Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg [PR now up]

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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Lumbermancer » #166724

Bottom post of the previous page:

No it isn't.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Zilenan91 » #166726

Tell that to saegrimr and ShadowDimentio
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by TechnoAlchemist » #166727

Literally just read the rules. You can bolt secure tech storage, upload, and core at your leisure but you cannot bolt AND depower your core without reason.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by TheNightingale » #166731

I vote we make AIs run off Environment power. If they want to depower their doors, they can lose power to their core too.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by ShadowDimentio » #166732

Zilenan91 wrote:Tell that to saegrimr and ShadowDimentio
Hi. Always knew this.
TheNightingale wrote:I vote we make AIs run off Environment power. If they want to depower their doors, they can lose power to their core too.
Shitposting to the highest power
"Clowns are different you can't trust those shifty fucks you never know what they're doing or if they're willing to eat a dayban for some cheap yuks."

"The amount of people is the amount of times the sound is played... on top of itself. And with sybil populations on the shuttle..."
-Remie Richards

"I just spent all fucking day playing fallen london and sunless sea and obsessing over how creepy the fucking dawn machine is and only just clocked now that your avatar is the fucking dawn machine. Nobody vote for this disgusting new sequence blasphemer he wants to kill the gods"

"Drank a cocktail of orange Gatorade and mint mouthwash on accident. Pretty sure I'm going to die, I am on the verge of vomit. It was nice knowing you guys"

"You're too late, you will have to fetch them from the top of my tower, built by zombies, slaves, zombie slaves and garitho's will to live!"

"This is like being cooked alive in a microwave oven which utilises the autistic end of the light spectrum to cook you."

"Penguins are the second race to realise 2D>3D"

"Paul Blart mall cops if they all had ambitions of joining the Waffen-SS"

"These logs could kill a dragon much less a man"

">7 8 6

"We didn't kick one goofball out only to have another one come in like a fucking revolving door"

"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

"I prefer my coffees to run dry too *snorts a line of maxwell house*"
-Super Aggro Crag

"You don't have an evil bone in your body, unless togopal comes for a sleepover"

">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

"Then why did you get that boob job?"

"You take that back you colonial mongrel"

"I don't care whether or not someone with an IQ 3 standard deviations below my own thinks they enjoy Wizard rounds."
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Byond Username: Zilenan91

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Zilenan91 » #166735

That makes sense though, if there's no power going into them they're gonna fucking die because they kinda need power to live.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by ShadowDimentio » #166741

New borg type => AI shouldn't be able to depower its core

I feel as though someone has ended up in the wrong thread, the shitty ideas thread is around the corner to the left.
"Clowns are different you can't trust those shifty fucks you never know what they're doing or if they're willing to eat a dayban for some cheap yuks."

"The amount of people is the amount of times the sound is played... on top of itself. And with sybil populations on the shuttle..."
-Remie Richards

"I just spent all fucking day playing fallen london and sunless sea and obsessing over how creepy the fucking dawn machine is and only just clocked now that your avatar is the fucking dawn machine. Nobody vote for this disgusting new sequence blasphemer he wants to kill the gods"

"Drank a cocktail of orange Gatorade and mint mouthwash on accident. Pretty sure I'm going to die, I am on the verge of vomit. It was nice knowing you guys"

"You're too late, you will have to fetch them from the top of my tower, built by zombies, slaves, zombie slaves and garitho's will to live!"

"This is like being cooked alive in a microwave oven which utilises the autistic end of the light spectrum to cook you."

"Penguins are the second race to realise 2D>3D"

"Paul Blart mall cops if they all had ambitions of joining the Waffen-SS"

"These logs could kill a dragon much less a man"

">7 8 6

"We didn't kick one goofball out only to have another one come in like a fucking revolving door"

"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

"I prefer my coffees to run dry too *snorts a line of maxwell house*"
-Super Aggro Crag

"You don't have an evil bone in your body, unless togopal comes for a sleepover"

">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

"Then why did you get that boob job?"

"You take that back you colonial mongrel"

"I don't care whether or not someone with an IQ 3 standard deviations below my own thinks they enjoy Wizard rounds."
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by PKPenguin321 » #166742

actually i think it would be a neat mechanic
you spot a syndieborg outside your door and bolt/depower, but you can't sustain it forever. eventually your airlocks will have to open back up or you'll die. you have to hold out longer than the syndieborg can. it would give the same anxious feeling of being in a saferoom with people pounding on the door from the outside.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by ShadowDimentio » #166745

Wrong thread
"Clowns are different you can't trust those shifty fucks you never know what they're doing or if they're willing to eat a dayban for some cheap yuks."

