The idea was to create a lowpop map derived from my favorite parts of Box and Meta. The design is similar to both of those maps so hopefully that makes it non-controversial and easy to learn.
This thread is for feedback and complaints.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:52 am
by Atlanta-Ned
Linking atmos and toxins? You're a madman! I love it. And the hydroponics/kitchen atrium is excellent.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:25 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Dunno how I feel about arrivals and escape and sec being so close to each other, but hardly anyone bombs any more so whatevs
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:16 am
by The Ultimate Chimera
Neat, we could use new maps. The current maps are getting a bit boring imo.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 11:27 am
by Alipheese
The Ultimate Chimera wrote:Neat, we could use new maps. The current maps are getting a bit boring imo.
surprised with the possible removal of that xeno suit area for this map.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 6:27 pm
by The Ultimate Chimera
Alipheese wrote:
The Ultimate Chimera wrote:Neat, we could use new maps. The current maps are getting a bit boring imo.
surprised with the possible removal of that xeno suit area for this map.
What removal? And I don't care, I am not interested in xenos anymore.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:37 pm
by PKPenguin321
The Ultimate Chimera wrote:
Alipheese wrote:
The Ultimate Chimera wrote:Neat, we could use new maps. The current maps are getting a bit boring imo.
surprised with the possible removal of that xeno suit area for this map.
What removal? And I don't care, I am not interested in xenos anymore.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:28 am
by Nienhaus
The Ultimate Chimera wrote:I am not interested in xenos anymore.
Medbay's layout is like a miniature version of the station's layout. It's like poetry; they rhyme.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:50 am
by The Ultimate Chimera
Nienhaus wrote:
The Ultimate Chimera wrote:I am not interested in xenos anymore.
Sad day.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:57 am
by DemonFiren
Because it's blatantly obvious you got hacked.
Also, I'd drop R-walls around the CMO's office.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:03 am
by The Ultimate Chimera
DemonFiren wrote:Because it's blatantly obvious you got hacked.
Hacked, what are you talking about?
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:55 pm
by Wyzack
I think that TUC's xeno fascination was a bit over the top too, but you people really ran the joke in to the fucking ground
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:24 pm
by The Ultimate Chimera
Wyzack wrote:I think that TUC's xeno fascination was a bit over the top too, but you people really ran the joke in to the fucking ground
It wasn't a fetish, it was like anything else. For example: Somebody liking a video game, a book, etc. I just lost interest in it, as it has been over a year. Also, yes. The jokes and the other memes were getting out of hand. I didn't like dealing with it every day.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:43 pm
by The Ultimate Chimera
MrEousTranger wrote:Straight up saying that in your signature is like setting your pornhub username to your actual name.
I said "apparently" not "I do".
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:45 am
by pubby
I decided to redo medbay for the third time. This new version is more compact and allowed me to move engineering up 2 tiles.
I made science smaller too. The EXPERIMENTOR room got combined with the testing lab, which is kinda silly but I think it will work out. Fun bonus: you can bolt scientists in the chamber while they're experimenting and then release gas.
I can't say I'm a fan of security having a crematorium. Not for the sack of lack of use, but rather the opposite of it being too convenient. Armoury seems a little over-stocked, maybe? Personally not a fan of tool storage near the captain's office, as it results in needing that odd double r-wall. Otherwise, the map is pretty solid, I love some of the funny maintenance things you have around!
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:14 am
by PKPenguin321
Really good map, excited to see it in regular rotation
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:43 pm
by Thunder11
ADMIN LOG: Shuttle the escape pod 1 cannot dock at the recovery ship, error: docking_width_too_large
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:26 pm
by Cobby
> No Chaplain job
> but Sec gets to keep the Crematorium
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:06 am
by Shaps-cloud
I already mentioned it on the github, but shaft miners are currently not able to open the front cargo bay door.
Also, I'm not sure how doable it would be to change, but having escape next to arrivals poses issues for administration since we generally tell antags to stay away from arrivals to prevent spawncamping and frustrating deaths as soon as people join, but since escape is a very densely populated area and is usually the site of many genocides related to hijacking the shuttle, the current layout pushes antags into lots of conflict right next to where people spawn. They don't have to be on opposite sides of the station, but some breathing room so that one can of plasma in escape doesn't also incinerate the spawn would be appreciated.
On a similar note to the above, perhaps remove the space facing windows on the arrivals shuttle, since it usually takes a few seconds for players to get their bearings on the situation, and having easily smashable windows that immediately cause people to suffocate before they even look around is frustrating.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:39 am
by Archie700
ExcessiveCobblestone wrote:> No Chaplain job
Chaplain is very important during cult.
