Your character name: Jim Joffee
Their character name: Jimmy Roussel
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Luminary
Server and time: Sybil, around 7 PM EST July 14th
Logs and/or screenshots: chatbox being a shit and logs arent uploaded yet so none
Description of what happened:
Why they should be banned: Not necessarily banned, but at least warned. His entire attitude when interacting with him just reeked of 'i am an officer therefore i can get away with being a big douche' left a sour taste in my mouth. It doesn't really help because as far as I'm aware, he spent the rest of the round faffing about with my gear not doing much while security seemed to be slowly collapsing from the inside-out. I was able to fill at least 3 salt shakers before calming down due to how salty this entire situation left me.
I somehow feel like this is just gonna get tossed aside with 'ic problem too bad' because I had reacted to it in attempts to get my shit back, but what the fuck was I suppose to do, just accept the fact he just decided he wanted my stuff for his own gain and I'm suppose to just suck it up because "hes an officer so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"?