Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 10/23]

If you've received a ban and want it shortened or lifted then post here. Remember to follow the rules!
Forum rules
Read these board rules before posting or you'll get reprimanded.

Ban appeals without the banning admin's name in the beginning of the subject line will be deleted.
Link your byond account before posting an appeal to avoid the moderation queue
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Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 10/23]

Post by Hibbles » #284

---Ban Appeal Details:---

For Discord appeals, use this template. Otherwise,

Use this template when posting an appeal:

Post title/subject:

Code: Select all

[<Admin Name>] Player Name - Fluff text
[antonkr] mcgriffon - sec jobban
[petethegoat] blindinggriffin - bullshit ban
[intigracy] griff4eva - ban evasion missunderstanding

Post Contents: (place answers after the : )

Code: Select all

[b]BYOND account[/b]:

[b]Ban/note type[/b] (Server Ban/Discord Ban/Forum Ban/Note):

[b]Ban/note duration[/b]:
[b]Ban/note reason[/b]:
[b]Time ban was placed[/b]:
[b]Server you were playing on when banned[/b]:
[b]Round ID in which ban was placed[/b]:

[b]Why are you making this appeal?[/b] (Put an x in the boxes):
() - The ban/note is factually incorrect
() - The ban/note is not against the rules
() - The ban/note needs modification
() - The ban was unjustifiably harsh
() - I was permabanned and I want another chance

[b]Why should this appeal be accepted?[/b]:
When appealing a note, please read this.

Main FNR forum rules:

1. Global Forum rules apply
2. If you are not directly involved with the appeal (You are the guy who was banned, you saw what happened, you were his victim, etc.) then do not post in the appeal. Repetitive ignoring of this rule will lead to your FNR posting privileges being revoked until further notice
  1. Do not create ban appeals on behalf of others. If the banned person wants to appeal they can do so themselves.
3. You must wait until the end of the round where you got the ban to appeal it, to avoid potential IC in Forum spoilers. We recommend giving yourself time to cool off and make a calm, collected argument, but it's not a requirement.
4. Use the template. Failure to use the template will cause your appeal to take longer to be resolved, and the banning admin can request you to edit your post to include the template before giving a response.
5. A permaban may only be appealed once every 12 months unless stated otherwise by the banning admin or a headmin. Subsequent appeals will be automatically rejected and deleted, and may result in a forum ban if repeated.
6. No image macros, reaction images, memes or videos anywhere in FNR. Any media posted should be screenshots or other evidence directly related to the thread.
7. Try to keep your appeal calm, concise, to the point, and properly formatted. No one likes to read a wall of text, or an angry ragey post. Permaban appeals are encouraged to be longer and more detailed than regular appeals, but remember to use proper formatting.
8. If a thread goes for a week with no activity it will be resolved. If you don't want your thread to go unresolved because of a lack of response then notify admins for a response.
9. If you are appealing a ban from a retired administrator, an active admin may answer at their discretion. The admin taking over should make as much known as soon as they begin investigation.
10. This forum is for ban appeals made in good faith only. Major actions of bad faith in your ban appeal will be punished. Your ability to appeal bans can be revoked, leaving you fucked if you are perma banned. Lying, forging supporting evidence, or making baseless claims against the administration will not end well for you.
11. You are able to request that head admins review an appeal that is unable to come to an amicable resolution, however you are not entitled to a review occurring. Efforts must still be made by both you and the banning admin to resolve an appeal regardless of the request for reviewal.

PLEASE REMEMBER: Withholding information deliberately, in ahelps or FNR, is an excellent way to get ignored, or worse. It's effectively lying. When you say you were 'permabrigged for breaking one wall' and that one wall was the Armory's, then you've denied yourself way better than any of us could manage.

Admin FNR Guidelines:
1. If you mark an appeal as resolved, leave it open for 24 hours before locking and moving to the resolved appeals forum for any final questions. Exceptions are made if the thread gets disruptive with peanut posting, or if the appealer is just rehashing the same points over and over etc.
2. If the banning admin has not responded to an appeal within two days any other Game Admin may ping the administrator in regards to the appeal. If the banning admin does not respond within 24 hours, or just hands it off the admin may take over the appeal. Discord bans may only be taken over by other discord moderators.
3. If an appeal is resolved by a Headmin review, it is able to be locked immediately, and moved to resolved after 24 hours have passed.