"The amount of people is the amount of times the sound is played... on top of itself. And with sybil populations on the shuttle..."
-Remie Richards

"I just spent all fucking day playing fallen london and sunless sea and obsessing over how creepy the fucking dawn machine is and only just clocked now that your avatar is the fucking dawn machine. Nobody vote for this disgusting new sequence blasphemer he wants to kill the gods"

"Drank a cocktail of orange Gatorade and mint mouthwash on accident. Pretty sure I'm going to die, I am on the verge of vomit. It was nice knowing you guys"

"You're too late, you will have to fetch them from the top of my tower, built by zombies, slaves, zombie slaves and garitho's will to live!"

"This is like being cooked alive in a microwave oven which utilises the autistic end of the light spectrum to cook you."

"Penguins are the second race to realise 2D>3D"

"Paul Blart mall cops if they all had ambitions of joining the Waffen-SS"

"These logs could kill a dragon much less a man"

">7 8 6

"We didn't kick one goofball out only to have another one come in like a fucking revolving door"

"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

"I prefer my coffees to run dry too *snorts a line of maxwell house*"
-Super Aggro Crag

"You don't have an evil bone in your body, unless togopal comes for a sleepover"

">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

"Then why did you get that boob job?"

"You take that back you colonial mongrel"

"I don't care whether or not someone with an IQ 3 standard deviations below my own thinks they enjoy Wizard rounds."
Confined to the shed
Joined: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:09 pm
Byond Username: Zilenan91

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Zilenan91 » #166746

your face is in the wrong thread
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #166754

Guys, it's a valid debate and all but please use another thread to have it.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Drynwyn » #166872

Coding update: I have a solid idea about what to do with all things that need to happen, but am very busy. My schedule clears up after friday though, so hopefully this weekend I can get this all wrapped up pending sprites.

The things that need to happen are:
-Make bolas disappear after they are escaped
-Harm alarm
-Cookie fabricator

My preliminary tests of things are all looking good, though. No major bugs to speak of.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by EndgamerAzari » #166874

We (or at least, I) appreciate all the hard work that's gone into this. I look forward to becoming friends with the Egg (assuming I can get BYOND to fucking work again).
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Redblaze3000 » #166906

I am 100% for the love-egg.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Topham » #166915

Drynwyn wrote:Coding update: I have a solid idea about what to do with all things that need to happen, but am very busy. My schedule clears up after friday though, so hopefully this weekend I can get this all wrapped up pending sprites.

The things that need to happen are:
-Make bolas disappear after they are escaped
-Harm alarm
-Cookie fabricator

My preliminary tests of things are all looking good, though. No major bugs to speak of.
Bless your soul. I'm just getting started with learning how GitHub works, so if I have your tgstation13 repo, I can fork it and play around with it, right? Because I'd love to play around with being Cᴜᴛɪᴇ, the love egg.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by EndgamerAzari » #166917

I propose that the official designation for the peacekeeper should be the Extra Gentle Guardian.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #166918

EndgamerAzari wrote:We (or at least, I) appreciate all the hard work that's gone into this. I look forward to becoming friends with the Egg (assuming I can get BYOND to fucking work again).
Same here. I suggest a ton of shit, but it's very exciting to see this actually be made.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by kazeespada » #166938

Do you even have a coder? cause this entire thing just seems like a massive joke PR waiting to happen.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by iamgoofball » #166939

Serious Talk, I might code this if only to ensure the PR fits the right theme of "PEACEKEEPER ASIMOV" and not "valadin enforcer"

most the coders would assume a cookie fabricator and HARM ALARM is too unserious
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Drynwyn » #166945

kazeespada wrote:Do you even have a coder? cause this entire thing just seems like a massive joke PR waiting to happen.
iamgoofball wrote:Serious Talk, I might code this if only to ensure the PR fits the right theme of "PEACEKEEPER ASIMOV" and not "valadin enforcer"

most the coders would assume a cookie fabricator and HARM ALARM is too unserious
did you two even read the thread before you posted

ffs there's a post saying i'll code this and at least three posts with progress updates, one of which:
Drynwyn wrote:Coding update: I have a solid idea about what to do with all things that need to happen, but am very busy. My schedule clears up after friday though, so hopefully this weekend I can get this all wrapped up pending sprites.

