Bottom post of the previous page:
You mean like this?Whypop wrote:-TUUUUBES-
Bottom post of the previous page:
You mean like this?Whypop wrote:-TUUUUBES-
Eh, if you really want the convenience of being able to pop across a station this large in a near-instant, you should have to take the bit of time to walk over to both pads to link them. 1-2 minutes of inconvenience for the next 45+ minutes of quick transportation.XDTM wrote:They should start linked, then people could redirect them at will.
Same could be said for the engine/research/most jobs. If you want to be able to hop around the station with ease, you should have to take time for the initial setup.XDTM wrote:My point is that if it's something that's simply the same every round it feels like busywork and a waste of time, rather than a gameplay element. Also i'd link medbay to somewhere, they're the ones that most need a quick travel time.
Well, I mean, the admins can't do anything about it. Your criticism should be directed to the map maker.chanoc1 wrote: ALSO, I ahelped "PM to-Admins: hey uh no joke this station really sucks in its current stage is the next round going to change map?" and kevins gives me an actual reply and qbopper replies with his "hurr hurr go post on fourms"
the point of my first ahelp was mainly to asking if & when the map was going to changeLombardo2 wrote:Well, I mean, the admins can't do anything about it. Your criticism should be directed to the map maker.chanoc1 wrote: ALSO, I ahelped "PM to-Admins: hey uh no joke this station really sucks in its current stage is the next round going to change map?" and kevins gives me an actual reply and qbopper replies with his "hurr hurr go post on fourms"
"change the map this sux" contributes nothing, and we're not going to change maps mid roundchanoc1 wrote:the point of my first ahelp was mainly to asking if & when the map was going to changeLombardo2 wrote:Well, I mean, the admins can't do anything about it. Your criticism should be directed to the map maker.chanoc1 wrote: ALSO, I ahelped "PM to-Admins: hey uh no joke this station really sucks in its current stage is the next round going to change map?" and kevins gives me an actual reply and qbopper replies with his "hurr hurr go post on fourms"
also at this point it's been said multiple times to post on the fourms didnt see why i had to get a reply about it
Limey wrote:its too late.
In your grievances you mentioned maint and other places feeling a bit empty, it has been mentioned earlier in the thread that this is mostly due to it being a test merge and once the more outstanding issues are ironed out there will be the normal amount of random junk and hidden loot in maint and other secret placesTsuchigumo wrote:lots of stuff
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
I'm not quite sure I understand where these come from. All service-based departments is clumped together on a single asteroid chunk, which is multiple social-based jobs together while the more independent ones sit on other areas. There really isn't a way to 'force' people to go to one particular area as that just sort of develops on its own as people play the map. As for navigational aid, I don't see the issue here either. There are multiple directional signs posted on the segments that lead to the bridges pointing in a department's direction, as well as the layout being easy to learn. If you can figure out that each chunk of rock is essentially its own department, then you've already figured out the map. You could look at the map for 5 minutes and that'd probably be all the mental notes you'd need to take to figure out where 'x' is.Tsuchigumo wrote:
There's simply no central gathering place in the map. Many areas can and should be this- the Bar, Arrivals/Escape, Medbay, the Bridge, even something like Dorms- there should be an area where players naturally congregate, some place that players can always head to relatively quickly that everyone knows where is, and something that reasonably attracts players to it. Without some centralizing feature, the station feels bleak and empty, and getting from place to place becomes a featureless walk that takes too long.
- Give the station some sort of important gathering area that is relatively easy to get to. It can be anything, just so long as players are naturally brought to it, and it can be used as a navigational aid. It might be too late to give the station something like this, but combining all of the low-importance things (bar, kitchen, dorms, other "fluff" rooms) might work.
