Dagdammit wrote:What if you had a hall from northern doors of warden's command center that linked directly into the armory, and gave both that hall and the warden's command center standard walls instead of r-walls? Hallway could also have sec doors on sides to keep the circular cell patrol route.Probably wouldn't want the prisoner gear lockers to still be part of hall to armory, but idk.
Eh, I have it open like that intentionally. I have it set up so prisoners can potentially stage a break-out and get into the armory, but the warden has a lockdown option that seals him inside the command center and the exterior of the cellblock. Probably a bad idea but it sounds fun in my head so.
Luke Cox wrote:Something I just realized, does the prison wing have a perma?
Prison wing has a long-term cell that is slightly larger than a regular 3x3 cell. The transfer facility is always an option for those who don't like the long-term cell.
EDIT: Finished arrivals.
Arrivals/departures is squished together on the same asteroid as sort of docking port. I initially wanted to squeeze cargo somewhere in there for the idea of it being a general docking area for ships but I couldn't think of a space-efficient way of doing that. Centcomm ferry parks below departures, distance should be large enough to prevent issues with the emergency shuttle accidentally crushing it/vice versa.
Disposals is almost done. Majority of it is essentially external launch pads that occasionally sort stuff into departments, so you could intercept a package mid-flight if you knew it was being shipped. Steal the crate of minerals mining shipped to science mid-transport or shove the clown into one of the external spots and mail him into the bridge the possibilities truly are endless. The only exception is the docking asteroid, as I'd rather not have the shuttles block the disposals.