[Saegrimr] Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

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[Saegrimr] Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Pascal123 » #169397

Byond account and character name: Pascal123/Betrays-Its-Kin

Banning admin: Saegrimr

Ban type (What are you banned from?): Temporary ban/Servers

Ban reason and length: "The metafriend conspiracy ends here, if either of you are seen doing this bullshit where you pull eachother across the station looking for trouble to get them escalation valids, this will be permanent. Alarmclock and Pascal123"

Time ban was placed (including time zone): April 17th, 2016

Your side of the story: I went to the brig naked because i felt like being a meme. After a while of discussing with the officers who were present, i was asked to leave. So i did. Rollo Kinsman left at the same time as I, and proceeded to talk to me. We spoke for a bit, he grabbed me and began dragging me around while we talked. Eventually we get to the bar, where i witness the clown slip him and the lawyer began beating him with a Gavel. I watched for roughly seven seconds, while attempting to help him get up while he was being beaten. He then decides to escalate, probably because he was nearly murdered, and fight the lawyer. I notice the clown once more approach him and attempt to slip him, so i intervene, and assist him in critting the lawyer. After the deed we both leave. Have some more discussions, and literally read the in-game newspaper. So then we leave bar. Where the detective proceeds to telebaton me as i am being killed by toxins. I am helped up by Rollo and we try to head to medbay. The detective follows us, stuns me once more, and begins harm-intent beating me. At which point Rollo Kinsman retaliates, gets a lucky RNG knockdown, crits, then drags him to medbay with us. We treat our wounds and give ourselves some antitoxin as Rollo Kinsman argues his side ICly. Afterwards he drags me out of medbay and i am presented with this ban

Why you think you should be unbanned: Because i don't exactly see a problem with being dragged around by someone. Or bystanders stepping in when people are visibly trying to murder other people? Nobody was looking for "Escalation valids" here. And i think beating a person who's been slipped on a banana peel is enough of an "Escalation" to warrant critting the offender anyways.

Another thing. Is anyone else getting tired of the word "Metafriend" being thrown everywhere?
Last edited by Pascal123 on Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Saegrimr » #169399

Yes its extremely convenient, huh.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Alarmclock » #169400

I like not getting fucked by two people vs one. Next time I will present my anus for them to double team me to death, sorry boss.
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Pascal123 » #169403

Might i add, he did not even bother to Admin PM me once.
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by iamgoofball » #169413

Pascal123 wrote:Might i add, he did not even bother to Admin PM me once.
did you stop to consider that metagamers tend to stop metagaming when they get PM'd so they look like they're in the right
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Pascal123 » #169414

He is not accusing me of metagaming. He is accusing me of "meta-friendship" based purely on the fact that two people were hanging out and talking, and wound up having to crit people trying to kill them.

"tend to stop metagaming when they get PM'd so they look like they're in the right" This does make sense. However he himself has literally made claims that they had in-fact been trying to kill us and had "Banbaited" us.
That we're apparently part of some "Metafriend Conspiracy" and that we're guilty of using the "Pull Gimmick". Which is apparently why he has chosen to ban us. For defending ourselves, and, by extension, eachother. This whole thing lasted less than three minutes.
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Pascal123 » #169416

Yeah. You're right. Why should i talk to anyone ICly? Why be social? It'll get me pinned as a "Metafriender".
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Saegrimr » #169417

If it wasn't always the same people it wouldn't look this way, you know?
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Pascal123 » #169418

Saegrimr wrote:If it wasn't always the same people it wouldn't look this way, you know?
From what i know. This guy hasn't been on bagil for several months. Am i really wrong in talking to him? For helping him when he was attacked? For being helped by them when I was attacked?
And i don't just talk to a select few of people. In-fact i interact on a daily basis with many, many people. Hub players who i don't even know at all and come to know with time.

The truth is i do enjoy forming "Bonds", "Knowing", and "Interacting" with people. But apparently this makes me an enemy and directly puts people at risk. Simply because i choose to interact.
And if this can be seen as so bad to you people? Then what's the point of even playing here. What's the point of Roleplay? What's the point of SS13?

I am honestly tired of being what seems to be "Hunted" by admins because of the fact that i interact. Not only that, but some of you go out of your way to insult me in OOC at times for it.
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Saegrimr » #169419

Pascal123 wrote:Not only that, but some of you go out of your way to insult me in OOC at times for it.
Oh now this is golden, should I go pull the OOC logs after the first time I banned you? The constant shittalking in OOC from you?
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Pascal123 » #169421

Ignoring everything else as usual. I'm done with you.

I want a Headmin to review this.
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Re: [Saegrimr] Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Saegrimr » #169433

Well it sort of is, because i'm not lifting this 2 day ban considering how he was almost rule 0 perma'd by basil's pseudo-headmin.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Saegrimr] Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by yackemflam » #169444

Even though that was quickly lifted when founded that he didn't do anything wrong for months?
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Re: [Saegrimr] Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Hornygranny » #169446

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Re: [Saegrimr] Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Pascal123 » #169637

Let me re-explain this.

I latejoin, i screw around for a bit, i go to the brig, there i speak with the security officers, eventually leave, Rollo speaks with me and drags me to the bar. There we continue speaking when these two come up to him, slip him, and start beating him as i am trying to shake him up. He gets up and fights with one. They try to fight him two on one again, this time i step in and assist him in critting one by disarming them. They get critted, i say "That's enough." The bartender gives them CPR and the clown who had slipped Rollo drags them off to medbay. We continue chatting for a bit, leave the bar. Where the detective begins randomly assaulting me as we are heading to medbay and dying from plasma inhalation. The detective begins harm-batonning me, Rollo attacks them and gets a RNG knockdown on him then continues beating him to crit outside medbay. We drag him to the lobby and begin treating our wounds/toxin inhalation as Rollo is explaining his side in IC. We leave medical and are banned. My entire time spent online during that shift having been less than five minutes.

Can anyone tell me what i did wrong here?

Because all i'm getting out of this is that pulling people is bad, and that you shouldn't allow people to pull you.
If someone is being randomly attacked by multiple people, don't help them. That's bad. Especially if you've spoken beforehand. And pray they don't help you if the same happens to you. Or you'll be accused of "Metafriendship".
Admins don't care about whether they were critted or killed. They're both murder in their eyes. Even if they were brought to medical.
When something is solved IC it should be met with OOC punishment, even if the "victim" is banned for "Banbaiting" afterwards.

All i'm getting here is a bunch of cryptic messages from Saegrimr. and a Headmin who, literally, couldn't care less about anything.
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Re: [Saegrimr] Pascal123 - "Metafriend Conspiracy"

Post by Saegrimr » #169742

Ban has been lifted early due to another circumstance that I found hilarious, point has gotten across. Ban reason still applies.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.

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