What this board is for and rules for game admins & mods

Mods and admins talk, users listen. Anybody can see this board, but only forum staff and game admins can post.
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What this board is for and rules for game admins & mods

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #40727

The idea behind this board is to have a place where there are no users posting and cluttering up everything, but they can still see it.

Is there such a use for a board? Fuck if i know.

Rules are simple:

This board is for the use of forum mods, forum admins, and in game admins.

Don't post in threads clearly meant for another group you aren't apart of. You are basically a user to that regard and should pretend you have read only access.

Global mods should not be attempting to enforce rules in this board, Rule breaking posts should honestly flat out not exist because the groups allowed to post here are all #professionals (right). If this turns out to not be the case, let a forum admin know and we'll handle it.

Feel free to post in this thread with your thoughts.
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