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New Map Idea
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:57 pm
by Chowder McArthor
So, I had an idea for a map.
The idea is that part of the map is in space, while the other half is on a planet, say lavaland. there'll be multiple Z levels (or just a larger Z level) for the surface.
Things like arrivals, cargo, xenobio, the main part of security, the bridge, etc. along with outposts for most of the other departments, Would all be based on the station in orbit.
The other half, with just about everything else, would be on the surface. There'd be shuttles to ferry people to and from the station.
Is this a dumb idea?
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:37 pm
by cocothegogo
very original idea
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:01 am
by Chowder McArthor
cocothegogo wrote:very original idea
Was... was that sarcasm? I honestly have trouble telling at times, sorry.
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:19 am
by Okand37
Chowder McArthor wrote:cocothegogo wrote:very original idea
Was... was that sarcasm? I honestly have trouble telling at times, sorry.
Asteroid station was halfway on an asteroid and halfway in space. No longer used due to maps only being able to be 255x255 sized.
If you are confident you can map it and keep it 255x255, by all means, I'm sure it would be great!
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:38 am
by Chowder McArthor
Well the idea was that it'd be multi-z, with lavaland levels replacing the randomized space levels or something along those lines.
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:57 am
by Okand37
Chowder McArthor wrote:Well the idea was that it'd be multi-z, with lavaland levels replacing the randomized space levels or something along those lines.
Personally I'd suggest trying to keep it in one z-level, not to cut down on content but because the game has a lot of emphasis on interactivity, having everyone spread through multiple z-levels desperately thins out the player interactivity.
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:35 am
by Kel-the-Oblivious
Can we please get a lavaland 2 map? There is supposed to be something beneath chasms that you fall into, instead of disappearing into the void.
Make it super lethal, but have awesome rewards, making a drop into the chasm the ultimate test of skill for miners.
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:08 pm
by Lumbermancer
Nice, very nice idea...HOWEVER...check out my idea:
Station would be placed in an asteroid belt. The station proper would be actually a space ship (like white ship or nukop ship just much larger) that would move between points in space. The ship itself would hold command, security, cargo, medbay, chemistry, bar, kitchen, chapel, janitor, engineering, robotics. There would be mini stations situated around the space: prison block and gulag, mining, science dome, hydroponics dome, entertainment dome, telecoms satellite, atmospherics complex.
Captain would actually have shit to do and have responsibilities. Mainly piloting the ship around, and managing needs of all departments.
You need the constant supply of minerals of course, not only for science dome but for the ship engine itself which requires solid plasma for the oversized PACMAN powering it in engineering. After the initial mining zone is depleted, miners would have to move to other asteroids scattered around mini-stations. You need not only to coordinate the retrieval of minerals from miners (wherever they are), but also transport to science dome. Space Prison is where Warden would spend most time keeping prisoners in check. Hydroponics dome would of course make food ingredients, so they would have to retrieved for kitchen as well. The air is in short supply on the space ship, and every hull breach can be devastating, thus you will also have to manage oxygen levels and top up your tanks at atmospheric complex which synthesizes it periodically. Finally, the cargo ship is not able to navigate within the asteroid belt, and you would have to go out and meet with it at the NAV beacon.
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:28 pm
by Okand37
Okand37 wrote:Lumbermancer wrote:Nice, very nice idea...HOWEVER...check out my idea:
Station would be placed in an asteroid belt. The station proper would be actually a space ship (like white ship or nukop ship just much larger) that would move between points in space. The ship itself would hold command, security, cargo, medbay, chemistry, bar, kitchen, chapel, janitor, engineering, robotics. There would be mini stations situated around the space: prison block and gulag, mining, science dome, hydroponics dome, entertainment dome, telecoms satellite, atmospherics complex.
Captain would actually have shit to do and have responsibilities. Mainly piloting the ship around, and managing needs of all departments.
You need the constant supply of minerals of course, not only for science dome but for the ship engine itself which requires solid plasma for the oversized PACMAN powering it in engineering. After the initial mining zone is depleted, miners would have to move to other asteroids scattered around mini-stations. You need not only to coordinate the retrieval of minerals from miners (wherever they are), but also transport to science dome. Space Prison is where Warden would spend most time keeping prisoners in check. Hydroponics dome would of course make food ingredients, so they would have to retrieved for kitchen as well. The air is in short supply on the space ship, and every hull breach can be devastating, thus you will also have to manage oxygen levels and top up your tanks at atmospheric complex which synthesizes it periodically. Finally, the cargo ship is not able to navigate within the asteroid belt, and you would have to go out and meet with it at the NAV beacon.
There's already an FTL station doing this.
Re: New Map Idea
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:34 pm
by J_Madison
Interesting ideas. I've spent some time thinking about a completely different space station in the theme of the Kowloon Walled city and cyberpunk 2077 metropolis dystopias of connecting small rooms and narrow hallways. Eswntially a station that is a supermajority maint shafts.