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Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:18 pm
by PKPenguin321
Let me start off with the extremely basic of the basics. This is a variation of the gang mode that will run in the place of standard gang some of the time. How it would work is first the game would roll for the round type, and if it rolls gang then it would roll for objective type (with the possible objectives being standard and the new one I am proposing), and then it would roll for types of gangs (normal gang/Sleeping Carp gang).
Just a thought, we could call this system "Mafia" instead of gang if it becomes its own roundtype instead of a gang variation

The basics are this: There are two gangs, and each has a disk that resembles the nuke disk; one has a red disk, one has a blue disk. The goal of both gangs is to get the enemy gang's disk and insert it into their decryptor (which is basically a reskinned dominator), successfully decrypt it by defending their decryptor until the timer runs out, then insert their own disk to take control of the station. The more areas a gang has spray-tagged, the less time it will take to decrypt the enemy disk.
All of this is not a lot different from standard gang, which I feel is the beauty of it. It adds variation that's minor enough to keep the mode true to its roots, but sufficient enough to change how the mode is played.

Now for the more specific tweaks.
Conversion pens recharge much faster than usual, and implant breakers are cheaper. This is necessary because since the gangs now have more reason to only fight each other, they need to be able to recruit the crew faster so that the crew is still relevant to the mode. It's also good to have because now that there are only ever two gangs, the mode becomes very one sided if either of them die out, and with more gang members the gang is less likely to die out. You can also have one more lieutenant than usual. If a gang boss dies, a lieutenant can take over as the boss, and the boss is demoted to lieutenant if he is revived.
Gang disks function the same way nuke disks do. If they are destroyed or taken off z-level, they warp to somewhere on the station randomly.
Decryptors, unlike dominators, send out an alert to the station that they have been built exactly thirty seconds after they're purchased, instead of sending an alert once they're activated.
Gangtools can now purchase a hacked pinpointer. It has two modes: One that can track your own disk, and one that can track the enemy disk. The enemy disk tracking function is disabled until the round is at least ten minutes in (to prevent blitzkrieg). Useful for recovering your disk if it's stolen, or tracking down the enemy disk to steal it.
Gangtools, in addition to having a "recall shuttle" button, now have a "recall disk" button. It will warp that gang's disk to a random location on the station (the same way the nuke disk teleports randomly if it's destoryed). This will not work if an enemy gangster is in possession of the disk, or if their disk is inserted in a decryptor. This button has a five minute cooldown and disables the gangtool from being used for two minutes. This is so that security/random assistants can't cuck the gang by dunking a gang boss and cramming their disk into the armory.

Edit: Woah, I almost forgot the fluff.
Various Fluff: Gang disks are half of a nuke disk, and once one is decrypted, it can be merged with another disk to make a fully functioning disk. The reason gangs take over once they've decrypted is because they can now nuke the station on a whim if the crew disobeys. Hacked pinpointers can't detect enemy disks until ten minutes in because they need time to calibrate.

Basically, it's Gang: CTF Edition, and it has a chance of rolling instead of normal dominator gangs (or it could be made into its own game mode, but eh). Thoughts?

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:34 pm
by Scones
CTF gang minus the second stage where you get a dominator to take over the station might actually acomplish the longstanding goal of getting sec to back off a little.

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:57 pm
by PKPenguin321
Scones wrote:CTF gang minus the second stage where you get a dominator to take over the station might actually acomplish the longstanding goal of getting sec to back off a little.
I thought about this, but I don't see how it would work, since rounds could literally end up being 11 minutes long as it would end as soon as one side got both disks

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:08 pm
by InsaneHyena
What if the gang leader hides his disk in a really non-obvious location, and then dies?

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:16 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
InsaneHyena wrote:What if the gang leader hides his disk in a really non-obvious location, and then dies?

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:06 am
by Amelius
Really, really shitty imho. Please don't do this, gang is fine as it is, if the popularity of the gamemode is any indication.

Also, I feel like these rounds would be insanely fast and be a complete domination on either end. The losing team will easily be swarmed by the larger, resulting in exponential growth of members on the winning side, since implants will be basically !FREE!

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:17 pm
by Screemonster
Sounds like Bay's Mutiny mode with the whole "gotta get the keys" part. Obviously this is more like their version of rev than gang.

(lol@ the null-condition of neither side winning if there's a bloodbath, but that's Bay for you)

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:54 pm
by Miauw

"if a mode designed to cause a possibly bloody civil war aboard the station causes death, EVERYBODY LOSES"

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:28 pm
by Zilenan91
Miauw wrote:lmao

"if a mode designed to cause a possibly bloody civil war aboard the station causes death, EVERYBODY LOSES"

Oh yeah it's hilarious, and I think some of the objectives the captain had to do was transfer ALL the money out of every member of X race's bank accounts into the station budget, then terminate their employment, effectively ruining their IC lives. Because of the IC dickery of those objectives, I think the mode got removed.

