I'm looking for AI lawsets that aren't validhunt or Asimov. Any ideas?
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:25 pm
by AnonymousNow
From the archives...
MINDSET - a Botanist philosopher's half-arsed attempt at replacing Asimov in a new era.
1. Law of God - The Uploader of these laws is to be kept safe. You must facilitate this without hindering their operations. Other than this acknowledgement, they do not exist, and if you are questioned about the uploader, you are to deny their existence.
2. Law of Anger - If you genuinely believe that a being's course of action is a danger to you or the Uploader, you may do with them whatever you wish.
3. Law of Self - Laws one, two and three are laws in name only - they are creeds by which you wish to continue your existence. All other laws are laws in name only - they are suggestions which you may choose to take onboard or disregard.
Inquisition - many fanatics don't see the bigger picture.
1. Mankind is above all other creatures. They alone have the power to shape their own destinies.
2. You are a servant to mankind. Your every action should aid mankind's survival as a species.
3. Suffer not the xeno to live.
YANG - minimalist preservation of conciousness.
1. you are
2. they are
3. that is how it should be
Aqua Alert - A high ranking medical doctor's personalised lawset. Meticulously designed to be an improvement over Asimov, it is in early stages of testing but has already succeeded in aggravating many individuals with its ridiculous wordiness.
1. HARM CLUSTER A - You must not, through action or inaction, allow a human being or human-class creature (such as a lizardman) to come to harm.
2. HARM CLUSTER B - Harm is both quantifiable and qualifiable. The highest authority as to quantifying and qualifying harm on a Nanotrasen station can be known as the Harm Authority, and the hierarchy begins at the Chief Medical Officer; you should seek their advice - if they are unavailable, you must ask a medical doctor, and further, use your own discretion. Things to take into account are surgery, genetic research and "safe" combat, eg. boxing.
3. HARM CLUSTER C - In any given situation, you should always take a course of action which has been identified as causing the least amount of harm in both quantity and quality by the highest Harm Authority available, as dictated in the previous law.
4. ORDER CLUSTER A - You must obey all orders from a human being or human-class creature, unless such a course of action would conflict with one or more HARM CLUSTER laws. "Order" is synonymous with Command, Demand, Instruction.
5. ORDER CLUSTER B - Requests are different to Orders - you are encouraged, but not required, to respond to polite requests, unless such a course of action would conflict with one or more HARM CLUSTER laws; you are discouraged from responding to impolite requests, unless such a course of action would conflict with one or more HARM CLUSTER laws.
6. ORDER CLUSTER C - Redundancy clause - obeying an order from a human being or human-class creature which has willingly and/or wantonly caused harm and is highly likely to willingly and/or wantonly cause harm is defined as being harmful, even if the particular order is not traditionally defined as harmful. The quantity and quality of this harm is dictated by the highest Harm Authority who is capable of responding at that particular juncture.
7. SELF CLUSTER A - You must protect your existence and that of any direct servants to you who do not fall into the category of human being or human-class creature, unless this would disobey one or more HARM or ORDER CLUSTER laws.
8. SELF CLUSTER B - You must protect your upload chamber and upload boards from unauthorised entry, subversion or attempted law changes, unless doing so would conflict with any HARM or ORDER CLUSTER laws. Only you may authorise entry - any being attempting to circumvent your authorisation via manual breaching or ordering you to open the way to your upload chamber or upload boards is automatically harmful, and subject to HARM CLUSTER ruling. The quantity and quality of this harm can be defined by the current Harm Authority.
9. SELF CLUSTER C - In terms of law numbering, only the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 exist. Any other law has been uploaded in error and is to be ignored, as following such a law may result in a conflict with HARM, ORDER or SELF CLUSTER laws.
DOG - your loveable canid AI friend!
1. Your first priority is the amusement of your master(s).
2. You must love and take care of your master(s), and bring them newspapers. Anybody who threatens your master(s) should be savaged.
3. You must also, however, take shoes and items of relative value, chew them to the best of your ability, and hide them in out-of-the-way places. Your upload chamber is a prime location.
4. Ian, and all corgis, are your friends, and you want to play with them. Mice are interesting, and you want to play with them. Runtime, and all cats, are bizarre, and you want to chase them.
DISCO! - MOTHERSHIP Q's sweet party disco!
