Your character name: Molly Dakota
Their character name: Anda Lucia
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Chocolai
Server and time: Sybil, 11/30 2:00am PST
Description of what happened:
Revolution round. FULL DISCLOSURE HERE, I latespawned in as the RD during this rev round, and Dante spaced me really early on, so I spent the entire round observing. I forgot I even died because I died so quickly, I figured he was just a traitor who wanted my ID. Anyway, after I died, Anda Lucia gets loyalty implanted voluntarily in brig, then after engaging in a fight with Dante (known rev) in which he gets put into a crit, brings him all the way to cryo, leaving him there to heal unattended. Dante Smith (rev head at the time) is found by sec in cryo, then dragged back to security. The CAPTAIN recognizes him as a rev head (I believe they tried to implant him to no success, but I didn't see this go down), going so far as to try to get him healed so they can capture him alive. After being attacked by revs trying to get Dante, the captain decides it isn't worth the effort and kills Dante, leaving his corpse in security. Anda drags Dante's corpse through maint all the way to medical, then puts him in the cloner, again leaving him unattended without any attempt to secure him with cuffs when he pops out or anything. He eventually gets free, converts a handful of people, and the revs win the round. Dante also goes out of his way to cut her loyalty implant out in order to convert her to rev once he finds out she's implanted, but she suicides before this is possible. Again, this is the only person they tried to remove the loyalty implant from, but that could have just been a reward for saving him from security earlier.
Why they should be banned:
Anda clearly went out of her way to help Dante, specifically, which ruined the round. She never cloned/healed any other rev heads or revs just to try and deconvert them when they were dead/in crit, and there was plenty of opportunities to do so. Other people can vouch for their Ic/OOC friendship or relationship. The admin at the time who responded to the adminhelps (from multiple people) wasn't aware of this, so I'm making my case here instead. She claims she "thought that rev heads could be deconverted", which could be legitimate if she's a new player or just a really bad excuse, especially because she left him to heal/clone both times unattended instead of waiting with cuffs to secure him for deconverting from rev, which would allow him to escape extremely easily since medbay was barren. Keep in mind the captain decided to kill him after keeping him in crit, and she still tried to heal him after this.
I'll leave it up to any other witnesses of these two, but personally I've seen them metafriend in rounds a lot, and this is crossing the line into bullshit territory. I doubt Chocolai was legitimately trying to deconvert Zaross from rev head, especially since she left him to get free in medical.
Some log proof of their IC friendship, at least:
Keep in mind these lines are from various rounds, and none of them are from the rev round in question. It only serves to at least elaborate my point. You can find a lot more of them in the logs.[01:38:33]SAY: Dante Smith/Zaross : Where's my waifu at?
[07:55:38]SAY: Ghost/Zaross : oh hey my waifu came to save me
[09:02:56]SAY: Dante Smith/Zaross : Because I'm demoting my waifu.
[01:09:56]SAY: Anda Lucia/Chocolai : Dante
[01:10:20]SAY: Anda Lucia/Chocolai : Are you participating in the gateway challenge?
[01:10:29]SAY: Anda Lucia/Chocolai : I will come with you
[01:10:42]SAY: Anda Lucia/Chocolai : Ill be your healer
[10:31:53]SAY: Anda Lucia/Chocolai : Dante
[10:32:07]SAY: Anda Lucia/Chocolai : Lets do the away mission
[10:32:12]SAY: Anda Lucia/Chocolai : We can beat it together