Adding to/adjusting the definitions so that players can post in a thread regarding something they weren't involved in, IF IT IS TO BRING UP/POINT TO/HIGHLIGHT a rule, precedent, or piece of evidence that was missed that is relevant to the situation.

This does NOT include:
"This happened to me once and I didn't get banned for it" or the reverse "This happened to me once and I got banned for it."
"My opinion is..." or "I feel like..."

This WOULD cover:
"Rule 3 says..."
"These admins have always allowed..."
"Actually in the logs it says..."

This would allow players who are invested in the rules, have the experience, and can conduct themselves well to advocate in threads. Reminder that this applies to uninvolved admins except Headmins.

Anyone disregarding the peanut policy will receive a warning. Repeat offenders may be set to post approval in all FNR boards or forum-banned.

This is in order to streamline appeals/requests and to not make them a shit fest that people don't want to touch. ~ PAS

Rules regarding the use of public logs:

  • The content of log lines quoted must not be modified in any way.
    • This does not apply to adding context (as long as its clear that its added and not part of the original log)
    • Likewise, you are allowed to add formatting or emphasis as long as it does not appear deceptive
  • Any omissions of in between lines must be clearly marked in-line to the logs along with a brief description giving a rough amount of the lines removed, what they contained, and why they were removed
    • -snip-(500 lines of the clown slipping the hos in the other room removed for being irrelevant)
  • You must link to the log file you got the logs from to make it easier to validate the context
  • Air on the side of good faith, Its better to include too many context lines then not enough lines context lines
  • Expect onlookers to assume bad faith. If you omit details that are later deemed to be important people will assume you did it intentionally. This means doing due diligence when reviewing the logs for related or relevant bits.
Last edited by NamelessFairy on Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:11 pm, edited 34 times in total.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by Rockdtben » #352

There won't be a peanut gallery or stenography thread. Those were used for pure shitposting. If you have an issue with a player please create an actual ban request. If you have an issue with an admin please create an actual admin complaint.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by elyina » #717

Just want to clarify rule 1 is still in effect even without stenography. We're not going back to the old way where appeals were made near unreadable for those involved because of all the random people butting in.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by elyina » #1369

Also, #banbus is still a thing on rizon IRC. Feel free to come there to ask questions about your ban and discuss it with an admin if one is available.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by Hibbles » #17399

New Ban Appeals subforum policy, which I call the Pasikonik Doctrine:

If you act like a whining, screaming, hyper-aggressive man-child baby over a ban you got on a 2D atmospheric simulator with people, your appeal will be rejected summarily. I don't mean using a naughty word or implying the admin is stupid, I mean throwing a tantrum and being aggro and expecting to put us on the back foot or something. If you have to wonder if you're near the line of this new 'Pasikonik Doctrine', you're over the line. Back up and approach it with a more neutral tone.

It's long been defacto, or shadow, policy that somebody acting like a bitch will get smacked like a bitch, specific rules or no, (that is Rule 1 anyhow) but we're going to codify it here. Just act reasonable and you're fine. You don't have to beg and scrape, just don't demand the banning admin be deadminned and/or call him a fagt. At least in your appeal.

Generally you'd have to be pretty over the top to fall foul of this.

Examples from the Resolved Archives of what constitutes 'over the line' conduct
More will be added, but this is an excellent way of conducting yourself if you don't want any of the admins to take you seriously, ever.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by Hibbles » #21311

GIVEN that we literally have a ban database made out of screws, pine straw, and buffalo hide, IF you find yourself suddenly banned, have legitimately no clue why, or you KNOW the issue was already resolved/you were unbanned but suddenly you're banned again, PLEASE do not make a ban appeal UNTIL AFTER contacting scaredofshadows on IRC's Rizon channel directly regarding the incident, as well as MrStonedOne, the database dude, and, I dunno, #adminbus on IRC Rizon can probably help too. Point is, if it's likely a technical issue, please contact us through other channels than a ban appeal. It's not a big deal, just a simple housekeeping measure we'd greatly appreciate.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #23508

Given that some people have decided that the steno rules are free to be ignored; I've decided to up the ante so the speak.

Repetitive ignoring of steno rules will lead to your FNR posting privileges being revoked until further notice
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by Timbrewolf » #56991


Adding to/adjusting the definitions so that players can post in a thread regarding something they weren't involved in, IF IT IS TO BRING UP/POINT TO/HIGHLIGHT a rule, precedent, or piece of evidence that was missed that is relevant to the situation.

