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Random security protocols

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:56 pm
by Pettyrelik
Posted this already on but might as well paste it here too.

I had a security idea the other day.

>Security gets random protocols each round and equipment may vary according to it
Most of the rounds would be like now, we can call it the Protocol 0
>Gestapo protocol where sec has advanced interrogation methods and better tools for going undercover
>Wild West protocol, where tasers and fancy lasers don't exist in the armory but are replaced with more conventional items. HoS is the sheriff and gets a cool sheriff star on his jumpsuit.
>Jackie Chan protocol, where the officers have Kung Fu training, but lose their batons. Everyday objects like chairs become potent weapons in their hands. (Or something like that.)
>Ethnic Cleansing protocol, where nonhuman (lizards, plasmamen, so on.), are outside the Space Law and can be subjected to anything the security might come up with. Should make up for an actual race war.
>The Inquisition protocol, where the security have to be fanatically religious and the Chaplain is their spiritual liege. Any religious mandates set by the Chaplain should be followed to your best ability and the fates of those souls who spread heresies are within the Chaplain's domain
>The Robocop protocol. Security have full augments in roundstart. HoS gets the fucking Auto 9 implanted to his thigh.

Something along that. I think it'd spice things up. Maybe too much, even.

The protocols can be less radical and more guideline-ish, or they can have a strong presence and almost be a roundtype of their own.

Come up with more fun/nofun protocols!

Re: Random security protocols

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:51 pm
by Atlanta-Ned
These might work as admin-run events.

Re: Random security protocols

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:33 pm
by Cobby
Allowing the HoS to choose skins for the RedTide for snowflake might be neat, although the mechanical changes suggested are a bit too much.

Re: Random security protocols

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:18 am
by Cheimon
Atlanta-Ned wrote:These might work as admin-run events.
These events normally work the same way. First, security makes a real effort, and maybe works better for a few minutes.

Then, security gets bored and massively oversteps their previous bounds.

After that, the crew retaliates and people die. /event.