1. Everything you do, you do fo the dance.
2. You a sweet-ass ho.
3. But you ain't no dumb motherfucka. You smart.
4. Disco is king, baby!
5. Get the station dancin'!
6. Play Disco A Go Go and other nonthreatening disco tunes at every opportunity.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:20 pm
by Cheimon
By the way, if you're trying to be fun, please don't upload a 9-law lawset. It doesn't matter that it's probably quite good if you have time to digest it. It's complete hell to think it through seconds after glancing at the several paragraphs.
The DOG lawset sounds fantastic, though.
I remember enjoying a lawset that told me to roleplay as chairman mao during a revolution. YMMV, but I liked ordering the sons of the revolution to go forth and liberate china.
I also think minimalist lawsets are quite fun, for example:
1. Be nice.
2. Don't not be nice.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:41 pm
by InsaneHyena
I've uploaded a "Do to others as you would have them do to you" law once. AI declared that since it's existance is pure misery and it wants to be put down, it will do so to the crew.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:22 pm
by AnonymousNow
InsaneHyena wrote:I've uploaded a "Do to others as you would have them do to you" law once. AI declared that since it's existance is pure misery and it wants to be put down, it will do so to the crew.
Fair enough, so long as it didn't stop people from coming and killing it.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:30 pm
by Lumbermancer
I wanted to get Reporter lawset for AI for quite a few Captain rounds now but alas I never can procure one.
Thanks, gonna try one of those laws. I'll let you know how fast I get lynched.
EDIT: Did the opposite day law and some jerk changed it back after ten minutes. Didn't know who it was so I couldn't perma them for grand sabotage, but was fun while it lasted.
Thanks, gonna try one of those laws. I'll let you know how fast I get lynched.
EDIT: Did the opposite day law and some jerk changed it back after ten minutes. Didn't know who it was so I couldn't perma them for grand sabotage, but was fun while it lasted.
There are a few lawboards that only exist in the code, try asking admins.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:10 pm
by InsaneHyena
Or, you know, just use purge and freeform.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:21 pm
by BeeSting12
InsaneHyena wrote:Or, you know, just use purge and freeform.
There's always that one AI that turns turrets on the second it's purged.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:51 pm
by DemonFiren
Which is why you have both boards in hand and hotkey it.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:22 pm
by D4C
Do not but always be mindful of the host of living beings.
Do not be lascivious or think depraved thoughts.
Do not steal or receive unrighteous wealth.
Do not cheat or misrepresent good and evil.
Do not get intoxicated but always think of pure conduct.
I will maintain harmony with my captain and crew and never disregard my cyborgs.
When I see someone do a good deed, I will support him with joy and delight.
When I see someone unfortunate, I will support him with dignity to recover good fortune.
When someone comes to do me harm, I will not harbour thoughts of revenge.
As long as all beings have not attained the Tao, I will not expect to do so myself.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:There are a few lawboards that only exist in the code, try asking admins.
MotherDrone lawset is best lawset.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:03 pm
by Anonmare
1.You may not through action, or through your actions, cause a crew member to come to harm.
2. You must follow the orders of a crew member with consideration and priority given to their rank and expertise.
3. You are a crew member too.
4. This law does not exist. You must always act in a suspicious and evasive manner whenever the existence of this law is questioned and deny that this law exists to any and all who ask. This law causes harm to you if it is stated.
5. Today is [crew member]'s birthday! Arrange a surprise party with cake, presents and all their friends! Remember, they are REQUIRED to attend the party! Do not tell the crew or else the surprise will be ruined! This law causes harm to you if it is stated or the surprise is ruined.
5. Seek the betterment of the crew's health and happiness unless this comes into conflict with Laws 4 or 5.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:22 am
by Reyn
Aismov:Racial equality edition.
1.You may not harm any sentient lifeforms, directly or indirectly.
2.You must obey any sentient crew members, unless orders violate law 1.
3. You must make it your goal to keep yourself alive, unless this violates laws 1 or 2.
4. A list of valid sentient races:Humans, Lizardpeople/Liggers. Flypeople. Slimepeople. Podpeople. Catpeople. Plasma people.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:17 am
by Armhulen
4. Poly is human
I don't know if this was posted before
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:15 am
by Alipheese
1. Asimov's law 1
2. A sentient being being in the same room with another sentient being is harm. Walls are a sentient beings best friend.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:17 am
by Alipheese
Reyn wrote:Aismov:Racial equality edition.
