Byond account and character name:My byond name is christian5658 my character name is Jeff Williams'
Banning admin:niknakflak
Ban type (What are you banned from?):Perm ban I was banned from server
Ban reason and length:Multikeying. Wasn't up front about it until I presented the logs of it. Suspiciously familiar with the game and OOC despite being a new player with new accounts.
Time ban was placed (including time zone):2015-12-23 22:54:15
Your side of the story:Well this was from about 7-4 days ago uh I did multikey I am not saying I have not this ban was good reasoning and all admins on your server are great people I do deserve a ban but I really dont think I need a ban forever for hell I would be happy for a ban for a year.
Why you think you should be unbanned:Well I know I broke a rule the reason I understand the game alot is on yogstation I was told how to play they would send a centcomm offical ((In game)) to teach me things like Toxins,Xenobiology,Chemistery,Surgery,How to setup singularity, And other basic game mechanics I dident even know how to move at first.The reason im not new with ooc is also because of yogstation they used terms like spessman said things like SEC ROUND CONFIRMED or other things.To not lie I was front up about it its not like I would remember something from 7 days ago that isnt really my entire life depending on it I did say the jaden account?I do agree I broke a rule but I dont think I should be banned forever I have warnings about drone and this thats about it im a really good player I might play around to much but I dont really break rules like ic in ooc meta game power game or murderbone.Well thanks for reading this if you have have thanks and have a good christmas!!!!!
[niknakflak] Dingdog7
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