>Be atmos tech pablo.
>No one did engine, okay, I'll do engine them.
>Admin says ' pray the answer to the question'
>I win the question, get tatorfied.
> Okay. steal reflective and steal captains jacket.
> Surplus crate, adrenals, C-4, handgun+suppressor, 357 ammo, boxed suit, hardsuit. Cool.
> Get to the whiteship, park it at the derelict, time to meme around.
> Blow the armoury in the red suit, steal the vest, toss the guns up to the derelict.
> Spent half an hour convincing everyone there's ops attacking (someone emaged in from space, super helpful)
> Everything is ready, walk into engineering, say 'hey guys I got one of them and took the har-"
>Cliff racer runs up, twats me down with his baton.
>Other engineer starts to explain.
> He unloads a fucking combat shotgun point blank into me, empties the entire thing.
> "Yep he was a syndie"
^ RP is pointless as an antag.
Didn't get seen once, had the warden and HOS thinking there was ops, had the shuttle called thinking there was ops. Cliff racers valid boner was so throbbing that he literally ignored the other guy explaining I wasn't evil, me explaining I wasn't even and simply killed me; then despite having no actual IC to suspect it he gets an OOC reason because he doesn't get a 'hey, got a minute' that would follow after killing a non antag.