The things that need to happen are:
-Make bolas disappear after they are escaped
-Harm alarm
-Cookie fabricator

My preliminary tests of things are all looking good, though. No major bugs to speak of.
was 6/7 posts above you guys.

goofball, you probably just saw kazeespada's post and assumed there wasn't a coder because you assumed that he was a rational person. NEVER DO THIS ON SPESSMANS

kaze though, there's no excuse for you.

and finally:
Topham wrote: Bless your soul. I'm just getting started with learning how GitHub works, so if I have your tgstation13 repo, I can fork it and play around with it, right? Because I'd love to play around with being Cᴜᴛɪᴇ, the love egg.
Yes, but you can't actually be a love egg because the sprites aren't in. Also I don't know if it will work because I can't remember if the changes I made locally for it to work right have been uploaded to git. I would do that but I am away from that computer until the weekend.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #166951

We have hugbot sprites to fall back on if necessary. I put in a sprite request for egg sprites, hopefully somebody picks it up.

Goofball, learn to read
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #166969

i like the borg sprite because it is an egg with legg
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by PKPenguin321 » #166970

goofball has a point though
harm alarm is autistic
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #167024

At this point the Harm Alarm functions just like the sec mask hailer, and is for comedic effect more than anything

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Malkevin » #167086

>Expecting Kaze to be smarter than a rock

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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by kazeespada » #167230

Malkevin wrote:>Expecting Kaze to be smarter than a rock

My code has had less than half the bugs you ever put into the game, you limpdicked fucknugget.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by TechnoAlchemist » #167231

you coders are just so WILD
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by iamgoofball » #167238

Here's my mockup design doc for the peacekeeper borg. I spoilered it, it's a bit long.

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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by TechnoAlchemist » #167256

TechnoAlchemist wrote:you coders are just so WILD

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Malkevin » #167259

kazeespada wrote:
Malkevin wrote:>Expecting Kaze to be smarter than a rock

My code has had less than half the bugs you ever put into the game, you limpdicked fucknugget.
How do you make a half a single bug?

Iirc you were one of the cunts that was forever submitting buggy code that could've been caught by ten minutes on a test server
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Byond Username: TheNightingale

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by TheNightingale » #167261

kazeespada wrote:My code has had less than half the bugs you ever put into the game, you limpdicked fucknugget.
Can I use this as an insult? Is it copyrighted to you or something?
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #167268

Spoke to Daniel, he's busy for a few days but he plans on finishing the sprites when he gets the time.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by kazeespada » #167458

Malkevin wrote:
kazeespada wrote:
Malkevin wrote:>Expecting Kaze to be smarter than a rock

My code has had less than half the bugs you ever put into the game, you limpdicked fucknugget.
How do you make a half a single bug?

Iirc you were one of the cunts that was forever submitting buggy code that could've been caught by ten minutes on a test server
So if you made 20 bugs, I would of made less than 10 bugs. Also, Right now I have no bugs open for my code. Even my computer refactor had very few(although Aranclanos anally tested it).
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Kelenius » #167472

kazeespada wrote:would of
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #167479

If it isn't feedback on the idea/development or something similar do it in another thread. This is almost finished, hold the shitposts for just a little while longer
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by dionysus24779 » #167493

After reading everything, here're my humble opinions:

1. I also prefer the pinkish (or white, whatever) egg sprite over the previous one. Maybe a few small changed could be made to bring it more in line with other borgs, it's good though.
2. The dizzyness chemical should maybe be combined with some weak healing chem? (Omnizide?) So while the borg drags the victim to safety the aggressor gets healed. But it doesn't replace the mediborg who is far more efficient and also doesn't make you dizzy.
3. Borg should have a fire extinguisher to help people on fire and not space itself by accident. A small version like the Mediborg has would suffice imo.

4. When emagged the modules of the borg should not be replaced by new modules, instead he should just get one or two new modules as with every other borg. Plus if he gets an illegal upgrade from RnD (rare but happens) having it replace all his actually harmless modules with harmful one would make it impossible for the borg to continue preventing harm, unlike with every other borg who can continue to do their job and keep their emagged weapon in the back "just in case."