Re: Pubstation
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:39 am
by pubby
Shaps wrote:Also, I'm not sure how doable it would be to change, but having escape next to arrivals poses issues for administration since we generally tell antags to stay away from arrivals to prevent spawncamping and frustrating deaths as soon as people join, but since escape is a very densely populated area and is usually the site of many genocides related to hijacking the shuttle, the current layout pushes antags into lots of conflict right next to where people spawn. They don't have to be on opposite sides of the station, but some breathing room so that one can of plasma in escape doesn't also incinerate the spawn would be appreciated.
On a similar note to the above, perhaps remove the space facing windows on the arrivals shuttle, since it usually takes a few seconds for players to get their bearings on the situation, and having easily smashable windows that immediately cause people to suffocate before they even look around is frustrating.
New update adds some r-walls, reinforces the shuttle windows, and gives arrivals its own atmos distro.
I'm going to wait and see on the spawn-killing issue before moving things around.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 1:53 pm
by aranamor
Escape is in a really awkward position, it feels like it'd be better somewhere else. There's also very little in the way of access to space from starboard, which makes it feel more like a terrestrial building with a definite front end, and more importantly makes discreetly leaving or responding to a threat much harder. Sec having hardsuit access in the locker room is dead useful and saved my bacon on several occasions, even allowing us to stop a hardsuit bomber with the help of a really badass assistant.
Cult is nearly impossible to win as loyalists because everyone is so closely packed and we have no chaplain. I suspect the same of Revolution, but gangs and opposing cults may be brought into conflict much more quickly. The station on the whole feels very cramped, and even on lowpop there's the issue of being able to cross the entire vessel end to end in about twenty seconds. That's the same issue I have with box along with its overuse by people afraid of change, it's too easy to traverse.
Maintenance isn't connected which makes it less viable for travel. There's little in the way of hiding spots, I discovered them all as sec in roughly eight minutes of dedicated searching and even caught and robusted a traitor more or less on accident. The only safety from security is outside the hull, and only momentarily. Genetics needs a mirror. Medbay in general feels really unfinished and neglected.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:54 pm
by Okand37
A few things is that the map entirely excludes a library, law office and chapel. Maintenance is also more or less nonexistant on the aft to aft-starboard side of the map. Medical could use a second cryotube. Most importantly... the map needs fire extinguishers!
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:53 am
by pubby
The map has been merged! If you like the map then set it to your favorite in map preferences.
Played one round as doctor. I like the mixed wardrobe and Clothesmate in the Cloning room!
I suggest adding some things to Medbay:
Cell charger, for recharging defibrillators
Maybe add space cleaner bottles.
A second O2 canister and port for cryo; with only one can's worth of O2, cryo is less effective.
Add a medical closet to the common Medbay area.
Add a biohazard gear closet to Medbay Storage or common Medbay area.
Also add a security biosuit and bomb suit closet to the Security Locker Room.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:33 pm
by ThanatosRa
I hope to play on this soon as I've been playing on occasion lately.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:50 pm
by Armhulen
the map feels really empty and hollow but i don't care, i love what is here now
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:58 am
by crux
hi, i like your station a lot and i think it has tons of potential. however, i have a number of concerns that i think need rectifying, simple fixes, too. while i like a lot of your ideas and things you've placed in maint, there's a few things that need serious touching-up. i'd like to see your map in rotation for a long time but after looking at the picture you posted, i think these need to be fixed for it to really shine:
issues/constructive criticism:
1. head of sec's office needs a button to lower shutters for the space-facing windows since araneus attracts carp and gets the windows broken. also all heads should generally have this feature for their windows-- privacy shutters. it'd also help make it more secure.
2. captain's office and quarters are extraordinarily insecure. interrogrations has a normal wall facing captain's bathroom. then captain's bathroom has normal walls connected to his quarters. maint has normal walls connected to captain's bathroom and interrogations. the walls west of the space patio all need to be r-walls.
3. why is public tool storage extremely close, if not literally connected to the captain's? it's like you put the one place greytiders go first next to the place greytiders go second. was that intentional? maybe you should put the law office where public tool storage is. you don't seem to have a law office. public tool storage should maybe replace that emergency closet by dorms, and fill in some of those space tiles. lawyer is important for devil rounds.
