Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg [PR now up]

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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Steelpoint » #163865

Bottom post of the previous page:

Only difference here is that this Peace Borg has a Disabler that doesn't disable, only slow you down (aka Bolas). In addition to a flash and some sleepy chemical of sorts.

This is simply a bad idea born out of desperation to quickly get a alternative to the security cyborg removal. All this change will do is once again push the narrative of the AI and its Silicon's being primarily about interfering with every harm infraction ever, past of future.

Silicon's should be more concerned about current possible harm and not future or past harm, less future and more past. The security cyborg, and his peacekeeper by extension, simply gives the Silicon's the tools and ability to punish for past and future potential harm.

Keep security of the station to security. If someone is likely to commit harm in the future then get security to deal with it, instead of having two secborgs drag someone kicking and screaming into the brig every other round.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by DanielRatherman » #163868

Zilenan91 wrote:It's just the whole design, of what looks like some kind of animatronic from FnaF. It clashes so much with the design of the rest of the game, would likely have to be changed completely.
Looking at it next to existing assets I can agree somewhat. it is perhaps a BIT too far down the slider towards that.

I can imagine the general shape and arm-wheel layout are fine- but the head might just be a bit overkill.

What would work in lieu of that, minding the objective is to be impartial and non-combative.

I could try to work a look that has no discernable face- or a very neutral one. Maybe something more resembling a display panel rather than a 3d head- perhaps with the PaI display faces on it. :mad: :superhappy: :sad:

like this? Image
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Byond Username: Jacough

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Jacough » #163872

Shaps wrote:
DanielRatherman wrote:
Luke Cox wrote:Yeah, something like being drunk. No stuns, but you stumble around. I'm going to put in a request in the sprite request thread, see if I can get somebody to sprite this.
Tried my hand at it. Designed it to look rounded, fairly harmless, and friendly to the crew- kind of the nice side of Asimov incarnated. More like a mental hospital orderly (which it's job strongly resembles) than a military machine. Also a bit Buddha like on accident.
jesus christ

just imagine that thing dragging you into a plasma fire while giggling insanely to itself and looking directly into your eyes
After shooting you full of dope so you're just sort of drooling and laughing as you burn
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by PKPenguin321 » #163874

Jacough wrote:
Shaps wrote:
DanielRatherman wrote:
Luke Cox wrote:Yeah, something like being drunk. No stuns, but you stumble around. I'm going to put in a request in the sprite request thread, see if I can get somebody to sprite this.
Tried my hand at it. Designed it to look rounded, fairly harmless, and friendly to the crew- kind of the nice side of Asimov incarnated. More like a mental hospital orderly (which it's job strongly resembles) than a military machine. Also a bit Buddha like on accident.
jesus christ

just imagine that thing dragging you into a plasma fire while giggling insanely to itself and looking directly into your eyes
After shooting you full of dope so you're just sort of drooling and laughing as you burn
i want to code this...
as a malf-only module which gets a chainsaw that can gib dead humans
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163877

@SteelPoint: That's the entire point: this borg isn't going to drag anybody to the brig. It doesn't have the capacity to. Its job is to pacify the immediate conflict so that no humans are harmed. That means launching an energy bola at the guy with the revolver, flashing the guy with the dual esword, etc. In all likelihood the peackeeper will probably wind up dead pretty quickly in a direct conflict, and that's the entire point. If somebody has eye protection the borg is utterly fucked. Even the flash and HARM ALARM! will have pretty major energy drains on them. Their singular purpose is to help people escape immediate harm, no to validhunt antags. At the very least, all of the arguments against this are 200% applicable to the standard module, which actually has a hard stun.

@DanielRatherman: That's perfect. Looks more borgy-y while keeping the hugbot factor.

@PKPenguin: If you could code the Peacekeeper borg I would be eternally grateful. Malf chainsaw would be hilarious.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by DanielRatherman » #163887


Seems better.
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163888

You know this peace keeper borg is going to be the scariest fucking thing for antags right?