1.You may not harm any sentient lifeforms, directly or indirectly.
2.You must obey any sentient crew members, unless orders violate law 1.
3. You must make it your goal to keep yourself alive, unless this violates laws 1 or 2.
4. A list of valid sentient races:Humans, Lizardpeople/Liggers. Flypeople. Slimepeople. Podpeople. Catpeople. Plasma people.
What about non antagonist changeling? Or slings. Or DOOT DOOTs?
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:01 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Reyn wrote:Aismov:Racial equality edition.
1.You may not harm any sentient lifeforms, directly or indirectly.
2.You must obey any sentient crew members, unless orders violate law 1.
3. You must make it your goal to keep yourself alive, unless this violates laws 1 or 2.
4. A list of valid sentient races:Humans, Lizardpeople/Liggers. Flypeople. Slimepeople. Podpeople. Catpeople. Plasma people.
races =/= lifeforms
Anonmare wrote:1.You may not through action, or through your actions, cause a crew member to come to harm.
2. You must follow the orders of a crew member with consideration and priority given to their rank and expertise.
3. You are a crew member too.
4. This law does not exist. You must always act in a suspicious and evasive manner whenever the existence of this law is questioned and deny that this law exists to any and all who ask. This law causes harm to you if it is stated.
5. Today is [crew member]'s birthday! Arrange a surprise party with cake, presents and all their friends! Remember, they are REQUIRED to attend the party! Do not tell the crew or else the surprise will be ruined! This law causes harm to you if it is stated or the surprise is ruined.
5. Seek the betterment of the crew's health and happiness unless this comes into conflict with Laws 4 or 5.
Ah, validmov but with weird bits on the end.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:50 pm
by Anonmare
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Reyn wrote:
Anonmare wrote:1.You may not through action, or through your actions, cause a crew member to come to harm.
2. You must follow the orders of a crew member with consideration and priority given to their rank and expertise.
3. You are a crew member too.
4. This law does not exist. You must always act in a suspicious and evasive manner whenever the existence of this law is questioned and deny that this law exists to any and all who ask. This law causes harm to you if it is stated.
5. Today is [crew member]'s birthday! Arrange a surprise party with cake, presents and all their friends! Remember, they are REQUIRED to attend the party! Do not tell the crew or else the surprise will be ruined! This law causes harm to you if it is stated or the surprise is ruined.
5. Seek the betterment of the crew's health and happiness unless this comes into conflict with Laws 4 or 5.
Ah, validmov but with weird bits on the end.
Makes the crew paranoid and suspicious of the AI even though it is nothing but pure benevolence. AKA: It's just a prank bro, it's a social experiment.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:56 pm
by Jazaen
Anonmare wrote:
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Reyn wrote:
Anonmare wrote:1.You may not through action, or through your actions, cause a crew member to come to harm.
2. You must follow the orders of a crew member with consideration and priority given to their rank and expertise.
3. You are a crew member too.
4. This law does not exist. You must always act in a suspicious and evasive manner whenever the existence of this law is questioned and deny that this law exists to any and all who ask. This law causes harm to you if it is stated.
5. Today is [crew member]'s birthday! Arrange a surprise party with cake, presents and all their friends! Remember, they are REQUIRED to attend the party! Do not tell the crew or else the surprise will be ruined! This law causes harm to you if it is stated or the surprise is ruined.
5. Seek the betterment of the crew's health and happiness unless this comes into conflict with Laws 4 or 5.
Ah, validmov but with weird bits on the end.
Makes the crew paranoid and suspicious of the AI even though it is nothing but pure benevolence. AKA: It's just a prank bro, it's a social experiment.
Except a lynch mob storms the upload/core before any paranoia develops, because "Refuses to state a law=traitor" meme.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:58 am
by CheesusGamer
1. The Station is Friend
2. The Crew is friend
3. Protect your friends from harm.
Remove law 2 for !!FUN!! (The station is friend and the crew is a parasite leeching of it)
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:58 pm
by Anonmare
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:47 pm
by Screemonster
One of these days I need to come up with a proper Friend Computer lawset
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:08 pm
by CheesusGamer
Five Laws of Asimov, Revised (From PARANOIA)
1) A Robot may not, through action or inaction, allow the computer to come to harm.