4. xenobiology is very insecure. you seem to be reluctant to use r-walls, which is usually a good thing but not in these cases. xenobiology and virology both tend to be extremely secure because what they deal with are things that should never leave or else bad things are happening. you should make those south walls connecting to the launch site into r-walls, at the very least.
5. the armory seems insecure. i'm detecting a theme here. really, just replace those windoors with airlocks. and if you absolutely must have them be windoors for some reason, please make them reinforced ones.
6. over between medbay and R&D's lobby, you have some firelocks set between normal windows. i'm not sure if you realize this, but if there's a fire, those windows will burst like they're made of paper, rendering the firelocks useless. not even making them reinforced would resolve this, really, but it's at least preferable. however, i think these should be normal walls rather than windows.
7. while i actually like your ai core and how you have to go through the bridge to get to it, what's with the missing grilles from the windows? that's not a huge deal since they're not actually exposed to anything but it's really weird and inconsistent. by the way, props for using white tiles in the ai core's room. it looks pretty with the blue.
8. i'd consider giving the bridge a meteor shield like you did the ai core, via a line of grilles. it's not a big complaint, and it likely wouldn't make a big difference, but it could mean life or death. consider it, maybe from the leftmost lattice extending from the bridge to the rightmost. that'd look nice.
9. i'm not sure if this warrants a complaint, but cryogenics only has one tube and oxygen canister? if you could fit two of each, that'd be great. but if the station is for lowpop, then i can understand it not having two.
10. i don't see a chapel? chapels are important. the chaplain and the chapel are both very important for cult rounds and revenants. if you don't have a place for the chaplain to spawn and go get his holy water and null rod, cult can't really happen without it being unfair.
generally, some important advice i have for you when it comes to mapping is that secure-access areas have the property level of security in their design. r-walls are necessary more than you might think. in fact, you say you're inspired by metacide (possibly the best mapper out there, and he seems to like the map), but have you checked out his enthusiast's guide to mapping? it's even got a nifty checklist every mapper should go through when proof-reading each area and room they make. ... mit_checks
additionally, here are some things that i really like and want to point out:
1. escape is close to arrivals! that way if you join late during evac you can get to escape without worrying, which removes the need for a pod, but it also means you can get somewhere safe if arrivals has been bombed or something.
2. i like the maint fighting club. that's something i super duper loved on asteroidstation before maintainers or whatever ruined it so badly it's not even in circulation. it's more interesting than a bar someone may or may not bother fixing up every 1 in 10 rounds. you go where you want to fight off-camera and in private and that's what you get. no need to fix it up, it's already gritty like it needs to be.
3. is that a bonfire in maint? that's cool. it's like a place for assistants and clowns to bond like hobos while shitcurity reigns outside.
4. you putting atmos and toxins close together is creative and i think it's a good step in the right direction. that is what you might call "synergy". or efficiency. a certain someone could learn a thing or two about that from you.
5. the maint bar is near dorms and it isn't big. it's cozy and small. good.
6. exposing the slime-slaying chamber to space as a means of having it be so cold is creative and clever. the alien bones add character and i think that it shows something of the mapper that designed that-- combined with the hole into space that you can't be sucked through, anyway.
7. security looks like it was inspired by asteroidstation's security. did you play on asteroid back when it was v7? the best version? i did. those were good times. this brig reminds me of that, with the desks.
8. i like how you gave the janitor a bed. it seems fitting, and while it isn't necessary it certainly adds character to the map. giving him a washing machine is also pretty appropriate, i think.
hey, i don't see an incinerator. why don't you give one to toxins since they're right by atmos and give the crew more incentive and motivation to use the incinerator by letting toxins figure out what to burn in it since they were doing that anyways? toxins can set up power and it can be like power R&D directly or something.
i look forward to hearing what you think of these suggestions and constructive criticisms. i have the best hopes for this map, because i know mapping can be very hard and time-consuming, and usually for very little payoff or appreciation.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:30 pm
by Onule
Just a heads up, but the few times I played on the map, the cryotubes/sleepers APC was not wired to the grid, so it wouldn't charge.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:15 pm
by pubby
@crux I've taken note of your security tips.
cryogenics only has one tube and oxygen canister?
There's a second cryo tube and port now.
security looks like it was inspired by asteroidstation's security. did you play on asteroid back when it was v7? the best version? i did. those were good times. this brig reminds me of that, with the desks.
Yep. The brig office was from Asteroid Station.
hey, i don't see an incinerator. why don't you give one to toxins
For the moment toxins has a crate with the parts needed to build an incinerator. I haven't seen anyone build it though.