This will just enable sec to just walk up. Flash the borg, and then cuff the tator tot with ease.

Ops will be severely borked because lol bolas and bullet blocking shields.

There wont be a chance for revs since sec will be seen as the non-harmful ones.

The problem is with the way players treat asimov as a valid hunting lawset rather than a true neutral lawset.

If the players treat the lawset right then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Byond Username: DanRatherman

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by DanielRatherman » #163889

yackemflam wrote:You know this peace keeper borg is going to be the scariest fucking thing for antags right?

This will just enable sec to just walk up. Flash the borg, and then cuff the tator tot with ease.

Still more difficult than the borg doing it for you.

Ops will be severely borked because lol bolas and bullet blocking shields.

If borgs cant kill a borg armed with no lethal weaponry then they are flukes and deserve to lose. They start with an Ion Rifle and their own lethal-armed borg ffs, don't be silly.

There wont be a chance for revs since sec will be seen as the non-harmful ones.

Not sure where you get that inherently- if sec is executing rebels this thing will try to stop them. Likewise current sec borg is the ultimate rape machine in rev so also not different at all even if that was true.

The problem is with the way players treat asimov as a valid hunting lawset rather than a true neutral lawset.

This is also a problem- but it's a separate policy problem that admins need to enforce and really has nothing to do with this. "X other thing is broken, so Y feature is pointless" could invalidate any given attempt at adding content.

If the players treat the lawset right then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163890

DanielRatherman wrote:
If borgs cant kill a borg armed with no lethal weaponry then they are flukes and deserve to lose. They start with an Ion Rifle and their own lethal-armed borg ffs, don't be silly.

Ops have to buy a borg for 80 tc. And most operatives (not me) don't take the ion rifles because you can't store them anywhere but your back. And imagine if the peace keeper has sec back up like sec borgs usually do.

You also don't take the ion rifle with you if you bring a syndieborg.

Edit: Also, a slow operative is a dead operative
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163892

yackemflam wrote:You know this peace keeper borg is going to be the scariest fucking thing for antags right?

This will just enable sec to just walk up. Flash the borg, and then cuff the tator tot with ease.

Ops will be severely borked because lol bolas and bullet blocking shields.

There wont be a chance for revs since sec will be seen as the non-harmful ones.

The problem is with the way players treat asimov as a valid hunting lawset rather than a true neutral lawset.

If the players treat the lawset right then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.
Standard borgs will be a lot scarier for people actually bent on killing people. The traitor, with eye protection, will be perfectly capable of unleashing a hail of bullets on approaching officers and peacekeeper borgs. You realize that you remove bolas in like 5 seconds, right? If you think silicons always side with security, you don't play much security. The bullet shield thing I can agree with slightly, it will need to be balanced appropriately. I imagined it blocking lasers only, with bullets going straight through it.

All in all, I don't think you'll see nearly as many people validhunting with this as they did with the secborg. Secborg gave you disablers, stunbatons, zipties, a sechud, and told you that you were a SECURITY borg. This borg's only job is to prevent harm. I'll bet you anything that they'll spend 95% of the time harassing tiders and the clown, both of which I can completely get behind.
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163893

Luke Cox wrote:
yackemflam wrote:You know this peace keeper borg is going to be the scariest fucking thing for antags right?

This will just enable sec to just walk up. Flash the borg, and then cuff the tator tot with ease.

Ops will be severely borked because lol bolas and bullet blocking shields.

There wont be a chance for revs since sec will be seen as the non-harmful ones.

The problem is with the way players treat asimov as a valid hunting lawset rather than a true neutral lawset.

If the players treat the lawset right then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.
Standard borgs will be a lot scarier for people actually bent on killing people. The traitor, with eye protection, will be perfectly capable of unleashing a hail of bullets on approaching officers and peacekeeper borgs. You realize that you remove bolas in like 5 seconds, right? If you think silicons always side with security, you don't play much security. The bullet shield thing I can agree with slightly, it will need to be balanced appropriately. I imagined it blocking lasers only, with bullets going straight through it.

