DemonFiren wrote:There's mining vendors, prison sustenance vendors, vendomats, the autodrobe and the magivend.
Also, BODA.
Mining vendors have got a fair decent amount of stuff already, maybe a Syndicate softsuit in classic red for half the points of a mining hardsuit?
Vendomat's also a hard one, it's a pretty generic vendor that dispenses things like signalers and is easy to access. Maybe a military belt? Only thing I can think of and that barely gets purchased and it's a big red "valid me" sign but very still efficient for carrying items
Prison Sustenance is easy, knock-off Syndi space suit for sure with a bit of slowdown.
Autodrobe could have a replica Nuke OP's hardsuit. Not spaceworthy and low armour values (30 Melee_resist, 30 Energy_resist 10 Ballistic_resist) but could be fun for the Clown to prank someone with or get low quality but incredibly valid armour from
Magivend only exists on the Wiz spaceship so I'm free to make it churn out Wands of Death because only the most maddest of Wizards would ever try to bring it with them AND get it emagged.
BODA, hm, maybe moist nuggets? It's basically only found on the derelict and I don't think you can manufacture mosin nagant ammo on station.
Oh shit I forgot Hydroponics.
Seed vendor I'd say gets gets low-to-no mutation kudzu. You're unlikely to overrun the station with it but you might get people ruffled.
Plant tool vendor I'm having a hard time with. Maybe a whetstone for their hatchet? Honestly stumped for that.
I don't wanna overly use actual traitor items since people will just buy an emag and use them on the vending machines otherwise. If I do use traitor items, they'll have to be worked for, liek the Sec-Tec in the midst of security.