the fucking monk quest in this game is the most boring annoying shit i've ever had to put up with a video game, "WHY HAVEN'T YOU COMPLETED YOUR STUDIES YET BROTHER GRIGOR, IT'S SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR YOU" I went back and fucking slaughtered every last god damn monk i could find. FUCK THAT QUEST
Sometinyprick wrote:the fucking monk quest in this game is the most boring annoying shit i've ever had to put up with a video game, "WHY HAVEN'T YOU COMPLETED YOUR STUDIES YET BROTHER GRIGOR, IT'S SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR YOU" I went back and fucking slaughtered every last god damn monk i could find. FUCK THAT QUEST
honestly just ignore the sidequests since 90% of them are either buggy or don't give you anything of worth for your time and effort
I dont know how the creators are racist but their names are Daniel Vávra and Viktor Bocan if you want to do some extensive research on their political views before you buy the game
But there's also a big problem. There are no people of colour in the game beyond people from the Cuman tribe, a Turkic people from the Eurasian Steppe. The question is, should there be? The game's makers say they've done years of research and found no conclusive proof there should be, but a historian I spoke to, who specialises in the area, disagrees.
For those who don't know their Germany, Bohemia was the very east side of pre WW1 Germany and is taken up by modern day Poland.
You're more likely to see a Chinaman in Bohemia than an African simply due to the distances involved, it'd be like trying to find a norseman in Jerusalem - not impossible but the odds are so remote it may as well be.
Yeah, there have never been any actual conflicts between the province of Bohemia and Poland, there was always two other countries between them that took all the hits, namely Silesia and Moravia. All 3 of these countries also make up both the Bohemian Crown lands during the HRE, and the modern Czech Republic hundreds of years later. Although Poland did steal most of Silesia... Except it was actually Prussia that did that.
PS: The game is set in 1403, during this time the Bohemian crown ruled all 3 of the historical countries that make up the modern day Czech Republic and would continue to do so for over 200 more years as Cosmic pointed out.
Anonmare wrote:For those who don't know their Germany, Bohemia was the very east side of pre WW1 Germany and is taken up by modern day Poland.
You're more likely to see a Chinaman in Bohemia than an African simply due to the distances involved, it'd be like trying to find a norseman in Jerusalem - not impossible but the odds are so remote it may as well be.
berbers are africans and they were 100% travelling around europe at the time of this game.
CosmicScientist wrote:Yes, those poor catholics being taken off of boats to be slaves. The French and the Spanish don't have the best ongoing history with anyone north of the Sahara.
Were the Berbers doing much trading with the Italian city states or the Spanish inherited realms in the boot's south?
Probably not, they were mostly coastal raiders that raped and pillaged the mediterranean claiming Allah's booty.
All these stupid arguments about ethnicity are as dumb as claiming there should be blacks, asians, europeans and latinos in every household all over the world, because they all exist within a reasonably close proximity to your house so they should travel to your house and be inside your house.
The entire game is set in a very small rural area of czech republic where I honestly think you might have problems finding a black person even to this fucking day.
Yeah yorii has the right of it. If one did want to honestly critique the idea of race in the game, the reasonable course is not to ask "Why no black people in this game", but to ask the question "Why did you choose to set it at this particular time in this particular place where there are only white people? Could you have accomplished the same aims without doing so?" And the answer to the important second half of that question is no. The good reason for it being set when and where it is is that the game's environment is a carefully put together love letter from the creator to his homeland, which just didn't have non-white people in it at the time when interesting medieval things were happening (or for that matter, at much of any time).
A fair critique of how the game handles itself in light of social issues might still ask questions like "Why are there so many interesting, well-written male characters, and such a lack of interesting female characters?" Note that such a critique would not ask why there are no fighting women/women in positions of power (as some have done), because that falls under the same category as the lack of black people above- but I'd say it's fair to be bothered by the fact that Radzig, Bernard, Father Godwin, etc. etc. are all interesting and expressive, whereas the most interesting female character (Godwin's concubine) doesn't even get a name. Now, the answer here probably has something to do with development resources, though it's fair to ask in turn why they were allocated how they were allocated.
(The absence of that question in favor of inflammatory remarks says a lot about the nature of the media.)
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.