All in all, I don't think you'll see nearly as many people validhunting with this as they did with the secborg. Secborg gave you disablers, stunbatons, zipties, a sechud, and told you that you were a SECURITY borg. This borg's only job is to prevent harm. I'll bet you anything that they'll spend 95% of the time harassing tiders and the clown, both of which I can completely get behind.
When you chose the security borg sec module you were prompt'd in BIG RED LETTERS that you still follow asimov laws over space laws. And that if you were ordered to let a criminal go. You do it. Even by an assistant.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163895

Except secborgs never did. I agree that it's a policy issue, but the Peacekeeper borg can't even detain or stun people to begin with and makes no references to security in description, appearance, or tools. I don't think it'll have that problem.
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163899

>run up
>Flash if applicable
>Inject with what ever the fuck (morphine maybe)
>Sec officer walks up and cuffs and drag the guy away
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163900

>Assistant has sunglasses welding goggles or any of the 50 million forms of eye protection
>Peacekeeper is beaten to death

>Be standard borg
>Stunbaton harmful guy
>Keep stunning him as you drag him to security

No was in hell we're using morphine as the chemical. I was thinking alcohol, space drugs, or mindbreaker toxin at the most. No stuns, even if they're delayed.
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163901

Basically, people will try to find ways to exploit the system in any ways possible.
Altenatively for the chems
>Injects with enough chems to NOT OD but to make the perp stumble around uselessly. Sec comes up to the slowed faggot with a disabler and shoot the guy 3 times, cuff, and brought to brig.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163902

How is any of this applicable to the peacekeeper borg but not the standard borg?
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Byond Username: DanRatherman

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by DanielRatherman » #163903

yackemflam wrote: When you chose the security borg sec module you were prompt'd in BIG RED LETTERS that you still follow asimov laws over space laws. And that if you were ordered to let a criminal go. You do it. Even by an assistant.
And they clearly never listen to this- and admin enforcement of that issue is spotty at best and hard to coordinate after the fact- so a mechanical change isn't unreasonable.

Again also- every counterpoint given is literally what happens with current Sec Borgs, so there is no harm in trying this. If they suck and do the same shit- then we remove them and have no form of security enforcement for silicons which would also be fine.

This is just a concept to maybe try and save some form of enforcement option for Asimov AIs that isn't sending other random borgs to try and stop it- which they do anyway.

There is no reason to hate this any more than existing sec borgs if you support AI having such capacity- and if you are a hardliner against sec borgs this is an attempt to fix it rather than just "IS SHIT REMOVE PLS" it.
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163906

Because this is just a shitty valid hunting borg that isn't a fix to the real problem and is completely, off

I'm also at terrible at explaining things.

Also, standard borg :honk:

I just stun anyone who is doing harm and drag the victim away from the harm.

What your doing is just, that weird siren gun that has pepperspray and a shit ton of loud noises and sirens that calls the cops and telling the guy to stop doing harm. I can't find the picture.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163909

So you're okay with a hard stun but not something that can just slow somebody down?
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Byond Username: DanRatherman

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by DanielRatherman » #163910


Added dead sprite and face variants.
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163911

You are doing space god's work, Daniel. Anybody up to code this yet?
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163912

As a tator, what's the difference if you just getting stunned than you get slowed down to the point that it's basically just a stun. Both ways will lead to your death.

Also, adrenals can prop you back up from a stun, you have to stand still to remove bolas. The borg can just keep moving you to interrupt the removal and keep screaming harm.

I'll give you one credit. This is hilarious as fuck imagining all of the situation of a borg screaming in high pitch tone.

