Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Steelpoint » #177299

Bottom post of the previous page:

Vassalage is good right now due to a combination of me never seeing them rebel but also you (apparently) gain some influence for having someone as your vassal.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Zilenan91 » #177300

I installed the frontier outposts cost no influence maintenance mod and it honestly makes the game 1000 times better

You can use influence and also expand your borders at the same time
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Steelpoint » #177365

In my game the Pyth.. Scourge invaded my galaxy.

Pretty cool, until I noticed they appeared on the opposite side of the galaxy to me, and NO ONE seemed to give a shit about their arrival. It took me forever to work out enough military access treaties to get my military over there to start taking names. Annoyingly/amusingly one of the larger empires, who was taking the full brunt of the Scourge attack, was the hardest to convince to give me military access, even though they were being ravaged and their military was woefully incapable of taking on even a single Scourge fleet.

These guys had all but lost control of their own territory yet they gave no shits for me wanting to bring my armada, the most powerful fleet in the galaxy barring the Scourge's and the Fallen Empires, to their aid. Eventually I had to build a frontier outpost (pissing of a fallen empire) next to their territory to finally convince them to grant me military access.

Love the end game concept, but its execution needs work.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by DemonFiren » #177368

Judging by how the Reaper Invasion went it's pretty accurate tbh.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Incomptinence » #177371

Okay apparently there was a generally attainable 10% dodge bonus available for ships to you know reach base 70% in 5% bundles if you had a certain rare resource using station module and another generic one. Anyway all fleets that could win equivalent fleet points melted to cheap as shit 70% dodge 720 health corvettes by a shocking amount. Every time I think I have plumbed the depths of this degeneracy I find more wrong with these corvettes yet still these fucking idiots doing comp stomps on the forums insist its fiiiiine.

Anyway onto the next broken mechanic that ensures the previous one is enshrined totally on its throne POINT DEFENCE!

You know what I discovered? The basic point defence module and the the advanced ones are basically the same for shooting missiles the apex just serves to screw UP bugged strike craft EVEN MORE!

To overwhelm a basic point defence module and not have your damage negated utterly after alpha strike you need:
5 missiles size class irrelevent
3 whirlwind missiles
1 whirlwind 4 normal missiles
Technically armoured torpedos do damage through point defence but it is so miniscule you will miss it unless you are looking at the exact health.
Fun fact even with the basic point defence module a battleship with 3 hangers full of top of the line swarm bombers can't kill a battle ship with one small pd mount and only that it barely survives then slowly kills the hangar ship because strike craft have no reinforcements. advance PD reduces the damage dealt before strike craft death to 40% or so. Literally no reason to use fighters or bombers ever.

The higher tech large mount only flak cannon for comparison is defeated by:
2 missiles class matters here because the single flak gun can actually out damage the small missiles (wow!) that get through but large out damage it. Keep in mind though missiles can out number and overwhelm this large mount failure with ease by just bringing small mounts instead AT WHICH POINT MISSILES ARE PD AGAINST FLAK.
1 Whirlwind.
And is about twice as effective against strike craft than the top tier point defence gun basically (not amazing when 1 large mount is roughly worth 4 small) although I am not sure if you should bother getting the second tier one as they both one shot strike craft either way the strike craft deal under 20% damage to a battleship with a single flak cannon before croaking for the rest of the battle.

Essentially anyone telling you there is a missile battleship counter to corvettes is an idiot. I also didn't see differing battle approaches on battle ships with different combat computers, people on the official forums are just looking at slower ship classes move slowly and imagining its a tactical AI behaviour.
Last edited by Incomptinence on Wed May 18, 2016 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Grazyn » #177374

So what do you put on those deathvettes, just missiles and overwhelm any PD they can field?
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Incomptinence » #177376

Missiles are overwhelmingly countered. A few basic pd mounts on a battleship lets a primarily shield tank ship beat torpedo corvettes for example, corvettes with missiles are the one thing that isn't a worry endgame. The set up I used was one small phase disruptor and one medium plasma cannon, you can probably replace that with 2 small though. This basically means they have 4 weapons (absolutely ridiculous when corvettes have the most weapons per command anyway) when the shields are up due to the disruptor's double damage and then they gobble through you like you have no armour because of the plasma. Shields especially regen shields have diminishing returns as fleet sizes increase since maybe 10 ships get focused on at a time or something so once the corvette blob is big enough the shields cease to matter so you could just go all plasma cannons. I did this for shield-less battleship tests because the larger ships have more innate armour so you can make them suck even more by negating it.

