XDTM wrote:Damn, this is huge, and works for traitor implants apparently
Antagonists can also extract the mindshield implants as part of disguises. Traitors could combine a pilfered loyalty implant, an agent ID, a looted baton from destroying beepsky, a pair of handcuffs and a chameleon disguise kit to impersonate a security officer. You could just walk up to your target while they're out in public, prod them with your baton and almost nobody would stop you.Though without additional legwork, you wouldn't have access to security or a real taser or even proper body armour.
A cultist could ambush a sec officer, extract their implant, steal their identity via genetics and hit themself with an implanter with the implant loaded and completely subvert security from the inside-out.
They could discreetly corrupt holy water in captured cultists, intercept and re-route captured cultists being dragged to security and even do the same to other officers/Heads of Staff. Cultsec could be legitimately viable
It's honestly one of the most game-changing tips I could've given out, given all that you have to do is either kill a sec officer or wait for one to die of natural causes and either steal/ask for an implant case and an implanter from R&D who are unlikely to question your request. Hell, even for the surgery you could just use a glass shard/wirecutters/bedsheets/etc. for the implant extraction. With a chamo kit, you wouldn't even need access to Genetics or the officer's clothing.