Dwarf Fortress Mode

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Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363777

Let me start this by saying that, if you have played d20s dorf mode, this is that.

The idea is to have a small, shitty station on a large lavaland map, where the game mode is to build, expand, mine, and explore.
Here is a picture of one of d20s dorf mode maps, to give an idea.
What is circled in red was the outline of the original starting station, and the rest was expanded upon, built by players, by hand.

The basics;
Dorf mode is a long, long mode; d20 dorf mode rounds usually were up for the entire weekend, although a part of that was just to see how long we could keep it going for. Dorf mode would also be on a larger lavaland map, bigger than 255x255, as multiple traversal z levels would not work out too well on a planet. There would be no normal player antags; no traitors, no changelings, no wizards, no nuke ops, no cultists, nothing. Dorf stations are too vulnerable early on to sabotage. Thus, there is no security, as almost all players are armed and ready to fight wildlife that gets close to the station. For here, with the more dangerous lavaland, I would imagine a security defense force would not be too far out of the question. More things were orderable via cargo, or could be found in loot rooms, to help build up the station, such as chemical dispensers and such.

Things that would need to be changed;
With lavaland, there are a few current issues. The first is megafauna; having someone be able to lure a drake or bubblegum or collosus to the station to cause major damage would not be that fun. I propose for this map, then, a area of the map is made to be a destroyed necropolis, which requires some long process to be able to gain access; all current megafauna would reside in there. This would keep people from luring them to an early, budding station, as well as stop people from trying to get their loot early on.
Tendrils are another problem. With a large map, or just with a lavaland based map in general, there would be a LOT of loot lying around from tendrils. Thus, I would propose for this map only, tendrils would spawn lesser/no loot, and can pop up during earth quake events. This gives people something to fight.
For this map, there may need to be modifications for jobs; d20 removed several of the lesser jobs, keeping only essentials, as well as removing security. As well, cargo would need some new crates exclusively for this map, for the purpose of building up the station.

The problems;
The big issue is time. Dorf mode was usually run once a month, for a weekend. It usually was just one round for that entire weekend. I know people will have an issue with rounds this long, both with how boring it may get, as well as scheduling it.
Another issue is rules; on d20, there was no pvp, as everyone had to work together, and it was all so vulnerable, especially early on. This means that there was not a need for security, nor were their antags, and people trying to grief or fuck with others were usually talked to by admins. These things, I would imagine a lot of people will have issues with.
Another problem is with the game mode itself. Not everyone likes to build. A lot of people will be turned off by this whole idea solely because it is based around building and expanding. A larger lavaland map, to give people something to explore and fight, would help, but other than that, I really do not have a solution for this.

I would like to hear peoples thoughts on this, to see if anyone is interested in it. I do not know how hosting this would work, but I would imagine that something could be done if there is enough interest in this.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by SpaceInaba » #363781

I personally love stuff like this but I feel like 75% of the community is sadly too smoothbrained for this
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363782

SpaceInaba wrote:I personally love stuff like this but I feel like 75% of the community is sadly too smoothbrained for this
I would imagine that, would this happen, it would have to be on a separate server, so that people do not get upset that their server is on dorf mode, and they can not play their normal ss13 rounds.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by PantherPusher » #363783

It would also probably need a way to let people go afk to do things like sleep and work
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363784

PantherPusher wrote:It would also probably need a way to let people go afk to do things like sleep and work
On d20s dorf mode, a safe room was usually constructed just for that, and it was against the modes rules to strip people of their things, unless it was for something important, such as station blueprints, needed to make a new area. But yeah, I imagine some sort of secure cryosleeper would benifit the game mode on a larger server like this one.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #363787

No arrivals or departure shuttles, just 20-30 secure cyrosleepers that lock themselves to the ckey that activated within it and allow you to lock yourselves inside freezing your bodily state and letting you ghost out. Since its land bound you could also justify either a kevinz gas miner rig or a natural lavaland turf air extractor which atmos can further purpose down the line to run atmos generator.

