(This is something we have in adminbus's forum on occasion, usually accompanying one made by us or players in the policy discussion thread, its just a place to discuss the issue at hand without it spiraling out of control from too many people trying to talk at once like every policy forum thread ever has done.)
So, HG apparently told brain-cake that their telescience calculator (linked here: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1915 ) breaks rule 5:
This is news to me. Considering that 1: sticky has admitted to using such things in that thread and multiple times in ooc/irc. 2: These calculators have been discussed for ever in ooc that they were universally known. 3: There isn't a single ban that i could find searching for tele/science/metagaming/meta gaming for this.https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules wrote:Don’t metagame. Do not ever use information, acquired out of character or through patterns or events your character would not be able to know, in game.
So, the obvious step here is to bridge the gap.
While the argument can be strongly made that it technically or even functionally breaks the aforementioned rule. Said rule was made before telescience was even a thought, and a discussion is needed for rather or not having that rule apply to these calculators is practical.
Telescience lets you grab an item from a location or put an item on a location, given by IC'ified versions of x,y,z, coords in the form of the offset from the telepad location. The thing is, the telepad has this quirk where it's accuracy is fuzzed, so if you want to put something 10 tiles to the west and 18 to the north it may put it 9 tiles to the west and 22 to the north. This accuracy fuzzing stays the same for a set number of uses, then a message is given about something overloading, and the fuzz amount changes. The idea is to use gps's to figure out how its fuzzed and account for that as you use.
Well, as we can guess, someone made an excel spreadsheet to help calculate the fuzz and even account for it for a given x y coord using excel formulas not too long after telescience came out. These spreadsheets have been spreading around ooc, people making them better, adding common x y coord lists, etc. Then someone went a head and made a full blown program that did about the same thing but quicker using smart math.
Along with this is the coordinate maps, maps of the station and the various z levels with the x/y overlaying every tile. [example]
So now that you are caught up, lets discuss.
I'll leave my commands in a few so they don't have the advantage of being in the op.