Hell here, I cooked up a little dream maker, heart breaker with all smalls for a picture.
There are strategic resource burners that add more hull points so you can probably go further to 792 or something.
Edit: Yup 792 health corvettes. Also it has 0.9 upkeep of both types despite bleeding hight tech shit, the plates are that cheap and it costs 180 minerals to build that is still less than my first lowtech destroyers playing the game legit like.

What would the EHP calculations be? 8 times the 300 base health these shits are meant to have? Battleship base health of 2400? All I know is that the final hope of massed tachyon batteries fell once I put the final dodge on, AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN USED DODGE BOOSTING ADMIRALS YET! Ah what's the point? Crystal plate is central to final dominance corvettes don't have the slot numbers to effectively tank and use this much weaponry but this fucking plate is basically power free shields without the double damage counter its SO FUCKING GOOD FOR CORVETTES!
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Incomptinence » #177383

Actually figured something else out. AI chip behaviours only appear in response to mixed class fleets and it only really changes anything with the 2 basic defensive chips. If I have a TINY 8 corvette screen for 9 battleships against corvettes 80 vettes with the defensive computer while 9 battleships come in the corvettes... squat down and wait just inside each others range a bit for the battleships to get closer even though the battleships are shooting the entire time. This screws the defensive computer behaviour enough to be defeated by the mixed composition if they change to one of the higher tier "balanced" computers they still rush in but have must less HP so you win by more anyway. The battleships just keep chugging like nothing changed. Even once battle is joined a near otherwise useless pure tank corvette distracts them for ages because they attack the vettes first. The defensive chip behaviour is more of a disadvantage than anything because I don't think you can get battleships to actually follow it and it will probably bug out other ship classes like this.

Presenting the Sacrifice:
It won't survive the battle but it could deny your enemies the most broken computer in the game!
Last edited by Incomptinence on Wed May 18, 2016 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Steelpoint » #177384

I defeated the Scourge, shame the game doesn't even recognize them being defeated.

I'm pretty much finished with that game now. I've practically won by all accounts. Now to do it all over again on a higher difficulty!
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by DemonFiren » #177387

I wonder what happens if the Scourge bump into the Unbidden.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Steelpoint » #177388

They can't afaik, only one crisis event per game.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by DemonFiren » #177389

How mind-bogglingly boring.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Incomptinence » #177390

Behaviour is inconsistent if you sneeze the corvettes with defensive computers might swarm past the sacrifices anyway. I don't get it.
DemonFiren wrote:How mind-bogglingly boring.
Game is modable we can dream.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Lumbermancer » #177451

So what do red/green resource icons mean on the surface screen? I thought maybe red means you don't get all resource because your pop is too small, but hovering over it told me i'm getting even more than the number suggests.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Ricotez » #177459

Steelpoint wrote:Not being able to upgrade transport ships engines is horrible and almost screwed over my war plans.
This got fixed in today's patch, 1.0.3
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by ColonicAcid » #177464

Lumbermancer wrote:So what do red/green resource icons mean on the surface screen? I thought maybe red means you don't get all resource because your pop is too small, but hovering over it told me i'm getting even more than the number suggests.
Red means you are getting less than the base output because either like decadence or something else.
No colour means you're getting base.
Green means you're getting more than base due to shit like slave outputs in mines/farms or being a brobot.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by ThanatosRa » #177468

I'm looking for a mod that lets humans be used in Fallen Empires. Because I think that'd be cool.

What that isn't the 40k mod I mean of course.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Ricotez » #177471

Writing a mod like that is easy. Here's a very quick mockup copying one of the base fallen empires from 00_fallen_empire.txt that changed the random value in portrait to "human", to force human portraits on them.

Code: Select all

fallen_empire_human = {
	graphical_culture = "fallen_empire_02"
	initializer = "fallen_1_1"
	create_country_effect = {
		create_species = {
			name = random
			class = random
			portrait = "human"
			traits = random
		create_country = {
			name = random
			type = fallen_empire
			ignore_initial_colony_error = yes
			government = stagnated_ascendancy
			species = last_created
			flag = random
		last_created_country = {
			set_country_flag = fallen_empire_1
Now the hard part is figuring out what to do for name, flag, et cetera. I can write new initializers for them too, heck I can even give them custom governments and messages and shit. Problem is I don't really have any ideas for it myself.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by ThanatosRa » #177491

I may need to look into that further with that template. I got ideas.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Ricotez » #177499

Here's what the fallen_1_1 initializer looks like. This one kicks off the ring world fallen empire by defining their home system parameters, and also instructs the game to create 2 additional systems within a certain range, using 2 other initializers.

