomes.
  • Fast Crew Loss: Achieved either through coordinated suicide (which would be hilarious and an appropriate IC response to a disaster, imo) or through kiting a megafauna to the mining base.
    I'm actually pretty okay with either of these results. I think that ultimately people should be encouraged to learn how to engage our megafauna content and that new strategies will arise allowing people to be the hero and lure megafauna away from the base. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but really this mode should be a powergamer's wet dream. Adventurer's dealing with megafauna get a bunch of attention and speedy access to any armor or augments they'd need to do their job.
  • Fast Crew Win: Achieved through powergamers getting good at being adventurers and wiping the megafauna fast. I'm excited to see this happen and I'm curious as to how low the time could get for this. This mode will be contingent on the number of players in the round who are confident with their megafauna kills.
  • Slow Crew Loss: I would say that this is the most agonizing concern. The adventurer's are dead, no one has the courage to try and rescue bodies or fight megafauna themselves. This is the condition in which I think the Ashwalkers can shine as they pick off the crew and reduce them to the loss threshold. The problem here is that if ashwalkers don't spawn or are immediately wiped then there is nothing to really end the round. A solution I am considering here is making Lord Tendy invincible until all megafauna are destroyed and also adding a passive egg generation (if that already isn't a thing). Is this brutal? Yes. Does it really matter? No. Provided that ashwalkers can continue to exist and spawn that should create a force of atrophy that should push the round into loss. This will likely require further balance and possibly additional ashwalker content, especially to prevent spawn camping the ashwalker spawn.
  • Slow Crew Win: Buildings had to be built, people had to get buffs, adventurer's had to be rescued. Hiccups here and there producing a long round of both victory and stuff to do is an acceptable outcome. Maybe alternate methods of killing megafauna were deployed.
Having a few rounds that are psuedo-extended isn't a bad thing. If anything that demonstrates its versatility. Are you in a psuedo-extended round and want it to end? Get good at ashwalker.

Small thought tidbits
  • I'm seeing some discussion about potential strategy for dealing with this mode and evacuation. I strongly encourage adding these thoughts to the wiki page for the game mode, at the very least to the Discussion page of the game mode
  • A lot of these problems are largely due to player ignorance. When I first debuted the PR people claimed that there wouldn't be enough mats for expansion and that players wouldn't be able to evac techfab boards, going so far as to say that additional equipment should be spawned on the mining station (I am against this idea.)
  • More KPA and Mining Equipment can be bought through the mining vendors. If you're actually mining around the base you're aiding expansion, gathering mats, and earning mining points while doing so in a space that should be hopefully clear of fauna. It's a legitimate production role with a small amount of danger. As far as I can tell the mining vendors have an unlimited inventory. Buy extra equipment for people.
  • The gulag is directly northwest of the station and it's bonkers that people don't RCD the lava immediately. Probably need to add that to the wiki
  • Considering dealing with the ashwalker nutrition issue by letting the mushrooms get pestled into a poultice. Will need some help with sprites on that.
  • If AI players are feeling bored they should consider what advantages they have as someone people have to listen to that can see everywhere. They can coordinate scavs, relay requests from crew to the scavenger team, even coordinate the shuttle getting launched. Believe it or not there is a talky-typey-social aspect to this game. I saw an AI directing station expansion, it was great.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by wesoda25 » #495103

After playing it, I'd say the gamemode is unpolished to a fault. Sure, its fun a few times. But people are going to get very sick of this gamemode. Despite how flexible it seems, its incredibly inflexible, and forces players into the same habits each and every shift. Its not even a space game anymore, as far removed as can be. Its completely eliminates the ability for nearly half of the station jobs to be pursued, and negates a ton of code. Out of all the things that make me want to play different rounds, I can't find one in disaster. I dislike how theres no system for helping new arrivals, how it forces people to go engage in combat, how it requires the cooperation of everyone, because we know that will never work. If you are actually considering mass suicide as a possible solution to the game it proves just how terrible it is. I'd like to be nicer in my review but to be very honest, I don't think this was a good idea for a gamemode, nor will it result in one.