It's a nerf to ops and tators who uses tc.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Luke Cox
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Byond Username: NocturnalQuill
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163915

The difference is that even if you're slowed you can whip out a gun and waste the borg. It's a hindrance designed to help the victim escape rather than actually disable the attacker. We could play around with giving the e-bola a chance to miss and just how much it actually slows down. All the numbers are subject to tweaking. This will be nowhere near as bad as secborg, I promise.
Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:03 am
Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163917

Fine, answer this question. What does this borg bring that helps the community over all, non-antags and antags alike.

I like the concept of bringing new things into the game but I also don't want to bloat the game up.

Redundancy is not a good thing most of the time for this game.

As for the sprite.

I advise making the light blue parts a purple color. It'll fit the other borg color scheme a bit better.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by PKPenguin321 » #163919

Luke Cox wrote:How is any of this applicable to the peacekeeper borg but not the standard borg?
standard borg has absolutely no ranged options, you can just run away from them most of the time. with this one they can slap a bola on you and bolt some doors before you can run out and you're cucked.
Luke Cox wrote:Anybody up to code this yet?
who do i look like, your slave? :roll:
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163929

Any borg can just bolt you in before you can react. I'm not sure what you're getting at. The energy bola won't even be a massive slowdown, we can make it even less than the regular bola.

I'm just trying to find somebody to code this. We have sprites and everything. I really do believe that this would make a good addition.
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Byond Username: DanRatherman

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by DanielRatherman » #163930

yackemflam wrote:Fine, answer this question. What does this borg bring that helps the community over all, non-antags and antags alike.

I like the concept of bringing new things into the game but I also don't want to bloat the game up.

Redundancy is not a good thing most of the time for this game.

As for the sprite.

I advise making the light blue parts a purple color. It'll fit the other borg color scheme a bit better.
A cyborg to assist the AI in following law 1, it's most important law. The previous cyborg slated to do the same was riddled with problems as a 'valid-hunter' and an extension of the security force rather than a non-combat machine designed to first and foremost prevent harm rather than assist in the apprehension of civil law breakers.

The new robot will have a toolset designed not to arrest or kill crew- but to irritate and disperse fights and rescue personnel from dangerous situations.

As an aside: again, if someone shouts "law two fuck off" this thing has to do so- so the meta hasn't changed at all regarding running away or escaping these. There seems to be this idea that sec borgs just whistle and a sec officer appears out of the woodwork instantly to arrest anyone they have disabled- but it is worse than that. They actively arrest people entirely on their own and in many rounds are the FRONTLINE security forces in disabling cults, wizards, revs and other antagonists which seems a bit screwey considering their role on the station isn't robocop, but an enforcer of the AI laws which have nothing to do with 'future harm' or obeying the law- but with ending immediate harm.
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163931

A standard borg can do that.
What purpose is there for this borg?
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163934

The difference is that the standard borg only has the stun baton, the peacekeeper borg is specialized. Going off that logic the standard borg could replace everything. It's meant to be generalized.
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Byond Username: Incomptinence

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Incomptinence » #163935

Call it Hug Borg. It just wants to snuggle the nawty hooomans oh yes it does!

Also any side meant to have any effect whatsoever on the game needs a ranged option, learn the folly of the changeling.
Last edited by Incomptinence on Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163936

Peacekeeper is just a placeholder, anything else could work. It's a joke borg with real functions.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Incomptinence » #163938

Oldie but a goodie:

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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163941

So a walking, screaming hugbox that isn't serious at all.
Don't give it e-bola, and replace the chem gun with a pepper spray.
Keep the HARM hailer.
And a hug function, anyone you hug will be disarmed and in a hug (chokehold) for 1 second. 3 byond seconds cooldown.

Emagged gives it a 'hug' function. Where you stun them on harm intent, deal 20 brute damage, and scream out a custom emote.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by PKPenguin321 » #163942

Luke Cox wrote:Any borg can just bolt you in before you can react. I'm not sure what you're getting at. The energy bola won't even be a massive slowdown, we can make it even less than the regular bola.

I'm just trying to find somebody to code this. We have sprites and everything. I really do believe that this would make a good addition.
Not necessarily, if you run for the door you can generally escape standard borgs. With the slowdown from the bola you wont be able to run, and if we lower the slowdown then there's hardly any point in using it in the first place. I don't like it.

