Below I have attached an editted version of the logs. Of course, this will change the perception of the events for some(and its possible I missed a relevant line or two), so I have attached a full log (doublepasted from DS) detailing the whole ordeal near the bottom of this post. Here is the high points though... Removed because I was "spamming OOC", you can look thru the full log below if you want to find out what happened.
TLDR; Muted me because two other people complained on OOC and "several ahelps" without giving any warning, proceeded to stand by bad adminning in duet. Edit: Just to add incase there are anyone playing at home, when I am saying badminning, I am referring to Jordie's lying, as I am thruout this entire post. If at any time you feel otherwise, please read the last sentence back to yourself.