Swagbringer wrote:Change the formula requirements for skewium to not need plasma. As it currently stands this makes it difficult for chemists to make and impossible for botanists (good luck getting cargo to give up points so you can make a toxin). Make it require another chemical that botanists can grow, from a mutated plant so they cant get it so easily eg Space lube from bluespace tomatoes or mushroom hallucinogen. The botanists still need help from chemists in order to make it and the chemists still have to make about 12 reactions in order to get it, so its not like it will appear every other round with this change.
As an aside, how often do these recommendations get added to the game? Do coders/admins regularly look through these threads?
Skewium is already retardedly potent. I don't think making it easier to get and make will do anyone any favors.
Dweebs should drop whatever they're holding and take 3 burn damage if splashed by hot beverages/hot cup noodle because I just made cup noodles and they're hot as fuck
Swagbringer wrote:Change the formula requirements for skewium to not need plasma. As it currently stands this makes it difficult for chemists to make and impossible for botanists (good luck getting cargo to give up points so you can make a toxin). Make it require another chemical that botanists can grow, from a mutated plant so they cant get it so easily eg Space lube from bluespace tomatoes or mushroom hallucinogen. The botanists still need help from chemists in order to make it and the chemists still have to make about 12 reactions in order to get it, so its not like it will appear every other round with this change.
As an aside, how often do these recommendations get added to the game? Do coders/admins regularly look through these threads?
>More botany power creep
[20:26:02]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Welp. It was just a prank bro isn't a very good excuse when it comes to unprovoked nonantag murder, but since this is your first time doing it and you seem to understand the problem instead of a bannu I'm just going to leave you with a warning. Please PLEASE don't do this again in the future, as funny as crackhead broken bottle memes can be. Alrighty? Do you have any input on this?
[20:26:39]ADMIN: PM: [censored]->[censored admin]: Alright, no problem. I have some input. Fuck my boy pussy.
[20:27:06]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Okay then. Have fun.
[20:31:29]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Excuse me?
J_Madison wrote:
that's a stupid fucking stat
you don't play, you've never played
lying little shit with your bullshit stat
fuck you
ColonicAcid wrote:and with enough practise i too could blow my own dick so well that only the gods know how it feels.
Make shutters and blast doors constructable. Shutters require a lot of metal but nothing that is rare. Blast doors take up less resources but need plastitanium.
Also make mass drivers buildable so I can have a punishment device involving a mass driver, pointed at a wall and a conveyor belt leading from the wall back to the mass driver.
Anonmare wrote:Make shutters and blast doors constructable. Shutters require a lot of metal but nothing that is rare. Blast doors take up less resources but need plastitanium.
Also make mass drivers buildable so I can have a punishment device involving a mass driver, pointed at a wall and a conveyor belt leading from the wall back to the mass driver.
more improvised weapons! same stats and functions as the spear but made with different items, I want a rag-tag team of staff assistants armed with makeshift swords, axes, maces, spears, and shields against an antag!
Let people be able to willingly pour out the contents of a glass/beaker/container into a tile by click-dragging.
Also, sodas will leave stains like motor-oil, and anything containing sugar will create sticky surfaces that play sounds when walking over them.
Iatots wrote:Let people be able to willingly pour out the contents of a glass/beaker/container into a tile by click-dragging.
Also, sodas will leave stains like motor-oil, and anything containing sugar will create sticky surfaces that play sounds when walking over them.
You can do this already.
Harm intent into a tile
[20:26:02]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Welp. It was just a prank bro isn't a very good excuse when it comes to unprovoked nonantag murder, but since this is your first time doing it and you seem to understand the problem instead of a bannu I'm just going to leave you with a warning. Please PLEASE don't do this again in the future, as funny as crackhead broken bottle memes can be. Alrighty? Do you have any input on this?
[20:26:39]ADMIN: PM: [censored]->[censored admin]: Alright, no problem. I have some input. Fuck my boy pussy.
