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Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:14 pm
by DeutscherMajor
So, this is a story about how i try to mine with supermatter. Disclaimer: I didnt know how supermatter and athmos worked before i started the test.

First thing, i got all the ressources i thought i would need. One Emitter, One o2 canister, one pacman and of course the supermatter shard. One o2 canister, btw, can be found within the asteroid outpost.

Next, i prepared a shaft for the supermatter. As you see, i thought i would need an emitter, so i set one up and connected it to the pacman. Interesting note, you can use floor tiles on the asteroid ground, if you then use a crowbar, it leaves behind plating, where you can lay power cables.

This was the position of the shard and the o2 tank.

Then, after unpacking the cristal shard, i prepared for opening the o2 tank. I stand inside a newly builded grille accessing the canister. The catastrophical result will be explained after the screenshot.

So what happened? I opened the tank, and got instantly pushed onto the emitter because space wind. At the same time, the supermatter shard got pushed into the lower right corner. Deeming this test run as a failure, i didnt make further screenshots, instead i opted out to go to athmos to get another o2 tank (Im also terrible at being admin, i bet theres a spawn feature somewhere). So i run, with hardsuit, to athmos, got the canister, and went back. When i reached the mining shuttle, i suddenly got messages that the cristal is getting critical ( i kid you not). When i reached the cristal, it was at 50%, and it looked like there was a plasma fire (burned plating, destroyed air canister) And it didnt stop. So i got into safe distance, and waited. Soon enough, the supermatter exploded, which prooves that even in vacuum, you can get that thing to explode.
What was the result of this failure/success, though?

Notice the chat. I survived at full health, but still got hallucinations.
Dont let the top right corner fool you. The blast extended pretty much one and a half screen, with only like 10% of tiles surviving in that radius. And the edges were full of ore.

One test of course isnt enough to see if this method is more usefull than a toxins maxcap, and the setup can obviously be optimized (like using an actual air stopping tile, instead of a damn grille), but i hope i gave you an idea for your next mining game ;)

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:22 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
Pretty clever.

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:17 am
by Deitus
only problem i see is that 1) if cargo is manned you're probably not gonna get em to part with 100 points easily and 2) if the shard says that over the radio you stand a damn good chance at a lynching even if you try to explain its on the asteroid. other than that i might try it if i can ever figure out how to gitgud at mining

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:33 pm
by DeutscherMajor
Deitus wrote:only problem i see is that 1) if cargo is manned you're probably not gonna get em to part with 100 points easily and 2) if the shard says that over the radio you stand a damn good chance at a lynching even if you try to explain its on the asteroid. other than that i might try it if i can ever figure out how to gitgud at mining
Yeah you are right. I tested it today with the help of a friendly engineer, and no matter how many times I said it over comms, Everybody panicked, even the AI, searching for it anywhere on the station.
What i did notice, Using a 2x1 room, 1 tile shard, 1 tile o2 canister, accessing the canister before building a window on your tile, and then opening it, you can lower the time to explode to two minutes.
The hallucinations blast has a pretty impressive range, though.

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:53 am
by whodaloo
if you hide in a locker you won't hallucinate

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:38 pm
by ThanatosRa
This is how you ss13

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:13 pm
by peoplearestrange
also for future testing as an admin you can put the following in the command/chat bar:

Code: Select all

spawn "canister
then it'll bring up a list of the cansiters, o2 is one of them, then tad da! You don't have to walk.

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:32 am
by tuypo1
i wonder if you could grab a grav cannon and fling the supermatter into the asteroid walls

it would probably destroy the ore but you could use it to clear the empty rock.

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:42 am
by newfren
tuypo1 wrote:i wonder if you could grab a grav cannon and fling the supermatter into the asteroid walls

it would probably destroy the ore but you could use it to clear the empty rock.
Pretty sure you can't do this - there was a mech murderboning with grav cannon + shard a while back, and they said that flinging the shard into people didn't work, only flinging people into the shard. I'd assume the same situation with asteroid rock.

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:15 am
by lumipharon
What if you put a shard on top of a dark matter nade?
Would the LDM suck everyone into the shard?

Re: Using supermatter for mining

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:56 pm
by callanrockslol
lumipharon wrote:What if you put a shard on top of a dark matter nade?
Would the LDM suck everyone into the shard?
Most likely yes. New traitor cargo tech meta will be get some LDM, a radiation suit and supermatter.