[pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

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[pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by Dubem » #219465

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: kha Cy Wolfe
Banning admin: pkpenguin321
Ban type (What are you banned from?):role ban (team antag roles)
Ban reason and length:Reason: Disarmed and stole from the revs that converted him, in ahelps just said they were being "nigger faggits." Later on, cloned the captain as a rev "to kill them a second time," when a revhead came to kill him for it he shot them with chloral. Ignored the note and warning over the "nigger faggit" thing earlier in the round before he did this. Was also banned from team antag roles.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 22:50 EEST (UTC+02:00)
Your side of the story:Essentially what happened was that i got converted into a rev and immediatelly noticed that EVERYONE around me was a rev, sec engi sci you name it, it was converted entierly. Even upon the caps arrival each department headed to greet him (with axes and such) so i realized that we had already won, only a massive explosion could deal some damage to the revs at this point, so i decided to fuck around a lil (like anyone would do when the situation isn't to be taken seriously) i started by being a biiit of a dick and taking the shield and baton from the guy who tazed me, he ofcourse could've simply gotten them back later...he decided not to yet still continued to whine about this for some reason. I then proceeded to mix a buncha chems, getting familiar with chemistry as i hadn't played it in a while. This is the point where the cap arrives, i thought we would convert him (not realizing that's not exactly possible) so i cooked up some chloral before heading to escape, missing out on the slaughter party...as i felt left out i decided that it would be ok to quickly clone the cap, stun cuff and try to figure out how fast 15 U of morphine would kill a regular person, as i started cloning a head rev got REAL angry at me accusing me of going against the revs and such, i TRIED my best to explain my actions and that there would be absolutely no threat or trouble caused by my actions, the rev was for some reason (most likely angry irl...over 2d spess men?) so angry that every explanation that i threw at him went completely and entierly ignored, throwing words at me and ordering my death i just stood there, attempting to explain and eventually giving up after she started banging on the cloning pod and threatening her with lethal doses of morphine if she didn't stop and listen for a second (oddly enouogh i ACTUALLY got a response this time, too mad to see reason but calm enough to notice death threats) eventually someone cut the power, killed the cap and she ordered my death before grabbing a weapon of her own. at this point i quickly shot her with a non-lethal dose of chloral and ran off (notice that EVEN SHE at some level realized that we had already won, you would not go around ordering the deaths of your teamates IF you still had a fight to fight). note: the game ended with us winning 1 minute after all this went down, the fight had indeed already been won

tl;dr: i was a shitter few minutes before round end

Why you think you should be unbanned:Yes, i realize what i did was quite out-of-line but i would NEVER. EVER. do anything like this in any other situation, to me the recent events was like pushing your fellow ops down at the syndie base and then having it be taken as seriously as stunning them with a baton in the middle of combat. From my days of playing at TG i've gotten the idea that you don't have extremely strict rules to keep in mind 24/7 and that i can relax and fuck around a lil' based on the current situation, clearly this was not the case and thus i will be a bit more cautious and try to be a bit more serious when it comes to interactions with my teamates (non-antag or antag) Do keep in mind: im not asking for an unban here, im asking that my ban actually has a lenght (preferabbly 1-14 days)
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by PKPenguin321 » #219472

Hi, banning admin here.

First, the thing with the "disarming and stealing from the guy who converted you." Super shitty thing to do, the guy ahelped about it and I was gonna let you off with a strong warning, but your awful ahelp replies ("nigger faggit") prompted me to go through with a harsh note.

Later in the round, you cloned a head of staff as a rev, which is already a big no-no. When a headrev approached you and commanded your death, the appropriate action would be to bow your head and take it like a man or run away, but you should never, ever attack the head rev. The same would go for attacking the xeno queen as a xenomoprh, or the gang boss as a gangster. You just don't do it. If they want you dead, you've fucked something up already and need to be prepared to just take it.

That being said, about your ban: I do think it might have been a bit harsh. I am a new admin, so I wasn't certain exactly how long to ban you for. The admin trainer on at the time, TehSteveo, said a dayban and permaban from team roles, which I did. I'm willing to lower these to a two week ban after consulting other admins, but you need to be a very good boy from here on out, as you've got a nasty record at this point and future bans will be even harsher for you if you mess up again.

Let me know if you're willing to take admins more seriously, not be stupid in ahelps ("nigger faggit"), and won't harass your fellow teammates as a team antagonist, and I will lower your antag ban to two weeks.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by iamgoofball » #219478

Just like to interject here if you clone a head they still count as dead and can be converted to rev, their implant stops applying.
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by Dubem » #219480

Agreed, i'll take my role in a team more seriously and try to not fill my ahelps/areplies with crappy memes

And ill take admins more seriously EVEN IF i personally believe that my actions were, and i quote myself here "not that big of a deal"
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by Slignerd » #219499

iamgoofball wrote:Just like to interject here if you clone a head they still count as dead and can be converted to rev, their implant stops applying.
Don't you mean officers and loyalty implants? Heads are a different thing entirely, I believe.
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by iamgoofball » #219501

I swear I've turned heads into revs as a headrev before and it counted as a victory
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by NSSherlock » #219531

Posting this under An0n3 amendment (I should think that resolving confusion over a game mechanic qualifies).
iamgoofball wrote:I swear I've turned heads into revs as a headrev before and it counted as a victory
I'm not a coder, but the code seems pretty straightforward here:

From revolution.dm (lines 254-9):

Code: Select all

	if(rev_mind.assigned_role in command_positions)
		return 0
	var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = rev_mind.current//Check to see if the potential rev is implanted
		return 0
Conversion specifically checks for heads independently of implants, and should fail in either case.

So cloned sec officers can be converted because they are no longer implanted, but heads are supposed to resist conversion regardless of whether they are implanted or not.
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by iamgoofball » #219537

Huh, ah well.
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by WarbossLincoln » #219685

The other stuff was shitty but cloning the captain to kill them a second time is cheeky. We need more creative thinking like that.
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Re: [pkpenguin321]Cy wolfe banned from team antag roles

Post by PKPenguin321 » #219710

Resolved, I've lowered your perma team antag bans to 2 weeks.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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