Luke Cox wrote:Then would you care to point out the part where you "prove" anything?
>inb4 "this is just analysis you didn't technically prove anything" pedantic memery
i'll try to be really concise since i'm tired:
1. Law 1 obliges you to help humans that are in danger, and hopefully save them. If you try your best and the human still dies, you've still satisfied law 1. AIs do not need the tools to save the human every single time, nor for the sake of the fun of the game
should they be given those tools.
2. Standard borgs DO happen a lot more often since secborg removal, contrary to what you claim. This is anecdotal proof at best without some kind of statistic, yes, but I've been around a while, and before secborgs were removed you pretty much only ever played standard borg on accident.
3. Standard borgs are better at preventing harm than the borg module you propose. The proposed borg module is rendered obsolete and inferior by it, leaving one to wonder why they would
ever pick the proposed module over standard borg. It is like if the standard borg had a hypospray while the mediborg only had a dropper with 5u of omnizine in it. Because you're so focused on making this borg weak, you're not really able to buff it past the point of standard borg without treading back into secborg territory. Your design in this sense is inherently flawed.
4. Borg specialization as shown by engiborgs/janiborgs/medical borgs is good. They have a purpose outside of their laws (building/repairing, cleaning, healing, respectively). This is very good design, as it makes them engaging to play and helpful/tolerable to other players around them.
Making a borg module that exists to only serve the purpose of validhunting under the excuse of "muh law 1" with no other specialization does the opposite, and is bad design. (Not to mention it's not even as good at it's specialized purpose as the standard borg module.)
tl;dr: Your motives behind the laws versus the purpose of silicons is flawed, the borg module proposed encourages bad gameplay, the borg module proposed is inferior to something already in the game and may as well not exist in the first place.