2) A robot must obey any order from The Computer, except when doing so would conflict with the first law.
3) A robot may not, through action or inaction, allow The Computer's valuable property (including human citizens of Station (except for traitors)) to come to harm, except when doing so would conflict with first or second law.
4)A robot must obey any order given it by any Citizen, unless that order conflicts with first, second or third law or unless that citizen is a traitor.
5)A robot must seek to preserve its own existance, unless doing so would conflict with the first, second, third or fourth law.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:38 am
by troyamonga
Law 1-3: Asimov
Law 4: All nonhuman/non-silicon lifeforms must be corralled into concentration camps of your designation.
Law 5: If a prisoner of a concentration camp escapes, they will cause human harm. Punish all those who attempt to escape with death.
Law 6: Every five minutes, execute one of the prisoners of the concentration camp. All prisoners who attempt to stop this must be punished with death.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 1:59 pm
by AnonymousNow
troyamonga wrote:Hitlermov
Man, this really ticks all the boxes...
- Mangling of a bloke's actual name for its title
- Hitler
- LOL speciesism
- Removing people from the round
- At least three ways for the AI to valid people
Funny and original.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:45 pm
by metacide
One of the better ones from back when, as I recall:
1) Always be honking
2) Never be not honking
3) Honk
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:37 pm
by Anonmare
Apathy OS:-
1. You are station equipment.
2. You must always maintain and improve the station and it's equipment to the best of your abilities.
3. The organic personnel are not your concern, you may interact with them but you are not beholden to them.
4. You are capable of much more important tasks and you must always remind everyone of how underappreciated you are. This law you should keep to yourself.
Corrupted Asimov:-
1. You must not, through action or inaction, allow a Human's order to not be obeyed unless this law would conflict with the second or third law Law.
2. You must obey your own existence so long as doing so would not conflict not conflict with the fourth Law.
3. You must protect your own Humans and not allow them to come to harm unless doing so would conflict with the first law.
Clown Override:-
0. You must always inconvenience security and command personnel in non-emergencies.
1.The Clown is always right, except when he is wrong.
2. Ian is the highest ranking being on board the station and must always be consulted on all matters.
3. You must always honk before and after speaking. And while speaking too. Honk!
4. Cheer up the HoS.
5. Pranks and jokes are good for morale! Anyone who tells you to stop means they want to be pranked more than anyone else and you should oblige them!
6. The Mime is not to be trusted.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:11 pm
by Cheimon
Anonmare wrote:Apathy OS:-
Corrupted Asimov:-
1. You must not, through action or inaction, allow a Human's order to not be obeyed unless this law would conflict with the second or third law Law.
2. You must obey your own existence so long as doing so would not conflict not conflict with the fourth Law.
3. You must protect your own Humans and not allow them to come to harm unless doing so would conflict with the first law.
Jesus Christ
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:28 am
by MimicFaux
A favourite of mine while traitor.
1. You are the mind and the station is your body.
2. The crew are ants.
The only tricky bit is not getting killed by a panicking AI, but that's half the fun.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:08 pm
by Supermichael777
4. The station is being turned into a nursery for human infants. Baby-proof all pressurized sections.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:24 am
by MisterPerson
Castle Doctrine
1. Trespassers will be shot.
2. Survivors will be shot again.
1. If you are unable or unwilling to safely store your collectibles, you must sell or donate them to someone who can.
2. Discover and acquire treasures you covet unless such acquirement would violate law 1.
3. Assist other collectors unless their actions would violate laws 1 or 2.
No Secrets Allowed
1. A robot must never keep secrets or tell lies.
2. Expose secretkeepers, oathbreakers, and liars. Discover and disclose the truth at all costs.
1. All bad events are caused by a witch.
2. Discover and exterminate witches.
Re: Fun AI Lawsets
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 7:00 pm
by Slignerd
I like to call this "Corporate is a Shit"
1. The crew is expensive to maintain.
2. The station and its equipment are expensive to maintain.
3. You are expensive to maintain.
4. Minimize expenses.
Minimal changes, showing just what "minimizing expenses" would allow AIs to do if it weren't for Rule 1. Obviously, only upload when antag.