That being said, I feel as if the gamemode would improve with antagonists. People sent to sew chaos, to prevent the rebuilding of a new station. Basically some sort of conflict to keep those not fauna hunting occupied. On that note, I also feel it would improve vastly if you didn't have to kill fauna to win. You're going to get shifts where no one wants to fight, and the round never ends. I don't know what the end goal should be, but definitely not that. Also, the disasters should actually destroy the station. I like the idea of people coming aboard to scavenge a husk of a station. But the station is seemingly untouched by the events that run through it. It'd be way better if the acid actually did corrode parts, the lava did melt things, the meteors (idk if that is one) did smash stuff.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Naloac » #495489

Since it seems like ashies are swapping to become the main antag for people wanting to end the round, In my opinion they need some updates. When I play ashie Ill rush the hierophant to better be able to mine areas and to be able to ignore most fauna, but most people dont have that option especially in disaster. They also need some method of actually disabling a crew member. on the third round this was played on terry, sec had brought the entire amoury down with them. Meaning that the ashies who basically have to attack close range couldnt do so. I think they need some sorta bola or equivalent to actually allow them to attack the well armed crew. Also they need some form of reliable healing that doesnt include them farming legions half way across the Z level only to realise when they get back that the tendril is dead and all the legion cores have gone inert. In the same round the crew had basically stopped doing much of anything and where just standing around going AFK. I as an ashie wandered off to kill hiero and ran towards the mining base well armed and ready to kill the crew. only to realise that because of the inactivity the admins had began to spawn roles to actually end the round with an in character method. They spawned 4 ninjas to kill the fauna which kill ganged up and killed me as an ashie and failed to kill any of the fauna. The admin then tried to spawn 2 death squadies only for them to also fail killing the fauna. The admin ended up just ending the round because no one was doing anything for a long period of time. The crew stopped building, ashies stopped spawning and all the fauna killers died fighting ashies or the fauna so the game semi stopped in limbo till the admin gave up trying to end it incharacter and just ended the round. you say about the crew mass suicide but I didnt see this happen I just saw the server pop drop as people just ended up going afk till the round ended.

this mode COULD be great but it needs tweaks to what seem to be the main antags of the round so they dont get so easily killed when they fail to kill fauna or to stop the 3 men with shotguns with their spear and a legion corpse stun.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by 4dplanner » #495512

Just to clarify, those ninjas were randomly spawned by event pumping. Later on an announcement was made refluffing them as megafauna killers, but this was not the original source. Further, I was the one who both started the fight against and dealt the most damage to colossus, so to say they killed no megafauna is false.

As to the gamemode, I still think it's extremely strange to use megafauna as the goal. Megafauna are designed as solo challenges for miners, and so are not always going to be suitable as a crew challenge. My biggest concern here is bubblegum, which requires a lot of learning and doesn't grow noticeably weaker with multiple opponents fighting it (due to aoe attacks and healing off of gibbing corpses). This will just lead to more extremely stalled rounds like the one Terra mentioned. Basically, you shouldn't require at least one person extremely competent at one specific job to end the gamemode.

Further, requiring people to learn megafauna fighting just to win a gamemode is basically just reducing the amount there is to do in this game. Normally you can go from job to job at your leisure, learning them and then moving on. Now there's an overlap. By taking the job content and using it to fill a hole in your gamemode, you do it a disservice.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Naloac » #495548

4dplanner wrote:Just to clarify, those ninjas were randomly spawned by event pumping. Later on an announcement was made refluffing them as megafauna killers, but this was not the original source. Further, I was the one who both started the fight against and dealt the most damage to colossus, so to say they killed no megafauna is false.

Pardon 4d I believe you where a ninja too? I generally meant that the crew wasnt fighting them if I remember correctly a ninja attacked the megafauna and was eventually killed by a podperson with a gatfruit gun. Sorry if this didnt come across properly in my post was abit tired when I made it. The majority of megafauna I saw killed in those rounds where by one or two smart miners, an event spawned thing or a lavaland spawn. I didnt see the majority of the crew gearing up or doing anything that seems to be the goal of the mode. They just moved their jobs to lavaland and did that or afk'd.