DF mode can basically be its own lavaland map that renders space maps null & proceeds to create seas of lava instead with outcrops of islands as landmarks for travelling over by boat or flying/shuttle navigation, a dry run for planetstation. Quickly assessing your problems listed.

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363791

FantasticFwoosh wrote:No arrivals or departure shuttles, just 20-30 secure cyrosleepers that lock themselves to the ckey that activated within it and allow you to lock yourselves inside freezing your bodily state and letting you ghost out. Since its land bound you could also justify either a kevinz gas miner rig or a natural lavaland turf air extractor which atmos can further purpose down the line to run atmos generator.

DF mode can basically be its own lavaland map that renders space maps null & proceeds to create seas of lava instead with outcrops of islands as landmarks for travelling over by boat or flying/shuttle navigation, a dry run for planetstation. Quickly assessing your problems listed.
I actually had an idea like this; where cargo ordered cryopods that would allow certain jobs to spawn; need more miners? Order a few miner cryopods. More doctors? Order them.
However that requires work on the spawning systems.
As well, there may be over 30 people playing at one time, or over 30 people over the course of the game.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Dr_bee » #363795

Sounds a lot like what planetstation is trying to do.

Best way to do this would be to make it an event or give it its own server. Personally I would like it to be a weekly event.

Baystation code has cryo sleepers to handle logging out and in, also you may want to consider other methods of respawn, death should be a penalty but it would be lame to be out of a 2 day long round.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363797

Dr_bee wrote:Sounds a lot like what planetstation is trying to do.

Best way to do this would be to make it an event or give it its own server. Personally I would like it to be a weekly event.

Baystation code has cryo sleepers to handle logging out and in, also you may want to consider other methods of respawn, death should be a penalty but it would be lame to be out of a 2 day long round.
I noticed the planetstation thing only after this.
The main difference is that planetstation wants to be as normal as possible, just on a planet; this gamemode is to build your own station, without normal antags.
I would assume giving it its own server would be better, as well as having it only up on weekends, and d20 had three respawns per person, which I would assume would be a good idea, so death is not as bad as it normally is.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by PKPenguin321 » #363798

Essentially golem ship but it's the whole game, then? I've played with the idea before but honestly it seems like too drastic of a change and should really be a separate game from SS13, the golem ship works because it's already so separated from the main game
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363802

PKPenguin321 wrote:Essentially golem ship but it's the whole game, then? I've played with the idea before but honestly it seems like too drastic of a change and should really be a separate game from SS13, the golem ship works because it's already so separated from the main game
Well the idea is more or less to attempt to build an entire station, not just RnD things, like with the golem ship. Its an attempt to take ss13 back to its dwarf fortress roots, using tg mechanics. As long as the majority of the game is kept the same, there should be no reason that this should not work; it would allow people to build the projects they have always wanted, but never had the chance to, due to short rounds.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by PKPenguin321 » #363803

Chowder McArthor wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:Essentially golem ship but it's the whole game, then? I've played with the idea before but honestly it seems like too drastic of a change and should really be a separate game from SS13, the golem ship works because it's already so separated from the main game
Well the idea is more or less to attempt to build an entire station, not just RnD things, like with the golem ship. Its an attempt to take ss13 back to its dwarf fortress roots, using tg mechanics. As long as the majority of the game is kept the same, there should be no reason that this should not work; it would allow people to build the projects they have always wanted, but never had the chance to, due to short rounds.
But surely you understand how having to build a station from scratch every round is a much different experience than simulating life on a station.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363808

PKPenguin321 wrote:
Chowder McArthor wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:Essentially golem ship but it's the whole game, then? I've played with the idea before but honestly it seems like too drastic of a change and should really be a separate game from SS13, the golem ship works because it's already so separated from the main game
Well the idea is more or less to attempt to build an entire station, not just RnD things, like with the golem ship. Its an attempt to take ss13 back to its dwarf fortress roots, using tg mechanics. As long as the majority of the game is kept the same, there should be no reason that this should not work; it would allow people to build the projects they have always wanted, but never had the chance to, due to short rounds.
But surely you understand how having to build a station from scratch every round is a much different experience than simulating life on a station.
Well, yeah, but every round is not how I would say it. This would probably be run only on weekends, to give breaks between rounds. It would be more of a colony building than life on a space station, yes, but would planet station be life on a spacestation?