5. I really like the idea of giving the borg a grenade launcher module with different grenades available, similar to how the Mediborgs hypospray lets you select different chems. And just like the Mediborg gets a second hypospray an emagged peaceegg borg could gain access to a second syndicate grenade launcher loaded with harmful grenades. This would also give the silicons back a ranged option since they currently lack any, which is a pretty big weakness as other players can just keep running circles around them and laser them to death easily.

Regular grenade launcher could be able to make some sort of quick-hardening foam as was already discussed (but I dunno about metal foam), it could have a regular smoke grenade so it can blind multiple people to prevent combat and allow for escapes, it could have pepper spray even if it's fairly useless it's an AoE effect, and I dunno... the emagged grenade launcher could have acid smoke (the Mediborg lost its acid-spray), poisonous smoke (dunno what chems) and I dunno.

These are just suggestions though, I just really like the idea of a grenade launcher with lots of versatility both as a regular and as an emagged borg.

Also to not give the borg an infinite grenade-spam option it could carry a limited amount of grenades that has to be recharged in a charger or something. Maybe have some kind of resource pool like an engieborg, or make grenades relatively expensive but slowly recharging on their own. Lots of ways to limit it.

6. Also, and this might go too far and doesn't make sense with the egg-style anymore, but maybe some kind of "suck-in-hug"? Like the borg is able to suck in and keep a person trapped in a hug for a few seconds. He could suck in an aggressor to "calm them down" and disable them for long enough for the victim to flee. The borg could be immobilized during the hug so they can't drag the hug-victim off somewhere. Or maybe have that be an emagged function so the borg can "hug-trap" somone to carry them into space or whatever. But I admit that this is a silly and stupid idea, just a thought I had when I saw that hugbot comic which had the robot "suck in" people.

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Malkevin » #167533

kazeespada wrote:
Malkevin wrote:
kazeespada wrote:
Malkevin wrote:>Expecting Kaze to be smarter than a rock

My code has had less than half the bugs you ever put into the game, you limpdicked fucknugget.
How do you make a half a single bug?

Iirc you were one of the cunts that was forever submitting buggy code that could've been caught by ten minutes on a test server
So if you made 20 bugs, I would of made less than 10 bugs. Also, Right now I have no bugs open for my code. Even my computer refactor had very few(although Aranclanos anally tested it).

Either give hard data or shut your dick hole, cunt bag.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Topham » #167548

dionysus24779 wrote:2. The dizzyness chemical should maybe be combined with some weak healing chem? (Omnizide?) So while the borg drags the victim to safety the aggressor gets healed. But it doesn't replace the mediborg who is far more efficient and also doesn't make you dizzy.
3. Borg should have a fire extinguisher to help people on fire and not space itself by accident. A small version like the Mediborg has would suffice imo.

4. When emagged the modules of the borg should not be replaced by new modules, instead he should just get one or two new modules as with every other borg. Plus if he gets an illegal upgrade from RnD (rare but happens) having it replace all his actually harmless modules with harmful one would make it impossible for the borg to continue preventing harm, unlike with every other borg who can continue to do their job and keep their emagged weapon in the back "just in case."

5. I really like the idea of giving the borg a grenade launcher module with different grenades available, similar to how the Mediborgs hypospray lets you select different chems. And just like the Mediborg gets a second hypospray an emagged peaceegg borg could gain access to a second syndicate grenade launcher loaded with harmful grenades. This would also give the silicons back a ranged option since they currently lack any, which is a pretty big weakness as other players can just keep running circles around them and laser them to death easily.

6. Also, and this might go too far and doesn't make sense with the egg-style anymore, but maybe some kind of "suck-in-hug"? Like the borg is able to suck in and keep a person trapped in a hug for a few seconds. He could suck in an aggressor to "calm them down" and disable them for long enough for the victim to flee. The borg could be immobilized during the hug so they can't drag the hug-victim off somewhere. Or maybe have that be an emagged function so the borg can "hug-trap" somone to carry them into space or whatever. But I admit that this is a silly and stupid idea, just a thought I had when I saw that hugbot comic which had the robot "suck in" people.
You bring up some really good points that I originally was annoyed with but totally forgot about or just kind of didn't give attention to.
2&3. Agreed, love it.