[20:27:06]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Okay then. Have fun.
[20:31:29]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Excuse me?
J_Madison wrote:
that's a stupid fucking stat
you don't play, you've never played
lying little shit with your bullshit stat
fuck you
ColonicAcid wrote:and with enough practise i too could blow my own dick so well that only the gods know how it feels.
Portable Bluespace Ore Reclaimer: costs 400 mining points. Unfoldable ore reclaimer pad that can be used to teleport ore from lavalands to cargo. Simply deploy it, slide your ID in, put the crate on the pad, and activate it. The points will be transferred to your ID and the crate will be teleported to cargo. Can only be used three times however due to Nanotrasen cutting corners with the battery or some shit. Emagging it disables the safety on it and fucks up the Bluespace module on it, allowing it to teleport people albeit short a few arms or legs and with severe cloning damage. Also they'll probably be dead.
Add a new improvised weapon made from a high capacity power cell and a flash.
Super charged flashes stun for longer but burn out after one use. Using better cells adds additional effects, such as mutes, knock-outs and even causing the target to catch fire.
However, overcharged flashes are so powerful that they'll flash everyone around them, including the flasher. Remember to use protection.
Can be attached to remote signaller assemblies to create one use stun traps.
Allow bloodcult to draw runes inside lockers and crates, runed lockers and crates cannot hold items and will not close unless they are completely empty, and they have to be open in order for you to invoke them.
Make the number of revolutionaries unable to exceed the number of sec tbh. It's dull if it's two sec versus 5 revheads, it's not even a palate cleanser, it's just a steamroll.
Make photographs attachable to milk/juice cartons, and they show up as a small overlay on the sprite. Examine the carton and it tells you who's on the photograph
Grazyn wrote:Make photographs attachable to milk/juice cartons, and they show up as a small overlay on the sprite. Examine the carton and it tells you who's on the photograph
Iatots wrote:Let people be able to willingly pour out the contents of a glass/beaker/container into a tile by click-dragging.
Also, sodas will leave stains like motor-oil, and anything containing sugar will create sticky surfaces that play sounds when walking over them.
You can do this already.
Harm intent into a tile
That only works for beakers and similar.
You can't do it with soda cans for instance, which I used as example.
Piano Wire: Smash the piano or buy from an uplink, equip some gloves, grab someone and choke them out with less delay between grabs.
Lasso: Something for botanists to make. It acts like the hook but with a very noticeable animated sprite. Also has a longer cooldown between uses, stuns for less, does not harm.
Remember the prisoner ship ruin?
Why not make it feel like a break out?
Instead of a lavaland ruin make it a space ruin.
Players would have to break out of their jail cells, get past armed guards, and make it to a pod so they can die on a lava planet.
Reagent spears: Dip your spear in a beaker to coat the tip in 20 u of that reagent. Hitting someone with the spear injects 5 u of that reagent. Imbedding the spear in someone releases the reagent over time, maybe 1 u per second until it's either pulled out or all of the reagents are absorbed into the victim's system. Create nasty poison tipped spears as a traitor or maybe laughter if you're an evil and sadistic clown to force your victims to laugh at your silly little prank as they try to limp away with a spear jammed in their chest.
Jacough wrote:Reagent spears: Dip your spear in a beaker to coat the tip in 20 u of that reagent. Hitting someone with the spear injects 5 u of that reagent. Imbedding the spear in someone releases the reagent over time, maybe 1 u per second until it's either pulled out or all of the reagents are absorbed into the victim's system. Create nasty poison tipped spears as a traitor or maybe laughter if you're an evil and sadistic clown to force your victims to laugh at your silly little prank as they try to limp away with a spear jammed in their chest.
OR I could dip the spear in my multi-chem healing mix to have a MEDICAL SPEAR!
Change Abductor objectives to have X amount of abductees at the end of the round alive.
Give Abductors eyewear that determine if someone is a viable specimen/already possessing a gland.