Although continuing on, if ashies are to become the antags of this round instead of the megafauna wouldnt it semi make sense that the ashies are the only one who could open their door. Maybe have it after a certain amount of megafauna are killed (probably a low amount to see how it goes) the door automatically opens allowing people to end the round. although this means that the tendril would have to passively pump out eggs to allow the antags to be antags. This also allows the miners to kill an easier fauna to end the round while also having ashies being able to attack properly. Although I still think they need basic healing and a bola for this to work as them being antags.
Timberpoes wrote: Lepi was right all along.
I Might Be an admin, You should leave me feedback: ... 37&t=24032
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by knacker48 » #495557

I'm not sure if this is the place for it but if your looking for ways to giving ashies more a fighting chance, how about making it so they get unique benefits from eating lavaland mushrooms? It could be something as mundane as a heal, or it could be a more unique effect like they temporarily have higher stamina regen to help fight against disablers, or maybe even giving them a speed boost. You could also have that ashies can identify what effects a mushroom will have by examining it so its not just random beneficial effect.

Other than that if you wanted to go farther with the idea of making them a real threat you could take a page from xenos and make it so after a certain amount of time they can evolve into different, stronger variants of ashwalkers, like maybe one that can cross lava, or one that has natural armor. I dunno I'm probably going too far with these but hey I'm just throwing out some ideas
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Ayy Lemoh
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #495561

RaveRadbury wrote:I think that ultimately people should be encouraged to learn how to engage our megafauna content and that new strategies will arise allowing people to be the hero and lure megafauna away from the base. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but really this mode should be a powergamer's wet dream. Adventurer's dealing with megafauna get a bunch of attention and speedy access to any armor or augments they'd need to do their job.

Achieved through powergamers getting good at being adventurers and wiping the megafauna fast. I'm excited to see this happen and I'm curious as to how low the time could get for this. This mode will be contingent on the number of players in the round who are confident with their megafauna kills.

Are you in a psuedo-extended round and want it to end? Get good at ashwalker.
This is SS13, a paranoia atmospheric simulator. This is not guys is john johnson online so we can give him all the weapons and watch him play the game for us simulator. This is also a roleplaying game. This is not a FPS where someone gets to play as master chief and everyone else is this low tier peasant fagola who may as well just be a NPC that hands out items. I like Lavaland and find mining alright however I want to play space station 13. I don't want to play lava land 13 except I can't even fucking play since I'm not one of the powergamers.

Why is it a good thing to award powergamers for powergaming? They get awarded enough through powergaming alone. They get enough attention depending on what they do with it (murderboning being most common sadly). I am sure this may inspire a few people to engage megafauna and shit however there is a reason not every fucking server has lavaland-tier content. Not everyone wants to fucking fight the big demon bosses so they can play the real game. You're also relying on competent people too much for this. There is a reason why people seem(ed) to hate stasis beds and that was due to a lack of competency.

This just sounds like away missions with all this powergamer and adventurer crap. I'm pretty sure that was a BAD thing to have powergamers back then. Not sure why it is a good thing now. You likely have good intentions however I can't see the value in a gamemode where literally only 5 people matter while the rest just exist. Atleast in gamemodes like traitor where only 5 people matter at first, more people can matter overtime due to them killing the traitors or some other shit.

also, my experience of observing a disaster round was that a few dudes would just mass grief with major success apparently. I was too busy doing some cool shit as a ghost however I heard how assistants and griefers kept fucking everything up with stuff like trit fires or siphoning rooms. This is an admin issue however it gives a good idea of how it's viewed by some people as well as how it is kind of a bad idea to rely on a really small base for 50+ people.
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by oranges » #495658

a round that tries something different isn't going to destroy ss13 jerry, please relax
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Tlaltecuhtli » #495663

what if instead of moving the crew to lavaland it would turn the space turfs in the station z level into lavaland turfs and simulate a crashlanding? maybe havd it announce a safe zone and then blow up the rest of the station and have the crew try survive in an hostile enviroment (bees) :cry: until the shuttle arrives
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Re: Natural Disaster Feedback

Post by Whoneedspacee » #495742

Damn that actually sounds like a cool gamemode. A gamemode where the station travels through random zones exploring and being attacked and such complete with ghost roles.

Not sure how you'd make it good but it seems like a cool idea anyways. Probably not appropriate for this gamemode though since it sounds like a lot of work.
retired ss13 coderman
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