4&5. I entirely agree, and I forgot to bring this inconsistency up. All the other borgs stay the same with just an extra module (or two? maybe? don't remember) and having this borg change all of its modules really...puts me off. I like the grenade launcher idea, maybe with multiple modes. And, hell, if you know that there are traitors, for all you know maybe that adorable egg that's offering a hug is secretly packing heavy explosives. But still, I feel like this inconsistency is really important and something that needs to be fixed.

6. Adorable.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Drynwyn » #167581

I'm already doing 4 because of how borg emag code works-emagged peacekeepers get a new hypo with a number of nasty substances.

Definitely gonna give em' a mini fire extinguisher now that you mention it.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #167607

Fire extinguisher makes sense. Flamethrowers and bottles + welding tools are used in combat every now and then.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by dionysus24779 » #167732

Drynwyn wrote:I'm already doing 4 because of how borg emag code works-emagged peacekeepers get a new hypo with a number of nasty substances.

Definitely gonna give em' a mini fire extinguisher now that you mention it.
Fire extinguisher should be standard for every borg module imo, just like a flash.

Personally I would prefer the grenade launcher option (could be an "egg launcher"? Get it? :honk: ) over a hypo, because the Mediborg already gets a syndicate hypo with really powerful chems. (without treatment a single prick can kill someone relatively fast), so there would be a bit of an overlapp and the silicons would still lack a real ranged offense. Plus it offers more versatility both regular and emagged.

But if it's an unpopular idea then okay.

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Malkevin » #167735

Oh yes, it could fire eggs loaded with sedative at people.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #167767

as a fond user of eggs filled with chemicals to annoy people at chemist I support the E.G.G. (Extremely Gentle Grenade) Launcher.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by dionysus24779 » #167774

Was supposed to be a joke to call actual "grenades" eggs, but I'm glad people like the idea.
Super Aggro Crag wrote:I support the E.G.G. (Extremely Gentle Grenade) Launcher.
That should totally be the name!


Also as for the "foam" stuff, maybe something like this could be implemented? I dunno how it should work gameplay wise (maybe each additional shot slows someone down until they're immobilized and have to resist to remove it?) without overlapping with the Bolas (which may be fine as they are). It would be non-harmul and kind of fits the theme.

[youtube]dK_OKGELcn0?t=2m10s[/youtube] (<- Y NO WORK?)
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Drynwyn » #167956

hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP

Grenade launcher code is notoriously tricky, from what I've heard- it's a LOT more effort for me to give them a grenade launcher than it is to give them a nastier hypospray.

Someone else can code the E.G.G Launcher if they want to, someone else can code the riot foam dispenser. Maybe if I have time later I'll code them. For now, I'm done appending new features to this project. If anyone has module suggestions that are items already in the game, then by all means, suggest them, however.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by ThanatosRa » #168381

I just had the horrible thought of people asking these things if they have a vibrate function. Good thing ERP is banned again.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #168401

Grenade launcher sounds cool, but I think it's out of the scope of what we've decided to work with. Maybe in the future.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Drynwyn » #168608

Code is *mostly* done, once sprites are finished I should be able to get a PR up within a week or so (my schedule permitting).
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Screemonster » #168609

dionysus24779 wrote: 6. Also, and this might go too far and doesn't make sense with the egg-style anymore, but maybe some kind of "suck-in-hug"? Like the borg is able to suck in and keep a person trapped in a hug for a few seconds. He could suck in an aggressor to "calm them down" and disable them for long enough for the victim to flee. The borg could be immobilized during the hug so they can't drag the hug-victim off somewhere. Or maybe have that be an emagged function so the borg can "hug-trap" somone to carry them into space or whatever. But I admit that this is a silly and stupid idea, just a thought I had when I saw that hugbot comic which had the robot "suck in" people.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Topham » #168636

Screemonster wrote:
dionysus24779 wrote: 6. Also, and this might go too far and doesn't make sense with the egg-style anymore, but maybe some kind of "suck-in-hug"? Like the borg is able to suck in and keep a person trapped in a hug for a few seconds. He could suck in an aggressor to "calm them down" and disable them for long enough for the victim to flee. The borg could be immobilized during the hug so they can't drag the hug-victim off somewhere. Or maybe have that be an emagged function so the borg can "hug-trap" somone to carry them into space or whatever. But I admit that this is a silly and stupid idea, just a thought I had when I saw that hugbot comic which had the robot "suck in" people.
hugs not drugs 2k16
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