- More navigational aids in general. Clear demarcation of where things are relative to other things in amounts that make it possible to drown can only be helpful, especially for new players who wouldn't even begin to know how to handle such a large map. While it's not functionally "larger" than other stations, it's much less compressed, making navigation
more of a pain than on other stations.
hey assfag if you had any reading comprehension you'd know i said " is the next round going to change map?" retardQbopper wrote:"change the map this sux" contributes nothing, and we're not going to change maps mid roundchanoc1 wrote:the point of my first ahelp was mainly to asking if & when the map was going to changeLombardo2 wrote:Well, I mean, the admins can't do anything about it. Your criticism should be directed to the map maker.chanoc1 wrote: ALSO, I ahelped "PM to-Admins: hey uh no joke this station really sucks in its current stage is the next round going to change map?" and kevins gives me an actual reply and qbopper replies with his "hurr hurr go post on fourms"
also at this point it's been said multiple times to post on the fourms didnt see why i had to get a reply about it
also, just because you know me outside of /tg/ doesn't mean I have to put up with you being annoying
This is why we do tests, as odds are I've missed a few things. Easy fix.IMVader wrote:The map is huge, barren and unfinished. Here just a few complaints:
* As a Security Officer you get no access to security records consoles nor extra clothes (berets!) in brig.
Extra cells fit into the cellblock design I was going for, perma being treated as the shit hole you throw the terrible people into. If the lack of airlock despite the mounted flash is an issue, then that's something easy to squeeze in.IMVader wrote: * Despite you have ten (Ten!) holding cells, perma is tiny and equipped with only a single door.
The joke is that every map with a "transfer facility" is actually just a hallway that leads to a execution chamber off-campus to keep Asimov AIs ignorant and happy. All I did was replace the chamber with a ditch to throw corpses into.IMVader wrote: * The purpose of the Inmate Transfer Facility beats me, unless if you want a larger perma after removing the picks. A larger perma that has a single door so it's riskier to put several prisoners. Because if you leave people in there as it is they will just pick at three or four walls and be freed. Then you have to worry about an extra access to brig.
Yeah, this is an issue with byond attaching unnecessary tags to var-edited stuff, causing the links to fuck up. It's something I need to go through and remove manually via notepad once I get stuff set.IMVader wrote: * As AI you get tons of error messages.
Everything should be stemming off from 2 major distro/waste pipes, so some pipes not getting flooded is odd. Did you make sure the atmospheric rooms on each asteroid were open? If those were all active and the issue persisted then I probably missed a pipe or two under an air lock or something. I'll throw in some extra air alarms if they seem too scarce.IMVader wrote: * If you try to flood the station you'll realize that some vents are not connected to the main loop, so no plasma there, and that the presence of Air Alarms is very slim. The whole system could use improvement.
I may of compressed the bridge a bit and didn't notice this issue when adjusting the rooms. Whoops.IMVader wrote: * in Bridge you see the lovely Bridge APC access door which only borders a single wall.
Isolation is more of a key concept in this map design, the distance between departments and the asteroid Islands are meant to feel 'empty', in a sense. I've just finished giving maintenance q clutter overhaul, with departments being next, so I'm hoping to address the issue of empty-feeling departments. Not sure if I fully agree with the "playing on the derelict" issue fully, although I can somewhat see where it comes from.IMVader wrote: All in all the map has absolutely nothing new. The departments either have less stuff than Box, Meta or Delta, or have the same but there is just more empty space in and between them. It feels desolate, like playing in the derelict.
This part I don't quite understand. I know not everyone is going to fully enjoy my implementation of the concept, but I've yet to see this entire "everyone hates the map" concept. Apart from the few vocal upsets from a select few, I've gotten mostly positive responses and helpful criticism. I've had it ran on both servers with decent results, barring the first run on basil which was a fuck up on my part.IMVader wrote: The concept is very interesting. A station on an asteroid? Small independent mini-stations? Nice. The problem is that the implementation severely lacks. And it does show, the players curse each time Ceres is chosen and the admins are forced to do events to keep things moving.
Please remove this from the roster. It gave me and my family cancer.
Limey wrote:its too late.
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