Like I have said, this was a thing on d20 station for a long time, it was only up one weekend a month, so people did not get bored of it, and this was on old tg mining, which had less variety. The playerbase liked it a lot. This is a tested idea, not something I made up this morning, as seen in that screenshot.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Limey » #363810

Pkp brought up a nice point, and with that I think a better idea is to expand upon golem ship instead, but no idea on how
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by PKPenguin321 » #363811

Oh yeah, as a rare thing it would absolutely be cool. I can think of a way to do this as an admin event actually, maybe I'll trial it some time.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363813

Limey wrote:Pkp brought up a nice point, and with that I think a better idea is to expand upon golem ship instead, but no idea on how
Again, the problem with the golem ship is that it is on a normal round, and the golems really only are pushed to build RnD. Rarely do I see golems build anything else. They really do not need medical, or botany, or anything, just RnD. The round is just too short for them to do anything else, anyways.
PKPenguin321 wrote:Oh yeah, as a rare thing it would absolutely be cool. I can think of a way to do this as an admin event actually, maybe I'll trial it some time.
For us on d20, it was the time to get all our building autism out; to build the projects we do not get the chance to on normal modes. Ideally, once a month over a weekend, a server is opened for dwarf mode, so people can plan for it, and it looses its charm slower.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #363820

TBH we just need a non-rotation map that has the bare essentials and room to expand.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by PKPenguin321 » #363821

Atlanta-Ned wrote:TBH we just need a non-rotation map that has the bare essentials and room to expand.
My admin event idea was to just delete the mining shuttle and drop everyone in lavaland then spawn some essentials yeah
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Qbopper » #363824

Atlanta-Ned wrote:TBH we just need a non-rotation map that has the bare essentials and room to expand.
this would be really easy to do and I can probably whip one up as I do budgetstation post exam and now I want to do this so it's going on my trello
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #363825

PKPenguin321 wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:TBH we just need a non-rotation map that has the bare essentials and room to expand.
My admin event idea was to just delete the mining shuttle and drop everyone in lavaland then spawn some essentials yeah
itt admins didn't read the thread before they started speaking on plans to lazily just port it to lavaland without considering the following valid points.
Chowder McArthor wrote:Things that would need to be changed;
With lavaland, there are a few current issues. The first is megafauna; having someone be able to lure a drake or bubblegum or collosus to the station to cause major damage would not be that fun. I propose for this map, then, a area of the map is made to be a destroyed necropolis, which requires some long process to be able to gain access; all current megafauna would reside in there. This would keep people from luring them to an early, budding station, as well as stop people from trying to get their loot early on.

Tendrils are another problem. With a large map, or just with a lavaland based map in general, there would be a LOT of loot lying around from tendrils. Thus, I would propose for this map only, tendrils would spawn lesser/no loot, and can pop up during earth quake events. This gives people something to fight.
For this map, there may need to be modifications for jobs; d20 removed several of the lesser jobs, keeping only essentials, as well as removing security. As well, cargo would need some new crates exclusively for this map, for the purpose of building up the station.

The problems;

Another issue is rules; on d20, there was no pvp, as everyone had to work together, and it was all so vulnerable, especially early on. This means that there was not a need for security, nor were their antags, and people trying to grief or fuck with others were usually talked to by admins. These things, I would imagine a lot of people will have issues with.

Another problem is with the game mode itself. Not everyone likes to build. A lot of people will be turned off by this whole idea solely because it is based around building and expanding. A larger lavaland map, to give people something to explore and fight, would help, but other than that, I really do not have a solution for this.