This does NOT include:
"This happened to me once and I didn't get banned for it" or the reverse "This happened to me once and I got banned for it."
"My opinion is…" or "I feel like…"

This WOULD cover:
"Rule 3 says…"
"These admins have always allowed…"
"Actually in the logs it says…"

This would allow players who are invested in the rules, have the experience, and can conduct themselves well to advocate in threads.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by imblyings » #124661

Anon3's amendment, one of his more lasting achievements, is still in full effect.

I appreciate the fact that players will come across issues or questions regarding policy during a thread and they may be pertinent towards the appeal or request in question. However, discussion regarding these issues should be kept in the policy discussion subforum. One, to centralize policy discussion in a place where people can read them easier since there's less of a guarantee people read each FNR that happens, and second, these discussions are prone to running over several pages long and overwhelming the FNR it came up in. Pertinent rulings and precedents from policy discussions can still be quoted in an FNR.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by peoplearestrange » #138169

Bump to reiterate anon3 amendment being still in effect.
oranges is the center point of rational and calm debate, where much of tg's issues are worked out in a fun and family friendly environment
miggles wrote:it must have been quite the accomplishment, killing a dead butterfly
WeeYakk wrote:If you take a step back from everything watching the community argue janitor related changes is one of the most surreal and hilarious things about this game. Four pages of discussing the merits of there being too much or too little dirt in a video game.
Operative wrote:Vote PAS for headmin! Get cucked and feel good getting cucked.
TheNightingale wrote:I want to get off Mr. Scones's Wild Ride...
NikNakFlak wrote:Excuse you, I was doing intentional bug testing for the well being of the server. I do not make mistakes.
Fragnostic wrote:stop cucking the first shitshow ever that revolved around me.
This is my moment, what are you doing?!
Anonmare wrote:Oranges gestures at the thread, it shudders and begins to move!
Saegrimr wrote:
callanrockslol wrote:all you have to do is ban shitters until the playbase improves/ceases to exist, whichever comes first.
Screemonster wrote:hellmoo is the mud for grown adults who main reaper in overwatch
Kor wrote:
confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
bandit wrote:you are now manually GLORFing
MrStonedOne wrote:The best part about the election is when I announce my pick because I'm just as surprised as everybody else.
PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun

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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by lzimann » #234743

Bumping this to note that the Anon3's amendment is still in effect, as it seems many had forgotten about it.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #261483

New rules regarding the use of public logs in ban appeals, ban requests (if ever re-opened) and admin complaints:
  • The content of line must not be modified in any way.
    • This does not apply to adding context (as long as its clear that its added and not part of the original log)
    • Likewise, you are allowed to add formatting or emphasis as long as it does not appear deceptive
  • Any omissions of in between lines must be clearly marked in-line to the logs along with a brief description giving a rough amount of the lines removed, what they contained, and why they were removed
    • -snip-(500 lines of the clown slipping the hos in the other room removed for being irrelevant)
  • You must link to the log file you got the logs from to make it easier to validate the context
  • Air on the side of good faith, Its better to include too many context lines then not enough lines context lines
  • Expect onlookers to assume bad faith. If you omit details that are later deemed to be important people will assume you did it intentionally. This means doing due diligence when reviewing the logs for related or relevant bits.
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Notes on Appealing Notes

Post by imblyings » #347563

Note appeals:
Notes are remarks about players added to player's files in order to help keep track of player behavior, trends, as well as admin interactions with players. Notes have many uses and are not exclusively used to record rule breaking behavior, but we do recognize that their existence can seem like a black mark on the player.

For those reasons, notes can be appealed if they match one of the following two cases:
  1. The note is factually or materially incorrect.
    1. There must be a difference between how an admin who knew all the facts would view you vs how an admin who only had the note to go on would view you. If you were being a shit but the note didn't correctly detail exactly how you were being a shit, an appeal nitpicking this detail is unlikely to be granted.
    2. Statements that are clearly pure opinion on the admins part can not be incorrect (because that is what the admin actually believes), but may be appealed under case 2 below.
    3. Appealed bans are only factually incorrect if the conditions around ban itself was incorrect. Getting unbanned because you apologized or similar reasons is not grounds to have the auto-generated note about the ban removed. Likewise: getting unbanned because you broke the rules but the admin or a headmin later determined that a ban was "too much" is not grounds to remove the ban's note.
    4. Notes appealed under this rule may be amended rather than removed.
    5. Notes appealed under this rule will generally be more successful if appealing players offers suggested rewording that they feel properly accounts for nuances without minimizing what the note is trying to highlight. Understand that we have to balance keeping notes short and succinct with accurately reflecting the situation.
  2. The note's contents or existence is unjustifiably harsh to the player's standing in the eyes of admins reading the notes.
    1. Notes that contain admin opinions that unfairly paint the player in a bad light are one example.
      1. Emphasis on the phrase "unfairly". If you're repeatedly a shitter and an admin calls you a shitter in a note just take the hint and improve on not being a shitter
-by MSO
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Re: Notes on Appealing Notes

Post by imblyings » #363024

Goon has this. Now we have it too.