And god damn could you for real stop code begging? I thought die-hard ideas guys were just a coderbus joke. With sec borgs only just now getting disabled, this probably wouldn't even get merged for being too much of a knee-jerk reaction. :-1:
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Byond Username: Zilenan91

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Zilenan91 » #163944

How about we all just stop talking about secborgs and move on with our lives
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Drynwyn » #163948

This would actually require a bit of effort (not a ton, but a bit) to code. The "hard" things are the harm alarm, which would require creating a new item calling the changeling shriek proc (which might have to be made into a proc to do so) the bolas (because borgs can't normally throw their modules), and the energy shield (which would have to be all-new.)

I may take a crack at it but no promises.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Luke Cox
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Luke Cox » #163973

Drynwyn wrote:This would actually require a bit of effort (not a ton, but a bit) to code. The "hard" things are the harm alarm, which would require creating a new item calling the changeling shriek proc (which might have to be made into a proc to do so) the bolas (because borgs can't normally throw their modules), and the energy shield (which would have to be all-new.)

I may take a crack at it but no promises.
Thanks for giving it a shot. I imagined that the bola launcher would function like the Dragnet, which launches an energy projectile that attaches a bear trap to the target on contact.
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Byond Username: TrustyGun

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by TrustyGun » #163989

Make the sprite a little darker.

For the actual idea, I like it. Only insinuate that you are meant to protect ALL humans from harm, including antagonists, and you have to follow your laws.
Usually Julian Mackabee or K.I.N.G
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Byond Username: Yackemflam

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by yackemflam » #163993

Zilenan91 wrote:It's just the whole design, of what looks like some kind of animatronic from FnaF. It clashes so much with the design of the rest of the game, would likely have to be changed completely.
The problem was that sec borg WAS meant to do that in the first place.
I will admit I was laughing pretty hard during your skit in the boxing ring. - seagrimr
Playing on the server isn't something you're entitled to. There's an extremely small level of responsibiliy on your part to play hhundreds of hours of a free game run by fuckheads. - Stickymayhem
A retards guide on how to make a maxcap bomb in toxins.
You`ll need:
1-6 Plasma tanks 1-6 Oxygen tanks
1-6 tank transfer valve
2 Plasma canister
2 Oxygen canister
1 Yellow (empty) canister
Toxins lab access
Science testing lab access

Grab a oxygen tank and a plasma tank and bring them to the testing lab.
Super cool the Oxygen and superheat the Plasma.

Clean out the oxygen and plasma tanks with a filter/pump.

Then you wrench and unwrench the plasma and oxygen tanks in toxins. It`s important tha you do it one at a time. Try to get a 85%plasma and 15% oxygen mix.

Once you have a good burn mix, pump the mix into the burn chamber and light it on fire. Wait 10 seconds for it to heat up and pump it into a yellow (empty) canister.

Quickly set the kpa output to 163 kpa and fill the tanks with the burn mix.

Take the oxygen tanks and fill it up with a 613kpa worth of oxygen FIRST then fill the rest with plasma, you should get well over 2000kpa in the end.

With the new atmos system you should wait 5-10 minutes for you tanks to bake.

Take a tank transfer valve, add a oxygen tank and a plasma tank to it. You should have a maxcap bomb. Have fun blowing up the station mining!
Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 3:01 am
Byond Username: Incomptinence

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Incomptinence » #163996

Oh yeah and just give it an extinguisher, throw away module to let you actually give up your synthetic life fighting simple mobs (or give simple minded bartenders the beating they deserve when rogue).
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by EndgamerAzari » #164016

Alternate skin idea:
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Byond Username: Drynwyn

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Drynwyn » #164046

I've assessed my ability to code this and found that I can definitely do the bola launcher, the injector (which will use crytobiolin aka the chemical whose ONLY PURPOSE is to make you dizzy and move weirdly), and the flash. The energy shield I won't do, but instead I'll give it a safety holotape dispenser if someone makes an appropriate sprite for HARM AHEAD holotape.

