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[kevinz000] Reeeeimstupid - Cut off comms as drone

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:47 pm
by reeeestupidity
Byond account and character name: Reeeeimstupid / Wynter Benford
Banning admin: kevinz000
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Server
Ban reason and length: 2 days, because I turned comms off as a drone. Because I wanted to lure some engineer in there so I could have their hat. #DroneFashionMatters (sorry just had to)
Time ban was placed (including time zone):
Your side of the story: Yes, I cut off comms. I wanted a cool hat from some engineer. However, the dumb admin blew me up. INSTEAD OF JUST YELLING AND SCREAMING AT ME TO TURN THE APC BACK ON. Lack of thought on their part!
Why you think you should be unbanned: Because the admin could've told me to turn the APC back on, then blow me up! Also my life is boring without /tg/station. Ok, sorry for yelling.

I will admit I have been banned before due to my own stupidity (lack of knowledge about a certain engine). And yes, I expect whoever is reading this is thinking "You are the biggest idiot to ever play on this server!" I understand. Everyone makes mistakes. Feel free to mock me for mine!

Re: [kevinz000] Reeeeimstupid - Cut off comms as drone

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:52 pm
by lzimann
The server ban will be lifted since there's no real reason to ban someone from the server over this. But the ghost roles ban will stay.

Re: [kevinz000] Reeeeimstupid - Cut off comms as drone

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:53 pm
by reeeestupidity
Ok, thanks. Wait, does ghost roles count as pAI? Because I like being a pAI, and the only damage they can do is insulting the AI because the idiotic master added a law forcing them to (i've had that happen once)

Re: [kevinz000] Reeeeimstupid - Cut off comms as drone

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:56 pm
by lzimann
Yes, it will stay. pAIs also have laws, and for your drone display that generated this ban, doesn't seem like you know how to follow them really well.

Re: [kevinz000] Reeeeimstupid - Cut off comms as drone

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:57 pm
by reeeestupidity
lzimann wrote:Yes, it will stay. pAIs also have laws, and for your drone display that generated this ban, doesn't seem like you know how to follow them really well.
Yet I see a drone wearing the captain's crown almost EVERY round. But ok.

Re: [kevinz000] Reeeeimstupid - Cut off comms as drone

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:49 pm
by Thunder11
Because there's a very big difference between taking an unused hat out of a locker, and turning off comms as part of some form of plot to steal a hat. A plot involving at least two instances of interfering with humans (turning off everyone's radios and removing the hat from the engineeer.)