Lie in an appeal and it gets denied solely on admin discretion, no matter how justified the appeal might be otherwise. Feign regret or that you've learned a lesson if you must but making up false details or leaving details out just doesn't help you.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by Rustledjimm » #423906

The anon3 amendment is now to be named The Peanut Policy.

The following changes have been made:
The Policy now also covers admins in the Ban Appeals subforums, a similar change is being added to the Admin Complaints subforum. Unless they are the banning admin, a headmin or a Game Master they too must follow the Policy.

Also the time period limit for a thread with no activity is being shortened from a month maximum to a week maximum.
So uhh, I'm an admin. Please leave feedback! Oops took me a while to strike that through.

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Discord Ban appeals [Update 8/30]

Post by CitrusGender » #428828

You may now appeal Discord bans to the Official Discord on these forums!

Please follow the format here:

Discord Server Ban Template
Post title/subject:

Code: Select all

[DISCORD] <Discord Username>
Post contents:

Code: Select all

[b]Discord username:[/b] <Discord username ***INCLUDING DISCRIMINATOR*** -- like Example#0001 or Test#1234>
[b]Commonly used names:[/b] <Other names that you commonly use if your Discord ID is not the same. Otherwise, feel free to remove this portion.>
[b]Banning admin:[/b] <If you know who you were banned by, put it here. Otherwise, feel free to remove this portion.>
[b]Ban reason:[/b] <If you know the reason why you were banned, summarize it here. Ideally have this provided to you by someone who can see it in the audit log on the discord server. Otherwise, feel free to remove this portion.>
[b]Time ban was placed:[/b] <Approximate time, include timezone. Example: 2018-08-10 14:00 UTC, two weeks ago, etc>
[b]Your side of the story:[/b] <Explain what happened in your own words.>
[b]Why you think you should be unbanned:[/b] <Why should you get this opportunity to return, what value do you bring back to the community? Was your ban unfair? Justify it.>
All FNR rules in this thread apply to Discord appeals as well. Please just be sane and describe the incident.

Peanuts policy is in effect as well.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by Nervere » #467015

I edited rule 5 to clarify that "you may appeal once a year" means every 12 months. No, it doesn't mean that you can appeal on January 1st if it has been less than 12 months.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by Nervere » #487720

Game Masters are no longer exempt from the peanut posting rule.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 8/30]

Post by Hulkamania » #536911

Specified that retired administrator bans can be handled by any active admin.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 1/21]

Post by PKPenguin321 » #581986

Update as of today, this topic has been merged with the Discord Appeals and Note Appeals topics and hopefully the stickies on this forum are less cluttered. Going forward let's try to keep it like this so that vital information for people who are new to the forum and just want to appeal a ban are the most immediately visible topics.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 1/21]

Post by Coconutwarrior97 » #593969

Added new FNR Admin Guidelines, some of these were unspoken rules previously but now they're set in stone.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 1/21]

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #596635

Added rule 10.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 3/21]

Post by Misdoubtful » #686794

The addition of rule 11 has been made to clarify on and make known that headmin reviews can be requested for appeals.

11. You are able to request that head admins review an appeal that is unable to come to an amicable resolution, however you are not entitled to a review occurring. Efforts must still be made by both you and the banning admin to resolve an appeal regardless of the request for reviewal.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 5/23]

Post by Misdoubtful » #686900

On AI assisted and generated appeals:

If an admin determines that an AI generated or assisted appeal is low effort / done in bad faith they are free to close it and request an appeal written by the appellants own hand.
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 10/23]

Post by Fikou » #709193

The ban appeal template was updated to the one set in viewtopic.php?t=35070&view=unread#unread
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Re: Ban Appeal Forum Rules (READ BEFORE POSTING) [Update 10/23]

Post by Cheshify » #720482

The ban appeal template has been updated as of this thread here.
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