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Spacing FNR, Lance Hardwood.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:54 am
by DNS
Your byond account: DNS
Your character name: Pavlov The Purple
Their character name:Lance Hardwood
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it):Lettuce Chopper
Server and time: Sybil, 10:45 CT
Logs and/or screenshots:none
Description of what happened: Alright, I was a scientist, I go to xeno bio and feed a monkey into a slime pen, go afk to make some tacos, come back and I'm midway to being spaced via disposals, scroll up to see what the story is, Lance Hardwood just walks in, says sup, and when I don't respond, tosses me in the space chute.
Why they should be banned: His excuse was "I thought it'd lead to disposals!!" when the sign/chute is clearly marked as leading to space. You gotta be kidding me.

Re: Spacing FNR, Lance Hardwood.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:15 am
by imblyings
[03:36:54]ADMIN: HELP: DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple): yo Lance Howard just spaced me FNR - heard by 1 non-AFK admins who have +BAN.
[03:37:32]ADMIN: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs) followed *no key*/(Pavlov The Purple)
[03:38:14]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple): I'll look into it
[03:38:31]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood): Can I ask why you spaced your coworker earlier?
[03:38:41]ADMIN: PM: LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): I did not space him?
[03:38:58]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood): You clearly stuffed him into the disposal chute with a sign on it saying it leads to space
[03:38:59]ADMIN: PM: DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): Alright, to give a clear run down, I was afk getting food, I come back to see I'm in disposals, I scroll up and Lance had walked into Xeno Bio, he said "Sup" to which I didn't respond as I was not there, then he spaced me.
[03:39:08]ADMIN: PM: LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): oh fuck
[03:39:33]ADMIN: PM: LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): I didn't read the sign I'm sorry
[03:39:40]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood): I see
[03:40:20]ADMIN: PM: LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): yeah I'll definitely take the day off for that. I feel really bad now. I thought he was just going to ride the trash coaster and end up in cargo
[03:40:50]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood): You've been here a while, you really didn't know xenobio and virology leads to space?
[03:41:41]ADMIN: PM: LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): honest;ly this is my first day in xenobio I normally just chill in chem. I played it today off a whim and its my new favorie job. But honestly I thought it just led to cargo
[03:42:10]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood): Well now you know, just a warning. Signs aren't just there for show.
[03:42:40]ADMIN: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs) has added a note to lettucechopper: Spaced his coworker because he didn\'t know the xenobio disposals lead to space. Warned, now knows better.
[03:43:04]ADMIN: PM: LettuceChopper/(Lance Hardwood)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): Yeah thanks for not going with a ban! I really appreciate it. I've been a nuisance lately and I wanted to be a better player so I feel like shit
[03:43:07]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple): He thought you were just gonna take a ride to cargo, i've given him a stern warning and he now knows to read the signs.
[03:43:16]ADMIN: PM: DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): thats absolute bullshit
[03:43:35]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple): HOWEVER, Since you got taken out early. Want to do something fun?
[03:43:48]ADMIN: PM: DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): hell no i want that nigga banned
[03:44:10]ADMIN: PM: Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs)->DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple): Hmm, you really honestly believe he meant to space you?
[03:44:13]ADMIN: PM: DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): "take a ride to cargo" when the sign clearly says the disposal chute leads to space. thats like me putting someone in the gibber for a nice warm nap and accidentally putting it off
[03:44:56]ADMIN: PM: DarkNightSin/(Pavlov The Purple)->Saegrimr/(Forgets-The-Signs): yes i'm pretty sure this is the guy who tried to kill me as a chef when I tried growing cabbages in botany, then when I got his ass and revived him, he tried to do it again.

That was the convo that happened when Saegrimr looked into it, the guy was quite possibly just a spessmen with the usual level of situational awareness some have come to expect, and simply just never read the sign. Or maybe he was in fact a griffon in disguise, who had rolled a 20 in charm and fed honeyed apologetic lies to Saegrimr in order to get away with spacing you. I don't know.

edit- Aliannera brought up the fact that they saw the cabbage thing happen and yeah maybe Lettuce actually doesn't like DNS and there's some metagrudge happening. Maybe note or watchlist worthy.

Re: Spacing FNR, Lance Hardwood.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:12 pm
by Saegrimr
Aliannera never left a note about the cabbage thing. So I had nothing to go off of there.

Re: Spacing FNR, Lance Hardwood.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:47 pm
by imblyings
You're not being brought into question.

tbh I think the note involving metagrudging will be enough. If we find lettuce dicking Pavlov for no reason and going oopsie I didn't read the sign, then we'll take action.