ShadowDimentio wrote:It probably would have died by now had it not.
But it has died. People have moved on to CS:GO or MOBA's. It's not tier-1 numbers like it was before it went F2P. It's not king anymore and all the gimmicks they keep adding just push it deeper and deeper into the earth.
If they had pulled the plug on it ages ago instead of trying to wring more dollars out of it, it would've died a champion instead of fading away into this bastion of cringe.
I'll put it this way, if they announced TF3 tomorrow (LE VALVE COUNTING TO THREE MEME HURRRRRRRR) far fewer people would actually give a shit vs. if they had just let it "die" (people would still be playing it anyway).
Now that the precedent has been set for HATS AND DROPS: THE GAME we know TF3 would just be more of the same dumb bullshit. We'll never get a TF3 because it would cause all the autists who've sunk thousands of dollars into unboxing dumb shit and playing the crate lottery to riot.
Case in point: last time I tried to play my team got hung up in spawn trying to get my attention and getting upset when I went to leave and
play the game because I was wearing Bill's hat. They started mumbling amongst themselves about my fucking hat and then sending me PM's and trade offers.
I still periodically get invites to random trade groups, or people asking me what I want for that fucking hat.
EDIT: What drives me the fucking craziest is I know that hat isn't even that valuable but the community is overrun with BR-tier beggars and tweens that they'll come scuttling up to you for anything.