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363826

PKPenguin321 wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:TBH we just need a non-rotation map that has the bare essentials and room to expand.
My admin event idea was to just delete the mining shuttle and drop everyone in lavaland then spawn some essentials yeah
A problem with that is that, very, very quickly, the entire map will be explored. Exploration was always a big part of dorfmode, and the non-builders will quickly get bored.
FantasticFwooshitt wrote: admins didn't read the thread before they started speaking on plans to lazily just port it to lavaland without considering the following valid points.
From what I understand, they were talking about a sort of trial run, to see if the playerbase would enjoy this before anything is done.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Wyzack » #363829

I mentioned this in a thread the other day. Part of the original dorfmode was having a hostile outer environment to scavenge parts from, which would require either D20's asteroid belt thingy or tons of shit tactically placed across lavaland. I would love to see this as a once in a blue moon gametype but it seems like such a large effort for something to be used so infrequently that i ave my doubts it would ever happen
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363830

Wyzack wrote:I mentioned this in a thread the other day. Part of the original dorfmode was having a hostile outer environment to scavenge parts from, which would require either D20's asteroid belt thingy or tons of shit tactically placed across lavaland. I would love to see this as a once in a blue moon gametype but it seems like such a large effort for something to be used so infrequently that i ave my doubts it would ever happen
The ship graveyard was not needed for that, all the parts and such came from loot rooms across the asteroid. The graveyard was Mezzos attempt to make mining more exciting, but the issue was that it was not randomized, so you knew where everything was after a few rounds, or just by observing once.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by ShadowDimentio » #363833

ShadowDimentio wrote:
Xhuis wrote:dwarf fortress-style build-a-station would be very creative and unique but I feel like most /tg/ players can't be trusted to do anything more than kill each other with various blunt objects and there would likely be mass braindeath as soon as they spawned in and realized that they weren't on a pristine station with all commodities available from the word go
Goon had this mode. Emphasis on had.

Y'see the problem with building your own station is one, building your own station is boring and takes a very long time, and two, construction in SS13 isn't designed with you having nothing and building up to something, it's designed with something being broken and you going and getting stuff located elsewhere to fix what got broke.

Goon learned fast that one, nobody wanted to play this mode because it was boring as fuck, and two, they constantly had to keep maintaining the mode and adding overhead so that progression worked and you wouldn't get stuck.

So yeah, bad idea.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Cobby » #363840

Why would you ever build something knowing it's going to get reset in about 1-2hours (outliers not included)?

NOTE: I really like this idea but my personal tastes do not always come with what is sensible for the game :^)
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #363843

Never stopped anything else this coderbase has ever implemented.

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363866

Cobby wrote:Why would you ever build something knowing it's going to get reset in about 1-2hours (outliers not included)?

NOTE: I really like this idea but my personal tastes do not always come with what is sensible for the game :^)
Screenshots; bragging rights; the sense of accomplishment; building for the sake of building; take your pic.
Lots of people do this kinda stuff; the dudes who fancy up an area, or make engine improvements even if the engine is already good, or literally anyone who uses the aux. mining base.
Also, dwarf rounds usually last way longer than 1-2 hours. Thats the point, so that you have time to build all those projects you have always wanted to do without fear of being interrupted by a murderboning antag five minutes in.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #363873

ShadowDimentio wrote:
ShadowDimentio wrote:
Xhuis wrote:dwarf fortress-style build-a-station would be very creative and unique but I feel like most /tg/ players can't be trusted to do anything more than kill each other with various blunt objects and there would likely be mass braindeath as soon as they spawned in and realized that they weren't on a pristine station with all commodities available from the word go
Goon had this mode. Emphasis on had.

Y'see the problem with building your own station is one, building your own station is boring and takes a very long time, and two, construction in SS13 isn't designed with you having nothing and building up to something, it's designed with something being broken and you going and getting stuff located elsewhere to fix what got broke.

Goon learned fast that one, nobody wanted to play this mode because it was boring as fuck, and two, they constantly had to keep maintaining the mode and adding overhead so that progression worked and you wouldn't get stuck.