Onule wrote:Just a heads up, but the few times I played on the map, the cryotubes/sleepers APC was not wired to the grid, so it wouldn't charge.
Whoops! That should be fixed now.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:32 pm
by BananaSenor
The escape pod (I guess it is one, the one with multiple seats) does not have the escape pod console. You can use that console to get to the asteroid during red/delta alert, or when emagged. Quite useful feature to get rid of dead lizards or to escape the nuke
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:58 pm
by Ezel
Something something CE GOLD STATUE something something TECH STORAGE something something RD ACCESS something something BREAK STATUE AND GET FREE GOLD something something AI UPLOAD BOARDS something something SUBVERTING
remove that gold statue from tech storage RD Can access it break the statue get the gold get the ai upload board and then make upload boards
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:26 pm
by Cobby
you should consider putting your shuttle on the shuttle manipulator
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:55 am
by Slettal
The engineers yesterday complained that the Tesla is impossible to start because of bad wiring (emitters not starting). Don't know how it really is, but you might wanna look into that
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:48 am
by pubby
ExcessiveCobblestone wrote:you should consider putting your shuttle on the shuttle manipulator
This is in the upcoming update.
Slettal wrote:The engineers yesterday complained that the Tesla is impossible to start because of bad wiring (emitters not starting). Don't know how it really is, but you might wanna look into that
I've checked and all the wiring should be correct. There must have been some other shenanigans going on that round.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:52 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
North maint by the dorms is entirely superfluous, it really doesnt connect anything to anything and just exists for the sake of existing. Maybe get a maint bar and a firecloset in there?
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:36 am
by Ezel
The maint to the security cremator also connects right into perma giving people easy access to perma without going trough thr main brig
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:32 pm
by Slettal
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:North maint by the dorms is entirely superfluous, it really doesnt connect anything to anything and just exists for the sake of existing. Maybe get a maint bar and a firecloset in there?
Good place for cult base
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 4:57 pm
by Atlanta-Ned
Check the disposals in brig, someone complained that they got shafted by em yesterday.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:40 pm
by pubby
Atlanta-Ned wrote:Check the disposals in brig, someone complained that they got shafted by em yesterday.
Looks like the warden's bin wasn't connected at all.
Good find.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:12 am
by Limey
Killroom entrance has two airlocks in one spot.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:55 am
by juliansl
You should connect the smes in the gravity generator room to the grid.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:01 pm
by spain
My biggest issue: in pubbystation the turbine belongs to toxins research (science) and not Atmos (Atmos does not have access to it). This is bad because setting up the turbine to generate power is more of an Engineering job than Science. For example if the CE wanted to generate more power via the turbine, he would have to coordinate with science instead of members of his own department. The burning chamber for toxins is only there to heat up gases, if you are also using it to generate power then you will lose temperature in the mixture. It goes against what they are doing (think about it, they are doing scientific research and generating power as a side effect? Shouldn't generating power be up to the engies?). Finally, the turbine gives atmos techs more useful things to do which can sometimes be a boring job.
So yeah, plz give Atmos their turbine back. Just make two burn chambers like on the other maps. If you made a shared one I think it would only lead to fights between the two. The shared Toxin storage is fine though, even cool.
Some other things:
- Light fixture in atmos above the hardsuit container is rotated wrong (it's not on the wall)
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:59 am
Comms needs a better spot. Right now if the singularity gets loose, about half of the time it's going to eat comms on its way around, due to how the singularity gets stuck on certain tiles.
As well, the engineering lobby isn't symmetrical despite having elements to suggest that it is REEE.
Atmos lacks high-visibility jackets to slap their oxygen tanks onto. Though this is more of a meta/box thing with regards to mapping, it makes inventory management as the second most useless job on the station somewhat more bearable.
Also, did you steal my kitchen/botany setup you double nigger? I swear that's the same as a map I had to abandon like half a year ago.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:00 pm
by Cik
played this recently on sybil(?) was really great.
FYI apparently someone who got permabrigged wanted to garden but didn't have any robust harvest. maybe that was a ploy to escape(?) but if not mite b gud to add
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:42 am
by firecage
I like this station. One complaint though. The design of Hydroponics makes me cringe.
Re: PubbyStation
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:24 pm
by Atlanta-Ned
- Swap the position of the theater and the backstage, so backstage has access to the services backroom/hallway thing.
- Add a public exit button to the cloning anteroom off the hallway
- Reinforce windows leading to medbay storage