Atmos borg

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Atmos borg

Post by Midaychi » #183592

Module contents:

Borg has built in gas tank. Using an air analyzer on the borg can show its contents.

Gas Port - Tool that toggles between "output" or "input" mode. Having it active and using it on a connector port will buckle you to that port and either draw from it (input mode) or push gas into it (output mode). This tool can also be used directly on canisters for similar effect, minus buckling.

Air pump - Portable handheld version of a blue air pump, that has an air pump interface when used. Uses borg's internal tank.

Air Scrubber- Same as above, but for the scrubber.

Internals Kit - Uses facehugger tech to shoot an internals item onto a human's face, and allows you to set YOURSELF as internals on them as long as you maintain your grip and they stand next to you. Uses internal tank as source.

Firefighter backpack - Same as the man portable version.

Extreme coolant module - When active in module slot, will draw battery cell but provide enhanced protection from fire

Air Analyzer - Same as the man portable version.

Crowbar - Same as the man portable version

Emagged equipment:

Pneumatic cannon with automatic scoop. - Pneumatic cannon, uses internal gas chamber as source of fuel, can pick things up into the cannon by clicking on them with module active. Can change pressure setting with a hud icon or something.

Fire Axe - Same as man portable version, except doesn't need to be wielded.

Extreme coolant module Alt mode - Coolant module can now provide HARM-level degrees of cooling to others.
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Armhulen » #183635

I like it, but it seems too niche. Maybe?
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Okand37 » #183681

Seems more like a few things that could be added to engineering, but somethings are best left generalised-borgs being apart of that. They aren't meant to be as dexterous as carbons.
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Smeller » #183693

LeBorg McValids states "Yeah i'm filling my tank with n2o to detain that wiz with my force-internals"
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Actionb » #183709

Internals kit:
Yes please.

Some ideas are pretty neat. But overall it's too niche to be a a borg module on its own.
Maybe add a researchable bluespace powered portable air pump/scrubber 'bag' that can pick a few of those up and then deploy them on site... running back and forth pulling pumps through crowded hallways is the most tedious part about atmospherics.
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Eaglendia » #183712

Yeah, basically what everyone's saying is it's a bit too narrow. Also silicons are immune to fire already so at least one of those things is useless.

The idea of an emagged borg running around spewing BZ everywhere is fucking hilarious to me though and pretty much makes it worth it in my mind.

If someone actually wanted to code this they could do it as like, a refit package for Engiborgs from Robotics. Print one off and install the module, and the nonessential tools and construction equipment are replaced with some stuff for piping and gas collection.
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Scott » #183713

Engineering borg already exists.
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Incomptinence » #183727

Cue it slightly slows someone down by making the air cold then he flops and blames the borg for all his mistakes and goes on a forum rampage.
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Zilenan91 » #183732

If silicons weren't immune to fire and this one was and was also basically a movable gas tank this would be a really cool idea
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Takeguru » #183820

I think an atmos simple bot would be better

Take an air pump, slap a cyborg arm and proxy sensor on it, slap in a tank

It'll refill areas according to whatever is in it's own interface with oxygen or a normal air mix, emagging it lets you slap in other air tanks like BZ or plasma and it'll happily patrol around dumping it everywhere
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Midaychi » #183823

Takeguru wrote:I think an atmos simple bot would be better...
You mean, like ?
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by Takeguru » #183824

Something like that, sure
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Re: Atmos borg

Post by MrEousTranger » #184730

>When its hit with an Emag make it so it spits out its poisonous gasses.
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