Sligneris wrote:> wanting to have admins act on simple tresspassing (not even breaking in, just the 'crime' of being there)
> claiming experimentor spawns meteors and pretend RnD is super dangerous, all in order to excuse telebatoning the shit out engineers who ask for welders, miners who get KA upgrades, and shutting down other crew that actually know what they're doing
> lashing out on people who are actually competent, using "muh OOC knowledge" as an argument against being competent, while on a server where the players are entirely free to know gameplay mechanics
> going "miners are not as valuable as they think they are", while most of RnD designs heavily rely on miners' minerals.
> Admins act not so much necessarily but to help re-enforce to people who bitch, that science IS a restricted area and not a public space so naturally getting the crap beated out of/arrested and thrown out results in 0 sympathy, and its policy its not a public space, therefore tresspass is a crime.
> It literally does (its in the code, may-be reverted recently but its a good example of how dangerous it is with button presses and RNG spams, you're supposed to wear a rad-suit to combat how dangerous it is with blood drains, explosions, EMP's, toxic waste), but you miss the concept of asking at the desk where you are supposed to stand and queue politely instead of walking inside into a restricted area to help yourself which is the rudest and deserves a whack and summary kicking your ass outta there.
> If you want the job sign up at HOP and run it past RD, who should know what their staff are doing and make decisions on department staffing collectively with the HOP.
As i mention before its the same group of people who try to meta-domineer the research and promptly shit on anybody different trying to learn the role by discouraging them (
NAMELY YOU SLIG, for being inseperable from the R&D console on more than 1 occasion, you are the worst offender i am aware of as of the server during GMT usual hours),
competency dont mean shit. Its not your job, if you want a lab go make your own where you are the boss of what you print off using tech boards, and promptly get lost.
> You're ignoring the fact that science can build ripleys and do it themselves without miner supplies, it just helps to have a pipeline of minerals, so if miners could stop acting like the goddamn pope for delivering helpful supplies and more of a humble mail-man without having their head shoved up thier own ass and wait patiently at the desk (in which its a IC problem if scientists are too busy to respond)
or just ask cargo to disposal mail the goods to the R&D lab thats all FINE...
You know what? Dont even bother delivering the minerals in person, just mail them over disposals in a wrapped up locker and go out on your next shift, roll up to the science desk when they are ready in say about 4 minutes and not be a pretentious meta-sheet arse and politely ask "
excuse me what mining designs do you have availible" and if they say none (the tech is not ready yet) or 'Im busy getting it up now come back in a while'
> Break our windoor (shitters galore abuse that shit) because that gives us good reason to slam the shutters on you and flush you down disposals/ summary vandalise any other doors and or windows
> Hack our front door/slip inside to tresspass
> Literally linger around wasting time until you get your request being annoying and persistent because ITS NOT LIKE YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO (using the perfectly fine starting tools you had for mining for a greater variety of minerals,
also given that R&D has been re-worked and takes longer than 8:30 minutes to complete pre minerals)
> Verbally threaten science/beat up staff for working not to your standards or for whatever obtuse reason (there
are pretentious science dicks out there) refuse your demands
> Push in to show 'MUH COMPETENCY" and do their job for them, if a scientist wants your help and doesn't want the help of the RD/other then they
will ask or summarily allow you to offer to help, following up that, when you are done with your offer/request to help, without a additional foreword you should abandon the console and get back to work, not take over their job.
If miners follow the above guide, then science has no issue with their attitude and summarily giving them stuff. Same goes loosely for everyone else.
Sligneris wrote:FantasticFwoosh wrote:The issue is not that science feels like it shouldn't give things out. Its that miners roll up and scream at us regularly with DEMANDS of things they SHOULD have rather than ask what we do have politely. They are not willing to compromise and get aggressive when you dont fill out their goddamn Metasheet perfectly to the point they vandalise your windows with tools, assault your staff,barge in and take what they want with force.
A very good scientists gifts things or does things by request, as i've pointed out numerous times this pushy asshole attitude by people thinking they are entitled to free goods borders on the brink of decency in exploiting our goodwill.
You're free to telebaton anyone breaking windows and assaulting people, but when you telebaton people who actually contribute to research, or are there to print some stuff related to their work, you're just being shit.
You're being a ass doing this unless the scientist/RD in charge asks for your help, because you are stripping away the work experience of learning the role without having the RD take the tech levels onto a disk then delete the database as a instructional exercise (Which is wasteful but literally the only option you're giving me)