So yeah, bad idea.
Well, like I said, this type of thing WAS tested on another server already; I have the screenshots to prove it, like on the topic post.
Apart of it is building a station not just to live on, but also to defend from the environment. I have not played Goons, so I do not know how it is different, but I can say a lot of people on d20 liked dorf mode, and a number of people here seem interested in the idea.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by PKPenguin321 » #363929

FantasticFwoosh wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:
Atlanta-Ned wrote:TBH we just need a non-rotation map that has the bare essentials and room to expand.
My admin event idea was to just delete the mining shuttle and drop everyone in lavaland then spawn some essentials yeah
itt admins didn't read the thread before they started speaking on plans to lazily just port it to lavaland without considering the following valid points.
Chowder McArthor wrote:Things that would need to be changed;
With lavaland, there are a few current issues. The first is megafauna; having someone be able to lure a drake or bubblegum or collosus to the station to cause major damage would not be that fun. I propose for this map, then, a area of the map is made to be a destroyed necropolis, which requires some long process to be able to gain access; all current megafauna would reside in there. This would keep people from luring them to an early, budding station, as well as stop people from trying to get their loot early on.

Tendrils are another problem. With a large map, or just with a lavaland based map in general, there would be a LOT of loot lying around from tendrils. Thus, I would propose for this map only, tendrils would spawn lesser/no loot, and can pop up during earth quake events. This gives people something to fight.
For this map, there may need to be modifications for jobs; d20 removed several of the lesser jobs, keeping only essentials, as well as removing security. As well, cargo would need some new crates exclusively for this map, for the purpose of building up the station.

The problems;

Another issue is rules; on d20, there was no pvp, as everyone had to work together, and it was all so vulnerable, especially early on. This means that there was not a need for security, nor were their antags, and people trying to grief or fuck with others were usually talked to by admins. These things, I would imagine a lot of people will have issues with.

Another problem is with the game mode itself. Not everyone likes to build. A lot of people will be turned off by this whole idea solely because it is based around building and expanding. A larger lavaland map, to give people something to explore and fight, would help, but other than that, I really do not have a solution for this.
itt fwoosh doesnt understand what the difference is between a fully coded feature and a close-enough admin event trial run
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Cobby » #363943

Chowder McArthor wrote:
Cobby wrote:Why would you ever build something knowing it's going to get reset in about 1-2hours (outliers not included)?

NOTE: I really like this idea but my personal tastes do not always come with what is sensible for the game :^)
Screenshots; bragging rights; the sense of accomplishment; building for the sake of building; take your pic.
Lots of people do this kinda stuff; the dudes who fancy up an area, or make engine improvements even if the engine is already good, or literally anyone who uses the aux. mining base.
Also, dwarf rounds usually last way longer than 1-2 hours. Thats the point, so that you have time to build all those projects you have always wanted to do without fear of being interrupted by a murderboning antag five minutes in.
But those can be done in relatively short periods of time. Especially with aux base, people had to code a """qol""" bot that did much of the actual base construction for them.

Is not the concept of DF to build a base over and over until you perfect it and in practice can last for weeks/months/even more? How does carry over to a multiplayer game where you have people wanting to force the round end because of whatever reason within an hour?

Unless you can ensure everyone is on the same page such as its own server, I just feel like people are either going to try their best to force a new round or at worse join the other server / leave outright until it's over. As lavaland and our many tries regarding extended have shown us, playing passive build mode just isn't very desirable to a considerable portion of the playerbase even when they fully know there's no baddies. Hell, the whole "okay you guys know it's extended go build!" gamemode had to be removed because people would immediately start conflict to end the round as fast as possible.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #364004

Players drive to create conflict is a cultural one of the community base, not inherent of the game. Periodic events that spawn enemies (not as batshit as the warp storm syndie portal) in areas of the station to test its design would keep players on their toes as well as high frequency power outage blackouts etc and mundane safe but irritating events.

EI - after a event, a hole pops up randomly in station areas and seals itself after with a atmosless tile (since lavaland tiles drain air) that spawns lavaland monsters into that area.

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Chowder McArthor » #364005

Cobby wrote:
Chowder McArthor wrote:
Cobby wrote:Why would you ever build something knowing it's going to get reset in about 1-2hours (outliers not included)?