Code: Select all

fallen_1_1 = {
	usage = fallen_empire_init
	name = "Beacon of Infinity"
	class = "sc_g"
	planet = {
		class = star
		orbit_distance = 0
	change_orbit = 45
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_habitable"
		name = "Palatial District"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
		tile_blockers = none
		modifiers = none
		init_effect = {
			root = {
				# assigns ethos to Fallen Empire during system initialization,
				# to allow ethics-triggered systems to spawn
				random_list = {
					75 = { country_add_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_xenophobe" }
					25 = { country_add_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_materialist" }
			prevent_anomaly = yes
			set_owner = ROOT
			set_capital = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no num_adjacent_tiles > 3 }
				set_building = "building_capital_3"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_spaceport = {
				owner = ROOT
				initial_module = "fallen_empire_weapon"				
			spaceport = {
				set_spaceport_level = 6		
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 1
					module = "crew_quarters"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 2
					module = "fleet_academy"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 3
					module = "synchronized_defenses"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 4
					module = "solar_panel_network"
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Servitor"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 80
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Servitor"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 90
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Servitor"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 100
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 90
					angle = random 
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 70
					angle = random 
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Avatar"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Eclipse"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 45
					angle = random 
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Omega"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 20
					angle = 90
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Omega"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 20
					angle = 180
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Omega"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 20
					angle = 270
			create_fleet = { }
			last_created_fleet = {
				set_owner = ROOT
				create_ship = {
					name = random
					design = "Omega"
					graphical_culture = root
				set_location = {
					target = PREV
					distance = 20
					angle = 0
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_tech"
		name = "Ring Section B"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_seam"
		name = "Ring Section C"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_habitable"
		name = "Trade District"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
		tile_blockers = none
		modifiers = none
		init_effect = {
			prevent_anomaly = yes
			set_owner = ROOT		
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no num_adjacent_tiles > 3 }
				set_building = "building_capital_2"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_spaceport = {
				owner = ROOT
				initial_module = "fallen_empire_weapon"
			spaceport = {
				set_spaceport_level = 6		
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 1
					module = "crew_quarters"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 2
					module = "fleet_academy"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 3
					module = "synchronized_defenses"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 4
					module = "solar_panel_network"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_tech"
		name = "Ring Section E"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_seam"
		name = "Ring Section F"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_habitable"
		name = "Industrial District"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
		tile_blockers = none
		modifiers = none
		init_effect = {
			prevent_anomaly = yes
			set_owner = ROOT		
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no num_adjacent_tiles > 3 }
				set_building = "building_capital_2"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_spaceport = {
				owner = ROOT
				initial_module = "fallen_empire_weapon"
			spaceport = {
				set_spaceport_level = 6		
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 1
					module = "crew_quarters"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 2
					module = "fleet_academy"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 3
					module = "synchronized_defenses"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 4
					module = "solar_panel_network"
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_tech"
		name = "Ring Section H"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_seam"
		name = "Ring Section I"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_habitable"
		name = "Agrarian District"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
		tile_blockers = none
		modifiers = none
		init_effect = {
			prevent_anomaly = yes
			set_owner = ROOT
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no num_adjacent_tiles > 3 }
				set_building = "building_capital_2"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_agri_processing_complex"
				add_resource = {
					resource = food
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_dark_matter_power_plant"
				add_resource = {
					resource = energy
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			random_tile = {
				limit = { has_building = no has_blocker = no }
				set_building = "building_ancient_factory"
				add_resource = {
					resource = minerals
					amount = 1
					replace = yes
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_pop = { 
				species = owner_main_species
				ethos = owner 
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "gene_warrior_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_army = {
				name = random
				owner = ROOT
				species = ROOT
				type = "defense_army"
			create_spaceport = {
				owner = ROOT
				initial_module = "fallen_empire_weapon"
			spaceport = {
				set_spaceport_level = 6		
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 1
					module = "crew_quarters"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 2
					module = "fleet_academy"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 3
					module = "synchronized_defenses"
				set_spaceport_module = {
					slot = 4
					module = "solar_panel_network"
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_tech"
		name = "Ring Section K"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
	planet = {
		class = "pc_ringworld_seam"
		name = "Ring Section L"
		orbit_angle = 30
		orbit_distance = 0
	neighbor_system = {
		distance = { min = 0 max = 50 }
		initializer = "fallen_1_2"
	neighbor_system = {
		distance = { min = 0 max = 50 }
		initializer = "fallen_1_3"
As you can see, it completely initializes every single thing, from every tile and pop on every planet to every army and ship. You can write practically any starting setup you want, it's just a lot of work to do.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Timbrewolf » #177501

I'm thinking for our next game we should try to either

A) No AI's, players only, final destination game

B) Forced alliance/federation for all players, it's us vs. the entire universe.
Shed Wolf Numero Uno
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Ricotez » #177504

I want Blorg Pilgrim vs The Universe
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Timbrewolf » #177536