The literal harmyeller is something I can definitely accomplish, though I'm not sure about making it fit coding standards. I could just make it different enough from the changeling shriek that I don't have to mess with procs.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Byond Username: Kelenius

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Kelenius » #164054

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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by EndgamerAzari » #164056

My earlier joke aside, I really like this idea. The notion of something that's intended just to make sure people don't get hurt in a facility whose chief export is mayhem is wonderful. Combine a noble-but-futile goal with corporate-boardroom-designed saccharine cuteness and you've got something that's both endearing and slightly menacing.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by John_Oxford » #164062

Or you know, peace keeper from the hunger games merged to look like chappie?


Energy Bola Launcher to fuck over rioters
Tear Gas disperser to fuck over large crowds of rioters
Flood Light to blind the fuck out of rioters
Power Stomp to trip and disorient all the rioters
Energy Shield to protect security pushing up
Handcuff Dispenser (can't actually handcuff anyone, just shits out handcuffs)
Submission Alarm (HONKizer essentially, blares "LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS" and things along those lines and causes people to drop their items and go deaf)

When Emagged:
Energy Bola Launcher
Hellfoam Grenade Launcher
Flood Light
Power Stomp
Energy Shield (turned red from blue)
Handcuff Dispenser
Submission Alarm

Instead of having a cyborg that acts as the fighting force or greater, have a cyborg that defends the fighting force and insures they can detain criminals effectively
Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Byond Username: Shad0vvs

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Shad0vvs » #164076

Drynwyn wrote:I've assessed my ability to code this and found that I can definitely do the bola launcher, the injector (which will use crytobiolin aka the chemical whose ONLY PURPOSE is to make you dizzy and move weirdly), and the flash. The energy shield I won't do, but instead I'll give it a safety holotape dispenser if someone makes an appropriate sprite for HARM AHEAD holotape.

The literal harmyeller is something I can definitely accomplish, though I'm not sure about making it fit coding standards. I could just make it different enough from the changeling shriek that I don't have to mess with procs.
Curious, why can't you just make the energy shield like the same as the miner shield? Doesn't that stop projectiles?
[03:37:46]SAY: Uriel Sutton/Shad0vvs : Alright
[03:37:47]SAY: Uriel Sutton/Shad0vvs : Shoot her in the face
[03:37:54]SAY: Sabella Rose/Burningone : Space law
[03:38:02]SAY: Uriel Sutton/Shad0vvs : If she says space law again
[03:38:04]SAY: Uriel Sutton/Shad0vvs : Space her
[03:38:09]SAY: Phoebe Lotsu/Shaps : The true space law
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Byond Username: Drynwyn

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Drynwyn » #164081

Shad0vvs wrote:
Drynwyn wrote:I've assessed my ability to code this and found that I can definitely do the bola launcher, the injector (which will use crytobiolin aka the chemical whose ONLY PURPOSE is to make you dizzy and move weirdly), and the flash. The energy shield I won't do, but instead I'll give it a safety holotape dispenser if someone makes an appropriate sprite for HARM AHEAD holotape.

The literal harmyeller is something I can definitely accomplish, though I'm not sure about making it fit coding standards. I could just make it different enough from the changeling shriek that I don't have to mess with procs.
Curious, why can't you just make the energy shield like the same as the miner shield? Doesn't that stop projectiles?
Didn't know there WAS a miner shield, haven't touched mining in some time. What's it's actual name?
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Byond Username: Zilenan91

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Zilenan91 » #164082

I think I remember there being a shield you could make out of goliath plates or some shit but I've literally never once seen people use it
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Byond Username: Eaglendia

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Eaglendia » #164085

John_Oxford wrote:Or you know, peace keeper from the hunger games merged to look like chappie?