NOTE: I really like this idea but my personal tastes do not always come with what is sensible for the game :^)
Screenshots; bragging rights; the sense of accomplishment; building for the sake of building; take your pic.
Lots of people do this kinda stuff; the dudes who fancy up an area, or make engine improvements even if the engine is already good, or literally anyone who uses the aux. mining base.
Also, dwarf rounds usually last way longer than 1-2 hours. Thats the point, so that you have time to build all those projects you have always wanted to do without fear of being interrupted by a murderboning antag five minutes in.
But those can be done in relatively short periods of time. Especially with aux base, people had to code a """qol""" bot that did much of the actual base construction for them.

Is not the concept of DF to build a base over and over until you perfect it and in practice can last for weeks/months/even more? How does carry over to a multiplayer game where you have people wanting to force the round end because of whatever reason within an hour?

Unless you can ensure everyone is on the same page such as its own server, I just feel like people are either going to try their best to force a new round or at worse join the other server / leave outright until it's over. As lavaland and our many tries regarding extended have shown us, playing passive build mode just isn't very desirable to a considerable portion of the playerbase even when they fully know there's no baddies. Hell, the whole "okay you guys know it's extended go build!" gamemode had to be removed because people would immediately start conflict to end the round as fast as possible.
Well I mean, having it be on its own server was something I think I said in the topic post. Making sure that you are not forcing players to play this or not play at all was what I said to avoid.
As well, a thing I keep saying is that the map should be large enough that people can explore for a while, as well as having things such as invasion events. This should please the people who like to do that kind of stuff, and not build. As well, people have mentioned how building in SS13 is more for repairs, but they forget things such as the RCD, the cable layer, fuck, most of the construction ripley equipment seems to be there for mass construction.

As well, as has been said, this is planned to be a rare thing; once a weekend. If people are trying to end the round, on a separate server that is only up once a month, just to start a new round, where nothing catastrophic has gone wrong - then I think there is a problem that is not due to the gamemode.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Players drive to create conflict is a cultural one of the community base, not inherent of the game. Periodic events that spawn enemies (not as batshit as the warp storm syndie portal) in areas of the station to test its design would keep players on their toes as well as high frequency power outage blackouts etc and mundane safe but irritating events.

EI - after a event, a hole pops up randomly in station areas and seals itself after with a atmosless tile (since lavaland tiles drain air) that spawns lavaland monsters into that area.
I was thinking that too. IIRC, lava dwarves had that feature in mind. I was thinking more of a random event that was an earth quake that made more tendrils, so you have to go and hunt them, as well as having random invasion events. You are not building just to build, but also to defend.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by FantasticFwoosh » #364011

Actually quick idea, engineering should make use of the auxillary base building drones in order to quickly construct rooms & place down plasma turrets to defend vital areas, all it would require is a consistent camera network (which can also be done by making xray cameras)

The building drones have been looking for a purpose since forever, and the drones could have a set limited amount of special setpiece tiles for unreplacable engineering equipment. Attach a high cost (of plasma) to building new plasma turrets (or refreshing the drones stock of plasma turrets) and it should be ok. Would take a lot of monotony out of slowly placing down walls, but piping, machines & electrics still need to be done.

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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Nilons » #364283

I miss d20 dorf weekends
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by obnoxiousWiztard » #369478

I want this, I want this bad.
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Re: Dwarf Fortress Mode

Post by Ivuchnu » #565985

Bump! I tried to search forum for "dorfstation" / "dorf station", sadly did not end up finding what I was looking for. However, this thread seems to be touching similar subject.

I saw admin run an event couple of times with really barebones station that's mostly unusable without engineering effort (circuit boards for vital machinery, cramped hallways full of people trying to build and some vital things like functioning cargo and small pressurized rooms) and (pretty sure) was named "dorfstation". Building your own department from scratch was fun! However, event was rather polarizing. Some people loved it (including me), some rolled antag to syndibomb it shiftstart.
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