Make the combat mode of the Agent Vest space-proof and a 50% chance to deflect energy/laser projectiles.
Allow Abductors to purchase an alien medikit for 1 point, emergency stun baton (Functions exactly like a human stun baton) for 1 point, a box of alien handcuffs for 1 point, a replacement Agent utility belt for 2 points and to be able to request replacement personnel if one of them dies for 3 points (you may request a replacement Scientist or Agent).
Have the medikit contain a health analyzer, gauze, Epi-pen, a pill bottle containing 50u synthflesh patches, a second bottle containing 15u Synthflesh patches and two disposable hyposprays containing charcoal.
Jacough wrote:Reagent spears: Dip your spear in a beaker to coat the tip in 20 u of that reagent. Hitting someone with the spear injects 5 u of that reagent. Imbedding the spear in someone releases the reagent over time, maybe 1 u per second until it's either pulled out or all of the reagents are absorbed into the victim's system. Create nasty poison tipped spears as a traitor or maybe laughter if you're an evil and sadistic clown to force your victims to laugh at your silly little prank as they try to limp away with a spear jammed in their chest.
OR I could dip the spear in my multi-chem healing mix to have a MEDICAL SPEAR!
"I'm bleeding to death and there's a fucking spear jutting from my chest but at least my first degree burns are completely gone"
Give player ash drakes the ability to switch to small sprites on their end, much like the alien queen can.
Since ash drake blood can already transform you into a specific appearance of a red ash lizard, we can use that ash lizard sprite to represent the ash drake in 1x1 scale.
It would appear that I'm a high RP weeb who hates roleplay and anime.
Sligneris wrote:Give player ash drakes the ability to switch to small sprites on their end, much like the alien queen can.
Since ash drake blood can already transform you into a specific appearance of a red ash lizard, we can use that ash lizard sprite to represent the ash drake in 1x1 scale.
I'd rather we get a proper small drake sprite instead. That way people can still recognize that it's a Drake on sight. Unless that lizard sprite gets a bunch of unique things to identify itself.
I think you missed the part that said "on their end". Other people would still see the usual big ash drake, just like they always see a big queen sprite.
It's just to avoid ash drakes from accidentally biting themselves when trying to attack others.
It would appear that I'm a high RP weeb who hates roleplay and anime.
Sligneris wrote:Give player ash drakes the ability to switch to small sprites on their end, much like the alien queen can.
Since ash drake blood can already transform you into a specific appearance of a red ash lizard, we can use that ash lizard sprite to represent the ash drake in 1x1 scale.
I actually coded the queen thing and was thinking about doing the drake thing but didn't wanna fuck with sprites, if you can post a .dmi I'll hook you up
Anonmare wrote:Make skeletons be killed by bolts of resurrection but revived/healed by bolts of death
this is actually in the shitty ideas thread, and it made it onto my "shitty ideas that need adding anyway" list, but I only did three of those (Choosing where your uplink goes, Clown Mech Punching Glove, Emagging a sleeper scrambles its UI).
spessmen need to be able to eat a lot more, currently they're full after one, maybe two dishes. I'm not saying increase the rate at which they go hungry, I'm saying increase how much food they can eat before they can't force any down their throat so they can enjoy the chefs hard work for longer.
The patched, dusty, trimmed, feathered mantle of evil +13.
imblyings wrote:spessmen need to be able to eat a lot more, currently they're full after one, maybe two dishes. I'm not saying increase the rate at which they go hungry, I'm saying increase how much food they can eat before they can't force any down their throat so they can enjoy the chefs hard work for longer.
Sligneris wrote:Doesn't pepperspray kinda already stun people, forcing them to drop things?
If it does, I haven't noticed. The effects seem very minor. I got peppersprayed a few rounds ago as an assistant, and it only slightly affected me. Mostly, I just think that the flash/pepperspray are not very useful for Sec, and should be made more effective so officers don't just taser+cuff people. Making them more useful would encourage more flexible/interesting Sec approaches.