DemonFiren wrote:XSI wrote:Aside from that, a majority are not refugees. They are economic migrants who when granted asylum in Poland or Hungary leave to travel to Germany or Sweden because they get more welfare there.
There are some actual refugees, for sure. But they are not in any way a majority
The majority of arrivals are Syrian, Afghan, some Iraqi. All zones that cannot be called stable.
Anyway, economic migrants, as you call them, are at least as legitimate as those seeking to escape war: it is better to flee and hope for work abroad than it is to sit on your ass in a country completely drained of opportunity and eventually die of starvation.
If they had good intentions they would have gone to the embassy in a nearby country and arranged things there, as is intended for those who migrate to other countries for work. Any who try to force their way in, be it by boat or by crossing the border illegally should be detained and immediately returned to the country they came from(After arresting known criminals), as they either have a harmful intent(Terrorists, smugglers), or selfish intent(Free welfare woo!). Nobody who crosses the borders from a safe country to another safe country can be considered a refugee.
They are not at all legitimate, least of all the economic migrants who are just there because of their own greed.
Majority for the Netherlands are Albanian and Eritrean(African). They're nearly 100% there for the money. Or they wouldn't make a trip through several safe countries, and they wouldn't be bringing the wars and sectarian disputes with them.
Economic migrants are a plague, sometimes even literally as they spread diseases thought extinct or nearly defeated in the western world such as tuberculosis. There may be a few who are a benefit and actually helpful, but the great majority is a net loss for the country they move to.
Housing prices go up, wages go down, unemployment rises, cultural tensions make the country less liveable, tax money is spend on them to try to get them to integrate while the majority never tries, and public safety deteriorates and there is a general breakdown in community trust and caring.
The effect on communal trust is so strong that charities don't even collect noticeably less in 'multicultural' neighbourhoods when compared to 'non-diverse' neighbourhoods.
Economic migrants are to be barred entrance to other countries unless they already have a job lined up and ready for them that can't be done by a native. As alternative, they would need to never be able to qualify for welfare of any kind until they have worked for several years and get deported after a long enough time without job.
It is simply not possible to have both a western social security system and to accept economic migrants. It's going to be either close the borders and evict them, or watch the social security system collapse.
I'd rather not see my country's social security collapse.