Energy Bola Launcher to fuck over rioters
Tear Gas disperser to fuck over large crowds of rioters
Flood Light to blind the fuck out of rioters
Power Stomp to trip and disorient all the rioters
Energy Shield to protect security pushing up
Handcuff Dispenser (can't actually handcuff anyone, just shits out handcuffs)
Submission Alarm (HONKizer essentially, blares "LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS" and things along those lines and causes people to drop their items and go deaf)
I kind of like this but it's probably a little powerful. Might try to code one with an energy bola launcher, a flash, a riot shield, handcuff dispenser, and secHUD as default modules, and the old cyborg taser (or perhaps a hybrid taser) when hacked.

Submission alarm and power stomp seem a little too strong/snowflakey, and tear gas is pretty much useless. Meanwhile, I'm not fond of the ideas with sedative injectors due to Goofchem overdose and addiction symptoms being the worst kind of very easy accidental round-ruiners.

You should make some side sprites for this, though it doesn't particularly fit with the station's other borg designs. Do you think this should be available as a roundstart choice, or something that can be unlocked in Robotics through R&D?
Millian MacTavish • Braids Grenades • Eliott Graves • Tyrell Stone
In-game trialmin; certified boomer.
Be rational, be responsible, and be excellent to eachother.
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Byond Username: Cheimon

Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by Cheimon » #164118

If you want something like that John Oxford, I think it wouldn't work best as a security cyborg. What it could be is a proper replacement of the current ED-209. Make one that is like the Enforcement Droid in the original robocop film: a robot-piloted (MMI?) combat mech with poor sensors and two absolutely massive guns (this thing shoots-to-gib). That's the thing that says LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS and then shoots the person anyway, in an inherently dangerous but potentially useful manner.
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Re: Secborg replacement: Peacekeeper Borg

Post by John_Oxford » #164180

Eaglendia wrote:
John_Oxford wrote:Or you know, peace keeper from the hunger games merged to look like chappie?

Energy Bola Launcher to fuck over rioters
Tear Gas disperser to fuck over large crowds of rioters
Flood Light to blind the fuck out of rioters
Power Stomp to trip and disorient all the rioters
Energy Shield to protect security pushing up
Handcuff Dispenser (can't actually handcuff anyone, just shits out handcuffs)
Submission Alarm (HONKizer essentially, blares "LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS" and things along those lines and causes people to drop their items and go deaf)
I kind of like this but it's probably a little powerful. Might try to code one with an energy bola launcher, a flash, a riot shield, handcuff dispenser, and secHUD as default modules, and the old cyborg taser (or perhaps a hybrid taser) when hacked.

Submission alarm and power stomp seem a little too strong/snowflakey, and tear gas is pretty much useless. Meanwhile, I'm not fond of the ideas with sedative injectors due to Goofchem overdose and addiction symptoms being the worst kind of very easy accidental round-ruiners.

You should make some side sprites for this, though it doesn't particularly fit with the station's other borg designs. Do you think this should be available as a roundstart choice, or something that can be unlocked in Robotics through R&D?

Likely something that can be researched through RnD as a mech that you could only place a MMI in.

Was looking for something that wasen't raw "I AM TIDE OF RED, YOU ARE ARREST NOW FOR BREAKING SHIT" but more of a "QUIT BREAKING SHIT BEFORE I PACIFY THE FUCK OUT OF YOU" kind of deal.

Power Stomp, Submission Alarm, and Tear Gas are all place holders for a flashbang launcher, which would be over powered to have on a cyborg/mech eqse hybrid thing. So i split the difference and made 3 things that each did the function of the flash bang (Power Stomp knocks you on the floor, Submission Alarm disorients you and causes you to drop your shit, tear gas causes a blinding affect, since you can't see through smoke and doubles as a cough/cry sort of thing)

It was going off the idea of a peacekeeper from the hunger games and chappie from the movie. A sleek white powerful machine that doesn't outright kill you, but causes you ridiculious discomfort/stuns/burns/pain

Gonna remake the sprite:

Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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