If you want to date me you have to defeat my seven evil liberated factions.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Zilenan91 » #177545

Here's an idea, set a limited amount of players on a big galaxy, max AI, max AI fast starts, and then have all the players attempt to defeat all of the Ai, hyperlane only

long story is they will since the AI sucks but it should be fun if you want to suck fun out of the game

Personally I'm waiting for June, they'll be adding a bunch of shit by then and it should be much better.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Lumbermancer » #177551

I just burned through 200+ influence by playing on the sector map, because apparently it's all SERIOUS BUSINESS even before you push the "Finish" button.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Timbrewolf » #177552

Yep. Learning that everything you click on that menu is permanent immediately cost me only 50 influence.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Zilenan91 » #177557

I hear people talking so much about how Stellaris has such shit UI, but I've never really understood it. I understood most things about it pretty much immediately, including the sector thing, and made no mistakes about it. I've also seen people not knowing how to upgrade their government but that was also really simple to find for me as well, just click on the empire screen and it would logically be where the government type is.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Lumbermancer » #177558

I'm pretty sure in EU4 when you create vassals you first pick the provinces and then finalize it. Not just add one by one.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Byond Username: Zilenan91

Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Zilenan91 » #177560

You add them directly in Stellaris, there's no menu to finalize it's all one big menu, so if you add a province by mistake it takes another 25 influence to remove it, so that's 50 down the drain.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Zilenan91 » #177581

Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Lumbermancer » #177584

Zilenan91 wrote:You add them directly in Stellaris, there's no menu to finalize it's all one big menu, so if you add a province by mistake it takes another 25 influence to remove it, so that's 50 down the drain.
that's why it's dum.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Byond Username: Zilenan91

Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Zilenan91 » #177587

Yeah it is. A lot of little things need work in this game.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Timbrewolf » #177640

I don't think adding systems to a sector costs influence. Just removing them.

My strategy for creating sectors is to unite small tracts of land in a way that has some aesthetic pleasantry to it, but when it comes to resource systems I only give them as much as I need so that they're at a net profit when I ask for 50% of their shit. That is, they have a small trickle of resources going into their pocket and I get the rest.

I find the governors too stupid to be trusted with more than that. They just bank it up and then nothing ever comes of it. Even when you tell them to start fortifying their shit militarily they rarely ever do anything with it. It seems like the best way to use them is to just have them set for either energy credit production or research.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by dezzmont » #177642

I find the best thing to do with sectors is to plop every type of building you want where you want it at level 1 and then turn them into a sector.

I think the reason sector policy is stupid may be that they won't build new buildings if you don't allow redevelopment. Once you pre-build everything they seem to work ok.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by starmute » #177933

Hey anon. New MP game sat? 4:30 EST?
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Ricotez » #177938

if we're doing another session/game, i'm game any day
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Timbrewolf » #177950

If that's what people want I'm always up. Probably switch back to Noot 2.0 or maybe my fungoid assholes again.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Derpu » #178116

I'll be free this weekend, if you would have me.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Skorvold » #178129

I'm in as always.
Never give up! Trust your instincts!
Talk to me on steam anytime.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by ThatSlyFox » #178149

Saturday sounds good to me.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by srifenbyxp » #178151

I'll join for saturday, also I got done doing a reverse guran lagaan. Other dimensional being came to my universe in search of prey with 5 stack of 17k, only to face the IMPERIUM MIGHT ARMADA with 1 24k and a backup of 10k behind.


To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Wyzack » #178152

Something something stehl rhehn
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by srifenbyxp » #178200

This is actually happening to me
To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Ricotez » #178202

They basically hate themselves for being soulless abominations.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Byond Username: Incomptinence

Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Incomptinence » #178207

I wish they just got over it be declaring they had souls like everyone else.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by srifenbyxp » #178260

Just got done with a 4 way match with ted and two other smucks, ted disconnected and the other two people hugged each other with alliance while I soloed 2 ais under the imperium of man. Managed to vassal one before everybody else called it quits.

What time tomorrow is the round going to start? I have a new faction I want to try out.
To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Incomptinence » #178265


I think we are doing it around 4:30 pm EST aka 6:30 EAST AKA GMT 8:30 ba ba ba.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by srifenbyxp » #178291

Anyways here's a straw poll on what faction I should be for this coming match. I cant decide so I'll let everybody else pick for me
To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Incomptinence » #178308

Care a lot is a place we all can go
Whenever we cho... ose it
Care-a-lot is a f e e ling we all k-k-know

n-never d-do...
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Re: Paradox Grand Strat meets Sci-Fi 4X; Boners Explode

Post by Grazyn » #178341

Yeah that's the race I'm using for my fanatic collectivist mushrooms
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