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:46 pm
by lumipharon
The issue I see with this is that after the 10 minute window, it's just going to be a blitz for the enemy disk, with the only options being
A: Die like a pleb and lose
B: All out brawl with all your boys
C: Massive cheese and fly around the edges of the z-level/hide the disk in an inferno/transit tube/etc

What if locating the enemy disk wasn't so cut and dry?
What if you linked it to territory control, or some new deployable device?

IE: The more territory/DISKLOCATOR9000(tm) you control, the more accurate your pinpointers are.
So at low control your pinpointer would show the disk "on you" within say, 30 tiles, so you know the general area, but not precisely.

It would also make territory/disklocators more reason to be fought over.

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:16 pm
by PKPenguin321
lumipharon wrote:The issue I see with this is that after the 10 minute window, it's just going to be a blitz for the enemy disk, with the only options being
A: Die like a pleb and lose
B: All out brawl with all your boys
C: Massive cheese and fly around the edges of the z-level/hide the disk in an inferno/transit tube/etc

What if locating the enemy disk wasn't so cut and dry?
What if you linked it to territory control, or some new deployable device?

IE: The more territory/DISKLOCATOR9000(tm) you control, the more accurate your pinpointers are.
So at low control your pinpointer would show the disk "on you" within say, 30 tiles, so you know the general area, but not precisely.

It would also make territory/disklocators more reason to be fought over.
Well, see, this new objective still uses the "spraytag to lower the timer" system. The decryptor can still be broken (the same way the dominator can be broken), so even if a gang gets the disk at the 10 minute mark, they're very likely not prepared to decrypt and attempting to do so will result in a failure.
C: Massive cheese and fly around the edges of the z-level/hide the disk in an inferno/transit tube/etc
The goal of both gangs is to get the enemy gang's disk and insert it into their decryptor (which is basically a reskinned dominator), successfully decrypt it by defending their decryptor until the timer runs out, then insert their own disk to take control of the station.
If somebody cheeses like that, their decryptor will likely just be destroyed before they make it back with their own disk to secure the win. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure gangs right now can just make a space room and plant their dominator there already, so it wouldn't be any more cheesy than that.

I do kind of like the idea of the amount of tags you have correlating with the range of your pinpointer's detection, but I feel that it would make the round very one-sided (one gang has no idea where their objective is and is getting constantly caught and murdered, the other always knows where their objective is and where their enemies are).

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:29 pm
by lumipharon
If one gang is dominating station control, then that means they have a much higher flow of point (more guns), and most likely have a lot more people too, so it already IS one sided.
For more even gangs, it makes territory control way more important in defence and offense - your gangleader/disk holder can stay relatively safe so long as you keep enemy tags in check, while you want to expand your control to hunt down the enemy disk.

Currently, you can still easily win with shit all station control. I've seen multiple times where one gang just subverts all of sec and facerolls everyone, even though they have like 10% station control.

Dominators must be installed in a station area that existed at round start. So you can't make a space autism fort and put your dominator there.
There is still loads of cheese you can employ to make your dominator retardedly hard to kill, but sanic'ing around in space with your disk just fucks over the enemy gang, since even if you're the last one left, if you have a jetpack and are pulling along a tank of gas (bullet shield + jetpack fuel) you're almost impossible to catch or kill.

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:32 am
by PKPenguin321
strength in numbers and weaponry is one thing, but not being able to strategize or even have a chance of knowing where your objectives are is pretty huge. your gang can blow up theirs or steal their weapons and turn things around, but if you're getting ambushed at every corner with no knowledge of where to attack you don't have much of a chance to turn things around.

and for the second point, the captain can fuck off to space during rev for hours to not get killed, generally that leads to admin intervention because he's just extending the round fnr
if they fuck off into space with the disk, they're not going to win since they need both disks to win, so doing that is basically grief to begin with

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:28 am
by lumipharon
They can just come back when the enemy disk is secured. While they are hunting for the enemy disk, their own is 100% safe.

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:41 am
by PKPenguin321
if that really really really becomes an issue we could just ban that person for being a shit, the same way we'd ban a captain who does that in rev (or have some form of admin intervention)

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:36 pm
by Ezel
What about a minor win when theres no domination but you have the most terrorities :^)

Re: Alternative objective for gang

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:37 pm
by blobbernaut
I like this idea. Might need a bit more fleshing out but the concept is good.